How to craft a Lease Renewal Letter to wow your tenants [Free Template]

Calendar icon January 9, 2024

How to Craft a Lease Renewal Letter That Wows Your Residents [Free Template]

What if we told you it's possible to craft a lease renewal letter that makes everyone happy – even when you raise the rent? 

That’s right! It’s absolutely possible, and it’s all about positioning. How do you choose pricing? How do you then position and present your lease renewal offer? How do you do this in a way that promotes clarity, builds trust, and drives the business results you’re after? 

That’s what we’re covering in today’s topic: Crafting a lease renewal letter. We’ll dig into what it is, what you should include, and why an effective letter is so important for all stakeholders. We’ll also provide an example and a template you can use yourself.

What is a lease renewal letter?

A lease renewal letter is a document sent by a landlord or a property manager to notify residents that their lease is nearing its end, and to present the terms of a new lease or simply give the option to renew. It should be sent to tenants at least 60-90 days before the lease’s expiration date to give them advance notice of changes and enough time to make their own decisions. 

Your lease renewal notice should give residents a clear understanding of the timeline and their options and ideally make it easy for them to renew their lease – if that’s what you and the investor want.

If you don’t want to renew or are pursuing an eviction, you will follow a different process.


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What does a lease renewal letter include?

At its most basic, a lease renewal letter is just a statement of the ending of an old lease and the beginning of a new one. But a really successful letter should do more than that.

The goal of a lease renewal letter should be to present any changes in a way that makes it clear to the resident why those changes are happening, and how it can be a benefit to all parties. It should smooth out the transition and position the renewal in a way that – as we said above – promotes clarity, builds trust, and drives the business results you’re after.

Are you raising rent this year? (You probably should be increasing rent each year, according to the market.) How can you position this change in a way that satisfies your investors and your residents? One example is to include a clear comparison of the cost of moving vs. renewing. 

Another great way to position those changes is to outline resident benefits that are included in the lease. A resident benefits package can drive unique value for residents to renew. 

These are all important considerations in framing the letter. With that in mind, here are the practical components of a lease renewal letter:


Like any formal document, you should include your name and address, and the resident’s full name and the property address at the top. Also, put the date the letter is being sent. 

This is important for your records, but also to demonstrate respect and professionalism in the document.

Lease expiration date

Start with a clear statement that their current lease is coming to a close and include the exact expiration date of their current lease.

New lease terms

Outline the new lease agreement and terms of the lease, including the duration of the renewed lease. The resident should be able to read the letter and understand exactly what is changing from the original lease. Your goal is to help them make an informed decision based on those changes.

Description of the benefits included with the lease

If you’re offering something like a Resident Benefits Package, the lease renewal letter is a great opportunity to remind residents of those benefits. Concisely and clearly outlining the value they get from the RBP is a great way to position yourself for success in the next year. 

The lease renewal letter is also an excellent opportunity to introduce a resident benefits package if it’s new to your residents. Outline the valuable benefits and how it will drive better quality of life, improve financial stability, and even cut long-term costs for your residents.

Rent increase (if applicable)

Another part of the new lease terms might be a rent increase. The amount of a rental increase should be based on the market in your area. In this section, it’s extra important to add context for the resident. Include the estimated cost of moving, the market trends, and other factors that go into the rent increase. 

Help them understand that you’re not fleecing them! Give enough clear context to explain that the increase ensures that you and the investor can afford to continue to offer the high-quality home and benefits they’ve become accustomed to. 

A Note about Rent Increases: This is a tricky subject for a lot of property managers. 

For self-managing landlords, sometimes the topic of increasing rent can feel daunting. After all, what if the resident doesn’t like the increase and decides to move? That’s a lot of cost and effort for turnaround if you just have one rental property to manage and it’s not your full-time job. 

The problem, though, is that if you’re not incrementally increasing rent, one day, you’ll discover a big gap between your rental price and the market price. Then you’re faced with an even messier situation of bumping up the price by a lot.

Even among professional property managers, this question can get tricky. Some people just raise the rent by an arbitrary amount. However, the ideal approach is to evaluate the market in your area and ensure that your properties are in line with that pricing.

Why is a lease renewal letter important for tenants and landlords?

Remember, we’re aiming to provide clarity, build trust, and drive business results. A letter at the outset of a new lease can do all three of these things. 

