From Ahn So-hee, a former member of the girl group Wonder Girls, to Shim Chang-min (active name Choi.. - MK
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Shin Youngeun
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2024-05-09 17:08:08
◆ Shin Young-eun's kaleidoscope
Shim Chang-min and Ahn So-hee. Photo by Star Today DB
Shim Chang-min and Ahn So-hee. Photo by Star Today DB

From Ahn So-hee, a former member of the girl group Wonder Girls, to Shim Chang-min (active name Choi Kang-min), Korea's leading K-pop idols are challenging the theater and musical stages one after another. It is drawing attention to see new challenges of K-pop idols on the stage, not in the K-pop concert hall.

Ahn So-hee is taking the stage of the play "Closer." "Closer" opened on April 23 and will be performed at Daehak-ro Plus Theater in Jongno-gu, Seoul until July 14.

The play "Closer" is a modern London, depicting the process of four men and women, Alice, Dan, Anna, and Larry, meeting and becoming entangled in each other's lives. It has received various awards since its premiere in London's West End in 1997.

Ahn So-hee, a former member of the girl group Wonder Girls and an actor, will challenge the theater stage through "Closer" for the first time since her debut. Ahn So-hee plays the role of stripper Alice and shows unconventional performances such as smoking.

Ahn So-hee said, "I was so interested in theater and I heard stories from many colleagues around me. Whenever I watched the stage, I thought that I wanted to act on the theater stage someday. Then, I had a chance to appear in "Closer." When I watched the movie before, I was impressed, so I was glad and grateful to participate, and I challenged the theater stage. Alice's character was rather interesting than burdensome, and it's good to be able to play a new look. As it is my first attempt at the play, I wonder how you will see it," he said.

Shim Chang-min challenges his first musical stage through the musical 'Benjamin Burton'. 'Benjamin Burton' is the Korean premiere and will be performed at the Sejong M Theater in Seoul from the 11th to June 30th.

"Benjamin Burton" is a creative musical based on the short story of F. Scott Fitzgerald, who is also famous for the original film "Benjamin Burton's Clock Goes Upside Down."

Shim Chang-min plays Benjamin Burton, a title role and a man who is born in the form of an old man and is getting younger, convinced that the sweet spot in his life that Mama told him was Blue, and devoted his life to pursuing his love with her. Shim Chang-min, who debuted as a group TVXQ in 2003 and actively worked as a singer and actor, is drawing attention to his musical actor debut 21 years after his debut through "Benjamin Burton."

In addition, Shownu of boy group Monsta X made his first musical debut as a musical actor through the musical "Great Comat," which opened on March 26, and girl group Oh My Girl Hyojung will make her first attempt on the musical stage through the musical "A Thousand Blue."

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