30 Facts About Rick Ross - Facts.net
Leticia Kerley

Written by Leticia Kerley

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Xxlmag.com

Rick Ross, the larger-than-life hip-hop artist and mogul, has been making waves in the music industry for over a decade. With his distinctive deep voice, commanding presence, and unapologetic lyrics, Ross has built a reputation as one of the most influential figures in rap. But there’s much more to this rapper than meets the eye. In this article, we’ll dive into 30 fascinating facts about Rick Ross that will give you a deeper insight into his life and career. From his humble beginnings to his rise to stardom, Ross’s journey is filled with triumphs, controversies, and inspiring moments. So, prepare to delve into the world of Rick Ross and discover the man behind the music.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rick Ross, the rap legend, overcame obstacles, built an empire, and remains a dedicated father, philanthropist, and influential figure in the music and fashion industry.
  • From his booming voice to his love for luxury, Rick Ross continues to evolve as an artist, captivating listeners with his storytelling and leaving an indelible mark on the world of hip-hop.
Table of Contents

Rick Ross was born on January 28, 1976, in Clarksdale, Mississippi.

From humble beginnings, Rick Ross would rise to become a prominent figure in the rap industry, captivating audiences worldwide with his unique style and authentic storytelling.

He adopted his stage name from a notorious drug trafficker.

Inspired by the true story of “Freeway” Rick Ross, a California-based drug lord in the 1980s, Rick Ross chose to pay homage to his formidable namesake.

Despite his success as a rapper, Rick Ross initially pursued a career in football.

As a high school football standout, Rick Ross received a college scholarship to play at Albany State University. However, a legal issue following a stint as a correctional officer altered the course of his life.

Rick Ross gained prominence with his 2006 debut single, “Hustlin'”.

This breakout hit propelled Rick Ross into the mainstream, showcasing his signature deep voice and charismatic delivery that would soon become his trademark.

He founded his own record label, Maybach Music Group, in 2009.

Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, Rick Ross established Maybach Music Group, signing talented artists such as Meek Mill and Wale to the label.

The album “Teflon Don” solidified Rick Ross’ status as a rap superstar.

Released in 2010, “Teflon Don” spawned hit singles like “B.M.F. (Blowin’ Money Fast)” and “Aston Martin Music. The album showcased Rick Ross’ lyrical prowess and cemented his place among the rap elite.

Rick Ross has collaborated with numerous industry heavyweights.

From Jay-Z to Drake, Rick Ross has teamed up with some of the biggest names in music, creating memorable and chart-topping collaborations.

He released his autobiography, “Hurricanes,” in 2019.

In this candid memoir, Rick Ross provides an intimate look into his life, discussing his upbringing, struggles, and triumphs.

Rick Ross is known for his extravagant lifestyle.

From his collection of luxury cars to his sprawling mansion in Atlanta, Rick Ross embraces the finer things in life and showcases his success through material possessions.

He is a savvy businessman with various ventures.

Beyond music, Rick Ross has dabbled in different industries, including owning multiple Wingstop and Checkers franchises.

Rick Ross has faced health challenges.

In 2011, he experienced seizures and was hospitalized. This incident led him to prioritize his well-being and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

He is a philanthropist and actively gives back to the community.

Rick Ross has supported various charitable causes, including providing scholarships to high school students and hosting turkey drives during Thanksgiving.

Rick Ross is known for his deep and resonant voice.

His unique vocal tone adds a captivating element to his music, allowing him to captivate listeners with his distinct sound.

He has released multiple successful albums throughout his career.

From “Port of Miami” to “Rather You Than Me,” Rick Ross consistently delivers high-quality projects that showcase his growth as an artist.

Rick Ross has a passion for fine dining.

He has been seen dining at some of the world’s most exclusive restaurants and even filmed a series called “RossFit” where he explores different culinary experiences.

He is a dedicated father to his children.