For tenants in a property, a lease renewal letter helps set out all the factors they need to consider when making a decision for their coming year. It helps reduce disruptions in their living situation and sets them up for success and satisfaction in their next lease term.  

For the real estate investor, a renewal letter is critical to achieving any necessary new agreements, rent increases, etc. A well-composed letter will help reduce turnover (and thus turnover costs) and increase satisfaction. 

And, for a property management company, a lease renewal letter gets everyone on the same page, ensures consistent rental income, and can position a new lease as a triple win for residents, investors, and property managers.

Lease renewal letter template and how to customize it

Here's how to customize the template for your own use:

Date and contact information

Since this is a legal document, include the date and your contact information at the top. Below that, include the current tenant’s name and the address of the property in question. 

Make sure to personalize the salutation as well, such as: “Dear [Tenant First Name] [Tenant Last Name].”

Friendly introduction and framing

Write a friendly greeting that establishes the value they provide to you. This, of course, can be tweaked for different residents, depending on your experience with them. But an example is that you can thank them for being wonderful tenants and explain that this letter is to make the renewal process as easy and frictionless as possible for them. Then, to frame what's coming, explain that your company aims to make their resident experience the best it can be and list a few of the updates you're making to services or benefits, or simply review what you've been offering.

Key details about lease expiration

Clearly outline the end of their current lease term with the lease end date. You can include reminders on what was included with that existing lease and explain that you are happy to renew with them for another year (or whatever lease term you want).

Terms and conditions of the new lease

Next, clearly outline the terms and conditions of the new lease. What is the duration of the lease? Has anything changed in what the residents are agreeing to? 

This is where you’ll also include any rent increases. You can customize this for your area, but it’s good to address resident expectations here. Give context on the cost of a move and the changing cost of property/maintenance/rentals/etc. in your market, and how that affects the changes in rent amount.

Next steps for the resident

Explain what you need next from the resident. Typically, all you need is for them to sign the letter and return it to you. Let them know how they can reach you with questions or requests.


Sign off with a friendly goodbye and include your signature along with your printed name and the date again.

Next steps after sending a lease renewal letter

Okay, so you’ve sent your brilliantly crafted, perfectly positioned lease renewal letter. What’s next? 

Well, the resident may simply sign on the dotted line and send it back. Or they may have questions, requests, or negotiations. The third option is they may let you know they don’t intend to renew. Here’s how to deal with those scenarios.

Consider tenant requests

It’s completely reasonable to expect that some residents will have questions about the letter or may even contact you with requests to make changes to the new lease terms. 

Property managers should be prepared to field those requests, be open-minded to reasonable ones, but also be ready to explain if a request can’t be accommodated. Showing some flexibility is a great way to get resident buy-in, but ultimately the decision isn’t always up to you. 

Be ready again with context and positioning to explain the changes in a positive way. You made the changes to benefit everyone, so make that clear when communicating with residents.

What to do if a tenant declines

You have different options if a tenant declines to agree to the new terms. You could change the tenant’s lease terms, transition to month-to-month, etc. Or, you can proceed with a non-renewal and prepare the property for listing and getting a new resident. 

This should trigger your team’s move-out processes. Request a written notice of the resident’s intent, establish a move-out date and move-out instructions, including what will happen with the security deposit. Then, your team will want to begin the process of marketing for a new tenant.

Legal considerations

Lease renewals must comply with state and local laws, avoid discrimination, and be clear about the rights and responsibilities of both parties. If you are terminating a lease in a state that requires a “just cause,” you need to provide a legitimate reason for not renewing the lease.  

The key is to know the requirements in your jurisdiction. It’s also a good idea to have a lawyer review your lease renewal template before you make it standard across your properties.

Final thoughts

When it comes time to renew a lease, you have a unique opportunity for positioning with your residents. A lease renewal letter is your chance to reconnect on terms, update expectations, increase rent if needed, and more. And the way you compose that letter – and the way you position the changes – can make all the difference in your renewal rate and resident satisfaction. 

It’s also the perfect opportunity to introduce a Resident Benefits Package and remind residents how your role is to add value to their living situation. 

Use our guide above to ensure your lease renewal notice is clear, helps build trust, and helps drive business outcomes for you and your investor clients.

