Welders and Welding Equipment | Lincoln Electric

Welders and Welding Equipment

Find the latest welding equipment and technology.

Stick welders for welding a range of materials and thicknesses in the shop or field.

TIG welders give you The Power to Perform(SM) with precision arc control.

Wire feeder welders for home, farm, auto body, or production environments.

Versatile multi-process welders are simple, reliable, and ideal for general and heavy fabrication applications.

Power Wave® power sources offer discrete waveforms for optimal arc performance on a variety of materials.

Single welding power source Multi-Weld™ system or rack-mounted arrays of compact multi-process welders.

Engine driven welders combine AC and/or DC welding with AC generator power for even the toughest environments.

Submerged arc and automatic equipment includes welders and wire feeders for heavy fabrication environments.

Wire feeders with two or four roll drives systems deliver miles of arc welding wire in the shop or at the construction site.

Lincoln Electric offers a complete line of portable, stationary, and engineered solutions for welding fume control.  

Training Equipment

From VRTEX® virtual trainers to fume control systems – learn how Lincoln Electric can help you train the next generation of welders.