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Join Raiffeisen

I can apply online to open the account through a quick, easy and convenient process. Within minutes I could become part of the largest bank in the country.


Bëje çdo dëshirë realitet!

Kur dua të investoj në pasuri të paluajtshme, të rinovoj shtëpinë time ose të konsolidoj kreditë e mëparshme, dua të kem në dispozicion burimet financiare për të arritur qëllimet që dua!

Nëpërmjet "1Kredi" , më jepet një mundësi e jashtëzakonshme për të realizuar çdo synim që kam, më shpejt dhe me kushte të favorshme.

Pay with phone!

Even if I forget my wallet at home, I don't care that I don't have money with me. With RaiPay digital wallet, I can make contactless payments at POS terminals through my phone.

Latest news

Exchange rate

At Raiffeisen Bank I can exchange the Euro currency in other currencies and vice versa, for appropriate daily rates. I can also track the daily rate with all the currencies.

My future, my chances

No matter where my future takes me, I'm confident that I can rely on Raiffeisen Bank.

Responsible banking for a sustainable future

We are a responsible bank, which is why we support the development of green products and services.