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Managing Property Management KPIs

Defining the KPIs you want to track as a property manager is one thing, but ensuring that you’re consistently getting useful information and insights from those KPIs is another. KPI management is an important process that is often not given enough effort, and the result is incomplete data or metrics that don’t do a great job actually showing you what you want to know about your company. KPI Management comes with two key parts. Ensuring you’re using the right KPIs Ensuring the data is comprehensive and accurate There are no steadfast rules for what KPIs you should and shouldn’t track in property management. As long as you understand what you’re trying to measure, you’re committed to continuous improvement, and you don’t overload your KPI sheet, you’re on the right track. "So I have gone across the bridge that maybe many of you have of having a spreadsheet with 400 KPIs, and it was crushing us," says Tim Wehner, Marketing Coordinator at Dodson Companies and property management veteran. "I blew up that bridge, Don't cross that again, right. I like five, especially for the property managers. You just say, hey, there's just five numbers I'm going to track. It's like the power five KPIs." Obviously, there will be different KPIs at different levels of the organization, but Wehner’s power five KPIs for his property managers are: Tenant vacancy rate Owner delinquency rate Available unit rate Percentage of units in turn Percentage of PMR collected But while what he is measuring may be valuable to you, his bigger point here is that managing the quantity of your KPIs is important in order to maintain focus and clarity in the data. These aren’t set in stone. If you find that your set of KPIs isn’t giving you the information you want, you can always adjust. Many companies conduct quarterly reviews of what they’re actually measuring to ensure the effort they put into tracking is ultimately fruitful. "We review our KPIs, not the numbers, we do review the numbers, but the actual type of KPI, we review that every quarter to see is this number still relevant? Or do we want to replace it with something else?" says Julie Mullinax, Owner of CRM Properties. "So that would be one thing that I would say, don't feel like, if you have these five KPIs for your property managers, you have to keep those five KPIs for your property managers for the next 10 years. I think we've really changed ours as we see a number got better. " Ensuring that KPIs are useful to the people using them helps heighten awareness of the importance and current state of those metrics. That team buy-in is critical. “One of the things that's really important about KPIs is this idea of trash and trash out,” says BetterWho CEO Matthew Tringali, the idea being that if you put trash effort into your KPI structure, you’re not going to get helpful insights as the output. “We all have this idea of like, oh, yeah, I agree with these beautiful KPIs. And you know, I want my software to produce this beautiful report, this beautiful number," continues Tringali. "The reality is, most or all of your software can do that stuff, but it's only going to be as good as your team is at actually putting in the numbers. So if you don't have the right fields, or your team is just, you know, they don't see the value without putting the numbers in, then you can't actually make progress with that.” Tringali’s point about KPIs is similar to a prevalent point he and many others have made about tech as the PM industry has been inundated with automation systems: If your team, as the people using the process, is not invested and committed to it, it will not work. The idea of having a simple approach and a manageable number of KPIs for people to keep track of plays directly into this, especially with more action-oriented people like your sales team. Different property management firms have different approaches to ensure data is valid and entered regularly. Wehner employs a remote team member whose job is explicitly that. “all of our property management, property managers, all of our staff, our leasing agents, they're all very, very busy,” says Wehner “So you want to make it super easy. And then one of the things that we do is we have actually a remote team member, that we have that that's what their sole focus is, is making sure that our data in our systems is correct.” Darus Trutna, Founder of Rentor, is a big believer in a process that gets his team to internalize the numbers, the theory being that being in "physical contact" with your most critical metrics on a daily basis prevents overlooking them. "You just need to type on the keyboard that number, right?" says Trutna. "It has to go from the screen here, in here, I see my delinquency rate, I then have to express that number on people. So I feel that number. And I want the team members to know those numbers, because that's pain for the owner. Right, and for the resident, and for us. And so I've actually moved away from automation." Reluctance and hesitance comes from this friction to do something right. We've all had some habit we wanted to start, right? But until you make it incredibly easy and put it in front of yourself, so you can't not do it. That's how we operate now. So we have a team dashboard that we've set up, and the team members cannot leave for the day until those data points are entered. And once again, they can ask for help with it. But it's not something that you can not do. And the whole team sees they haven't put their KPIs in there. So the data is really easy to pull, and then you can't get away in a sense, right? It's just there in front of you. It's like putting something on top of your keys before you leave, right you're not going to forget the item because you can't get your keys without touching the KPI." Wehner ties incentives to team member-specific KPIs in order to promote the importance of tracking. "What we've done with the team is we have financial incentive payments in their portfolios, so they have a certain percentage they receive every quarter based off the actual revenue of their portfolio. So every Tuesday we have our weekly huddle and the five or six property managers, they have their KPI report, their delinquency rate, vacancy rate, and turnover numbers. The discussion is that the lower the delinquency rate, a higher the bonus, the lower the vacancy rate, the higher the bonus, etc." Savvy property managers understand the importance of a system of KPIs that produce consistent, actionable insights. If you're finding that you have KPIs, but you're struggling to pull useful information from them, consider some of the tactics above to create something that's of a more beneficial nature to you business.

