The Meaning Behind The Song: 1985 by Bowling for Soup - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: 1985 by Bowling for Soup


The Meaning Behind The Song: 1985 by Bowling for Soup


I am currently listening to the song “1985” by Bowling for Soup as I write this article. It takes me back to my younger days, filled with nostalgia for the 80s and all the pop culture references that defined that era. This song, with its catchy tune and relatable lyrics, has resonated with many people, including myself.

The Story of Debbie

“1985” tells the tale of a woman named Debbie who is going through a mid-life crisis. The song highlights her disappointment and frustration with her current life, as it is far from what she had envisioned when she was younger. Debbie had dreams of becoming an actress and a star, but things didn’t go as planned. Now, she’s stuck in an average life, feeling unfulfilled and longing for the excitement of her youth.

The lyrics depict Debbie’s struggles as she reflects on her past and compares it to her present reality. Her dreams of shaking her ass on the hood of Whitesnake’s car and being an actress seem like distant memories. She longs for the time when Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, U2, and Blondie ruled the airwaves, and music videos were still prominent on MTV.

Nostalgic References

The song is filled with references to popular movies, bands, and iconic cultural moments from the 80s. From classic films like “Breakfast Club,” “Pretty in Pink,” and “Saint Elmo’s Fire” to musicians like Wham!, Duran Duran, and Van Halen, these references strengthen the theme of nostalgia and longing for a time gone by.

Debbie’s children, who are in high school, criticize her for still being preoccupied with 1985. They consider her uncool, as they are more interested in the music and trends of their own generation. Debbie, on the other hand, holds on tightly to her memories of a time when life seemed simpler and filled with endless possibilities.

A Different Take on the 80s

It is worth noting that “1985” is actually a cover of SR-71’s song of the same name. Bowling for Soup’s version brings a slightly different perspective to the song, injecting their signature pop-punk sound and adding their own unique style. The cover was the first single from Bowling for Soup’s 2004 album, “A Hangover You Don’t Deserve.”

In Conclusion

“1985” by Bowling for Soup resonates with listeners who have experienced the longing for the past and the desire to relive the good old days. It captures the essence of nostalgia for the 80s, a time filled with memorable music, movies, and cultural icons. Through the story of Debbie, the song reflects the universal longing for a simpler time and the disappointments that come with growing older.

Listening to this song takes me back to a time when life was filled with possibilities and the world seemed limitless. It serves as a reminder to cherish the memories and experiences that have shaped us, while also encouraging us to find joy and fulfillment in the present.

As I finish writing this article, the chorus of “1985” plays in my head, creating a sense of connection and shared experiences with fellow listeners. Let’s embrace nostalgia, but also appreciate the present and all the new experiences it has to offer.


– Produced By: Butch Walker
– Written By: John Allen, Mitch Allan, and Jaret Ray Reddick
– Mixing Engineer: Tom Lord‐Alge
– Mastering Engineer: Chaz Harper
– Recording Engineer: Russ-T Cobb
– Recorded At: Red Ruby Productions in Atlanta, Georgia
– Release Date: July 27, 2004

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