Andrew Yang is the cofounder of the Forward Party, a new independent political movement dedicated to restoring the promise of US democracy.

Why you should listen

A Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, Andrew Yang is the founder of Humanity Forward and Venture for America. His New York Times bestseller The War on Normal People helped introduce the idea of universal basic income into the political mainstream, and his most recent book, Forward: Notes on the Future of Our Democracy, became a national bestseller. He is a frequent speaker and commentator and writes a weekly blog and newsletter at

Andrew Yang’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Andrew Yang

Live from TED2024

Provocateurs: Notes on Session 5 of TED2024

April 17, 2024

Bold ideas often meet resistance — but what if they were met with curiosity? Session 5 of TED2024 didn’t shy away from audacious ideas. Instead, it invited us all to embrace the discomfort of considering the impossible and unfamiliar, to find the courage to step into someone else’s shoes and assume goodness in those around […]

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