Calendar icon May 29, 2024

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15 Best Property Management Accounting Software in 2024

Property management accounting is a specialized branch of accounting that deals specifically with the financial management of rental properties. Property management accounting includes tracking rental income, managing expenses, handling tenant deposits, and producing financial reports. It helps property managers maintain accurate and comprehensive financial records for each property they manage. In today's complex real estate landscape, managing single-family rental properties can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to accounting and finance management. Understanding property management accounting, as well as the best property management accounting software to support it, can make this task significantly easier. In this article, we're talking to a property management accounting expert. We’ll delve into the best property management accounting software available in 2023, and we’ll help you choose the right software that fits your property management needs. We'll also address frequently asked questions about property management accounting software, including aspects like ease of use, integrations, pricing, and support. In general, property management accounting software serves to alleviate the time and effort that might be required to manage finances manually. It can also help plan for expenses, foresee any cash flow issues, and make better-informed financial issues. And perhaps most importantly, it helps property managers stay in compliance with requirements around tax calculations and reporting. Note that there are two key components of property management accounting: corporate and trust accounting. Corporate accounting involves the financial transactions and record keeping of the property management company itself and is generally the same kind of accounting you’d do with any business or corporation. This might include the company's operational expenses, income, taxes, payroll, etc. Trust accounting, on the other hand, is unique. It concerns the financial management of clients' funds held by the property management company. This can include tenant rents, security deposits, and funds reserved for property maintenance or repairs. It's crucial to keep these funds separate and accurately tracked to comply with legal requirements and maintain transparency with property owners. Because of the unique nature of bookkeeping with trust accounting – and its relevance for property managers – we’re mostly focusing today on trust accounting, or software that can manage both corporate and trust accounting. So, whether you're new to property management or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your software, this article has something for everyone. Let's get started! Meet the Expert: Kristin Johnson, Founder & CEO of TripleTie Kristin Johnson founded and leads the property management accounting solution TripleTie, which is designed to help property management companies manage and conduct accurate trust accounting. Related: Best Single Family Property Management Software Best Property Management Accounting Software Let’s go over some of the best property management accounting software solutions in 2023. After that, we’ll also share an extensive FAQ that we had with Johnson about the ins and outs of property management accounting. Before diving into our list, we asked Johnson what good property management software should include. “Having the ability to work within one system is huge,” she says. “Rather than having to parse out, for example, I do my screening over here, and I do my maintenance over here. Instead, you have it all integrated and built-in, and the system talks well with itself. You’re not having to import and export so much data. That’s crucial.” She gives an example of a time when she was using a platform that didn’t have that capability. “When we were working in New Mexico, we had to charge sales tax on services. So our management fees, our RBP, all of those things had to have sales tax added onto them. Our software at the time didn't have a function built where I could say, ‘This item is taxable, and this is the tax rate.’ I had to manually create recurring bills on every single one of those fees. And then, every year, when the state updated the sales tax rate, I had to go and update thousands of recurring bills. It was a nightmare!” So, as we go through the list, keep in mind that different software has various degrees of customization, open APIs, etc. Cost is a big consideration, but looking for an all-in-one is also important. 1. Rentvine Johnson’s top recommendation for accounting software is Rentvine. “Rentvine is really dialed in on trust accounting,” Johnson says. “There’s no need for a lot of the workarounds that we see in some of the other trust accounting providers. At its core, it’s a true trust accounting platform, and then the beauty and usability are built on top of that piece.” Rentvine is deeply customizable for property management tools and needs, with the ability to build your unique owner statements, custom management fees, custom late fees, etc. “The other thing I love about Rentvine is that it does have an open API,” Johnson says. “So if you did want to integrate with an external maintenance company, for example, you can get a seamless integration through the API.” Pros: User-friendly design with an intuitive dashboard that simplifies property management and accounting tasks. RentVine's accounting system is robust and includes automatic rent collection, workflows, real-time expense tracking, and detailed financial reporting. Features like online tenant portals, CRM, maintenance request management, and built-in messaging make tenant communication more streamlined. Cons: Some users have noted that the mobile app lacks some of the desktop version's features. While RentVine offers excellent features, the platform may be more expensive compared to other options, especially for smaller property portfolios. 