Dave Smale | the wannabe novelist...

A Desperate Soul

A Novel

For seventeen-year-old Jacob Jordan, life looks bleak. Having lost his parents at a young age of eleven, depression consumed him. There’s now little room for anything but partying and music in his life. To the dismay of his legal guardian, his God-loving grandmother Tilda, Jacob’s life spirals downward. Nonetheless, she never stops praying for and loving him even after he leaves home and falls-in with a troubled crowd.

After weeks of partying, unpaid gigs and girls, Jacob finally hits rock bottom when his housemates throw him out. In despair, he has nowhere to go but back to his grandma’s house.

Upon his return, Jacob learns that Tilda is on her deathbed. He arrives at her bedside in time to hear her parting words: “Lord, open his eyes… that he might see” – a reference to a bible story (2 Kings 6:17). But Jacob’s forgotten all he’d learned in church as a kid. Thus, he has no idea of what awaits him outside. And what he now sees is beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

Jacob turns to Pastor Billy Bradley for help as the supernatural realm which only he can see becomes more real and terrifying. Will he be able to find hope and a way back to Jesus? Or have things gotten so bad for Jacob that it’s too late for any hope of salvation?

Biblical fantasy “A Desperate Soul” is not only about despair. It’s about forgiveness and reminding you to have hope.


Dave Smale

Dave grew up in Southern California, certain that he was destined for rock stardom. Thankfully, that wasn’t the will of God for his life. Having given his life to Christ as a young sailor in the US Navy, he mistakenly assumed he was instead to take the stage as a pastor. For many frustrating and humiliating years, he learned that he was far too prideful for such a profession. After much prayer and soul-searching, novel plots and characters began forming in his mind. Dave arrived at the conclusion he was either crazy, or supposed to be writing. He’s assuming the latter for now, but the jury is still out. He now resides on the Virginia coast with his wife and children… and pastors a small congregation.

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