roil verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at

Definition of roil verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


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  1. [transitive] (North American English)
    (also rile British and North American English)
    roil somebody to annoy somebody or make them angry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] (literary) (of a liquid, cloud, surface, etc.) to move quickly and violently in different directions; to make a liquid, cloud, surface, etc. move quickly and violently in different directions
    • The waves roiled and crashed up against the side of the ship.
    • The clouds roiled above in the dark sky.
    • roil something Winds often roil the sea here.
    • (figurative) The collapse of the mortgage sector has roiled markets.
    • The minister was accused of roiling the political waters.
See roil in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
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