2. AppFolio AppFolio is an extremely popular property management platform that works well for both residential and commercial property management. It has a modern and intuitive interface but can be pricey with add-ons and complex to use. What we like about AppFolio is the reporting ability, automation (late fees, smart bill entry, etc.), utility management features, etc. The drawbacks include the price and, as Johnson points out, it’s not as customizable as she would want for an accounting piece. “It is not a super strong accounting platform and does require a lot of workarounds,” Johnson says. However, if you’re willing to use a few workarounds and you like AppFolio for the other key features, it does have a solid accounting platform. Pros: AppFolio provides a comprehensive suite of accounting tools that include automated invoicing, ACH and online payments, financial reporting, and bank reconciliation. It offers a CRM with excellent resident and owner portals for transparent communication, metrics, and easy access to financial data. AppFolio supports both corporate and trust accounting, which is important for regulatory compliance. Cons: AppFolio is not as customizable as other software options and may require workarounds. While AppFolio is feature-rich, it has a steeper learning curve which may be challenging for less tech-savvy users. Pricing is based on a per-unit model, which could make it expensive for managers with a smaller number of properties. 3. Buildium Buildium is a comprehensive property management software designed to simplify all facets of property management, including robust accounting features. It provides seamless handling of all property-related transactions, from tracking rent payments and vendor bills to handling maintenance costs and fees. The software also supports both corporate and trust accounting, ensuring legal compliance and transparency. Pros: User-friendly interface with a strong emphasis on accounting. Automatic bank reconciliation, making it easy to manage multiple accounts. Robust reporting, including balance sheets, cash flow, and income statements. Cons: The learning curve can be steep for those new to property management software. Advanced key features may require premium plans, which could be costly for small businesses. 4. Yardi Breeze Yardi Breeze is a cloud-based property management software ideal for smaller-scale PMCs. The platform offers a robust suite of tools, including strong property management accounting capabilities. Pros: Yardi Breeze provides in-depth financial reporting and accounting features, from tracking rent collection and expenses to generating financial statements. It has a user-friendly interface and offers automated invoice processing and bank reconciliation, simplifying accounting tasks. It supports both corporate and trust accounting, crucial for legal compliance and transparency. Cons: The software is feature-rich, which may result in a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with property management software. Some users have reported that customer service response times can be slow. Its comprehensive features come at a higher price point compared to other options in the market, which may be a barrier for smaller businesses. 5. Hemlane Hemlane is a cloud-based property management solution designed for small to midsize businesses, with a focus on facilitating the relationship between property owners and managers, residents, and service professionals. Pros: Hemlane's accounting features are comprehensive, providing the ability to track income and expenses, automate rent collection, and generate financial reports. It supports both corporate and trust accounting, helping property managers maintain compliance and transparency. User-friendly and intuitive interface, which is a big plus for those new to property management software. Cons: While it has a good range of features, some users report that it lacks the depth of more comprehensive management systems. Some users have reported occasional system slowdowns and bugs. Limited customer support hours can make it challenging for businesses that operate outside of these times. 6. TenantCloud TenantCloud is a cloud-based property management software solution suitable for landlords and property managers of all sizes. It offers a wide array of features, including a dedicated accounting module. Pros: TenantCloud’s accounting features allow users to track income and expenses, send invoices, collect online payments, and generate financial reports. Its intuitive interface and ease of use are especially appealing for those new to property management software. TenantCloud supports both corporate and trust accounting, facilitating legal compliance and transparency. Cons: Some users report that the system can be slow and occasionally glitchy. While its basic features are on a free plan, advanced accounting functionalities come with paid plans, which might be a drawback for small businesses. Some users have reported that the customer service could be more responsive and supportive. 