Winshluss - Lambiek Comiclopedia

Pinocchio by Winshluss

Working regularly for revues and anthologies like Jade, Ferraille or Comix 2000, Winshluss has proven to be a macabre humorist with no morals. With his expressionistic line and the simplicity of his narration, Winshluss found his own space in the comics field. He is the author of comics like 'Monsieur Ferraille', 'Pat Boon Happy End', 'Super Negra', 'Welcome to the Death Club', 'Smart Monkey' and Wizz et Buzz', which he made alone or with scriptwriter Cizo for publishers like Les Requins Marteaux, 6 Pieds sous Terre and Delcourt.

For Ferraille, by Winshluss
'For Feraille'. 

Winshluss has also worked in animation and music. He has worked with Marjane Satrapi on the film adaptation of the comic series 'Persépolis' in 2007. In 2009 his album 'Pinocchio' was awarded Album of the Year at the Angoulême festival.

Winshluss was a strong graphic influence on Flix

Monsieur Ferraille, by Winshluss
'Monsieur Ferraille'.

Series and books by Winshluss you can order today:


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