7. Rent Manager Rent Manager is a versatile property management software solution that provides a wealth of features tailored to property managers, including accounting. Pros: Rent Manager's accounting features are comprehensive, enabling users to track income and expenses, automate invoicing, and payment processing, and produce detailed financial reports. The software offers both corporate and trust accounting, ensuring compliance and providing transparent financial management. Rent Manager's open API allows for integration with numerous other software solutions, making it a flexible choice. Cons: Some users find Rent Manager's extensive features a bit overwhelming, leading to a steeper learning curve. The cost can be high for small businesses or those with fewer units, as pricing is based on the number of units managed. While Rent Manager offers comprehensive support, there are some reports of slower response times. 8. Propertyware Propertyware is a cloud-based, end-to-end property management software that offers a range of features, including a strong accounting suite. They offer custom fields and automation for PMs, real estate investors, and residents. Pros: Propertyware’s accounting module is quite comprehensive, allowing users to track income and expenses, handle online payments, and generate detailed and customized financial reports. It supports both corporate and trust accounting, important for maintaining transparency and legal compliance. It includes an “owner portal” and maintenance request management features. Cons: The initial setup can be complex to get right, and there can be a steep learning curve for those new to property management software. The pricing is not ideal for smaller PMCs with fewer than 250 rental properties. 9. Rentec Direct Rentec Direct is a web-based property management software designed for “landlords” and property managers, offering a wide variety of features, including an extensive accounting system. Pros: Rentec Direct's accounting tools provide capabilities for tracking income and expenses, automating rent collection, and producing in-depth financial reports. It supports both corporate and trust accounting, helping ensure legal compliance and transparency. Features like owner portals, work order management, tenant screening, and SMSM services. Cons: The product and interface are older and less intuitive than others on the market. The reporting feature, while robust, may require some time to understand and use effectively. Some users have reported that the system can be slow at times, particularly during peak usage hours. 10. DoorLoop DoorLoop is a property management software designed to streamline the management process for property managers with all sizes of portfolios. It comes with a robust accounting suite, among other features. Pros: DoorLoop's accounting features are extensive, allowing for the tracking of income and expenses, rent collection, and generation of financial reports. It supports both corporate and trust accounting, ensuring legal compliance and providing transparent financial management. The software has a user-friendly interface, making it an attractive choice for users with varying levels of tech proficiency. Cons: While DoorLoop offers many features, it may take some time to get used to all of its capabilities, and it is less customizable than other options. Some users have reported occasional system slowdowns and bugs. The cost could be high for those managing a smaller number of properties as the pricing is based on the number of units managed. Honorable Mentions The list above is not intended to be exhaustive, but we did want to make a brief mention of a few other software applications for property managers that incorporate some accounting features: RealPage RealPage provides a technology platform rather than a software application per se, with the aim of enabling “real estate owners and managers to change how people experience and use rental space." ResMan Tagline: “ResMan’s industry-leading property management platform helps multifamily and affordable housing managers operate more efficiently and deliver higher rates of return to investors.” Entrata Tagline: “The operating system built to help you focus on residents, not technology.” A Note on Other Accounting Software While this article focuses on software tailored to property management accounting, it's worth mentioning general accounting solutions like QuickBooks online. QuickBooks, a well-known accounting software, is versatile and can be effectively used in a variety of industries, including the real estate business. It offers robust features like tracking income and expenses, invoicing, and generating detailed financial reports. However, because it's not specifically designed for property management, it may lack specialized features like tenant and lease tracking or lease management, maintenance requests, or property-specific reporting. That's why it didn't make our main list, but for some property managers, especially those managing a small number of units, it might serve their needs adequately. FAQ: Property Management Accounting At Second Nature, we’ve been in the SFR property management space for a long time. We gathered up some of the most burning questions property managers ask about property management accounting. Kristin Johnson helped us answer them. What accounting should I use for property management business? Kristin Johnson: The type of account property managers need is a true trust account – which very few banks actually offer. Many local banks or even big ones like Chase and Wells Fargo will give you a checking account and then label it a trust account. That is NOT a trust account. In normal bank accounts, you have $250K of FDIC insurance. A trust account has FDIC insurance per owner that has funds in the account. So they each have $250K of FDIC insurance. The only bank that I’m positive offers true trust accounts is Enterprise. How should you report rent in property management accounting? Kristin Johnson: If a tenant pays early, it's considered prepaid rent. It needs to stay booked as prepaid rent until it gets actually booked against the rent charge, and only then should the funds be made available to the owner. I know that some property managers use it to pay bills. But technically, it’s a liability until it's actually earned, so it should not be used to pay bills, and it should not be distributed to the owner. Those are funds that belong to the renters until there's an actual rent charge booked against them. That's piece number one to understand. Then, getting to the end-of-year side of it, the IRS does lay out that prepaid rent is taxable in the year that it is collected. So it should be reported as part of the 1099 income. What is the purpose of clearing accounts in property management? Kristin Johnson: The clearing account really serves as an intermediary while the security deposit funds are essentially in transit. When we're getting ready to move out a tenant, those funds get released from the holding account, and it goes into the clearing account where we are booking, say, cleaning against it or whatever move-out charges need to go against it before we do a final distribution to the tenant. So it's just kind of a quick intermediary place where it sits very temporarily before the security deposit gets released and then distributed. Who is responsible for sales tax in property management? Kristin Johnson: Well, it depends on the function of the sales tax. There are a couple of different instances where sales tax comes into place. For example, New Mexico is a sales-tax-on-services state. Everybody is responsible for sales tax, meaning if it's a management fee, the owner is responsible for the sales tax. If it's a tenant fee, the tenant is responsible for paying the sales tax. Ultimately, the PM is responsible for gathering that sales tax and remitting it to the state. There are some states where rent is taxable. Similarly, in those states, the owner is ultimately responsible for the sales tax. But many times, the PM will collect the sales tax from the tenant and pay it to the state on the owner's behalf. A lot of times, what we'll see is, for example, the rent may be a thousand dollars, and the state says we need 7% of that. So you would tack an additional 7% onto the rent. The tenant would pay the thousand dollars plus the 7%, which would come into a liability or holding account on the ledger. Then a lot of times, the PM would pay that to the state on behalf of the owner. What should be the frequency of record keeping in property management? Kristin Johnson: “Money in should be accounted for immediately as received. States will usually dictate how quickly receipts have to be deposited, but our recommendation is that they always get deposited same day with the bank or as soon as practical thereafter. As far as record-keeping to the owner goes, most states actually mandate that at least monthly reporting happens to the owner. Certainly, in trust accounting, record keeping should be looked at daily, weekly, and monthly to make sure that it's staying in line. Soft reconciliation should be happening at least weekly, if not daily, to ensure that all of the money is fully accounted for and that you're not going to have any issues when you're closing out the end of the month. Why would a property management firm use classes in accounting software? Kristin Johnson: Classes could be done by various categorizations: single family, multifamily, commercial – in other words, the type of property that you're managing if you wanted to keep records that way. We always used classes in our company because we were in seven markets, and so we would use classes per market. If I wanted to track my Farmington location or my Denver location, or my Charlotte location, I had all of my income and expenses broken down in classes by location. It could be location, it could be property class type, really whatever kind of granular level you want to dive down and break out could be done by classes. Do PMs set up owners as vendors in accounting software? Kristin Johnson: If you're working in a true property management software, owners will be set up as owners, and you would do owner distributions to them as owners. It's possible that if someone's not using a trust accounting platform – if they're using something like QuickBooks – then probably yes, you would have them set up as vendors. But if you're managing a true trust accounting software, I don't ever recommend setting up owners as vendors. It kind of convolutes end-of-year reporting. You have to issue 1099s to your owners, and you have to issue 1099s to vendors. If you have them set up both as an owner and as a vendor, you're theoretically sending out two different 1099s – which wouldn’t necessarily be proper. How much should a property management company spend on accounting? Kristin Johnson: Accounting is one thing in property management that you don't want to skimp on. The most important function of a property manager is to be a good steward of other people's money. I don't know that there's a range, but I will say that it very well may end up being your largest expense. But worth the money. Conclusion The software you choose for property management accounting can significantly streamline your operations and contribute to the growth and success of your business. Each option has its strengths and potential drawbacks, so it's vital to select a solution that fits your unique needs and portfolio size. By equipping yourself with the right tools, you can streamline your accounting processes, ensure accuracy and compliance, and ultimately, drive your property management business toward greater success. If you want to get more input on your property management software, check out our Triple Win PM Community on Facebook. Or, see more of our studies on property management best practices and services like our Resident Benefits Package.

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