Rick Ross prioritizes family and is actively involved in the lives of his children, serving as a positive role model.

Rick Ross has collaborated with fashion brands.

Known for his impeccable style, he has worked with prestigious fashion houses such as Gucci and Reebok, further solidifying his influence in the world of fashion.

He has overcome legal challenges throughout his career.

From copyright infringement cases to issues with his stage name, Rick Ross has navigated legal obstacles with resilience and determination.

Rick Ross’ discography features a wide range of musical styles.

From hard-hitting rap tracks to melodic tunes, he showcases versatility and adaptability in his music, appealing to a broad audience.

He has a strong presence on social media.

Rick Ross is active on various platforms, providing fans with behind-the-scenes glimpses into his life and maintaining a strong connection with his supporters.

Rick Ross has a passion for art and collecting valuable pieces.

He appreciates fine art and has an extensive collection of paintings and sculptures that reflect his sophisticated taste.

He has been recognized and awarded for his contributions to the music industry.

From BET Awards to Grammy nominations, Rick Ross’ talent has been acknowledged by his peers and critics alike.

Rick Ross has a strong work ethic.

Known for his relentless dedication to his craft, he constantly strives for excellence and pushes the boundaries of his creativity.

He has a love for luxury watches.

Rick Ross can often be seen wearing an array of high-end timepieces, showcasing his appreciation for intricate craftsmanship.

Rick Ross is a respected figure in the rap community.

His contributions to the genre and his ability to maintain relevance throughout the years have earned him the admiration and respect of his peers.

He has a vast collection of chains and jewelry.

Rick Ross’ affinity for flashy jewelry and extravagant accessories is well-documented, adding to his larger-than-life persona.

Rick Ross founded the Wingstop Foundation to support youth initiatives.

Through his successful Wingstop franchise, he has given back to the community by empowering the next generation.

He has collaborated with iconic producers.

From DJ Khaled to The Neptunes, Rick Ross has worked with renowned producers, resulting in chart-topping hits.

Rick Ross is a respected figure in the South Florida community.

He takes pride in his roots and remains connected to his hometown, actively contributing to its growth and development.

Rick Ross continues to evolve as an artist.

With each project, he pushes the boundaries of his creativity, exploring new sounds and captivating listeners with his powerful storytelling.

These 30 facts about Rick Ross provide a glimpse into the remarkable journey of a rap mogul who has left an indelible mark on the music industry. From his rise to fame with “Hustlin'” to his entrepreneurial ventures and philanthropic efforts, Rick Ross has proven himself to be a multi-faceted and influential force in the world of hip-hop.


These 30 facts about Rick Ross shed light on the remarkable career and life of the renowned rapper. From his early struggles to his rise to fame, Ross has captured the hearts of millions with his unique style and captivating lyrics. Whether it’s his hit songs, entrepreneurial ventures, or philanthropic efforts, Rick Ross continues to leave an indelible mark on the music industry and beyond. With his unwavering commitment to his craft and his determination to overcome adversity, Ross serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists and fans alike. As he continues to evolve as an artist, we can only expect more greatness from the Boss.


1. When did Rick Ross start his music career?

Rick Ross started his music career in the early 2000s but gained mainstream success with the release of his debut album “Port of Miami” in 2006.

2. What is Rick Ross’ net worth?

As of 2021, Rick Ross has an estimated net worth of around $40 million.

3. How did Rick Ross get his stage name?

Rick Ross adopted his stage name from the infamous drug trafficker “Freeway” Rick Ross. He considered the name symbolic of his past and the struggles he faced growing up.

4. Has Rick Ross won any awards?

Yes, Rick Ross has won several awards throughout his career, including BET Hip Hop Awards, BET Awards, and MTV Video Music Awards.

5. What are some of Rick Ross’ most popular songs?

Some of Rick Ross’ most popular songs include “Hustlin’,” “Aston Martin Music,” “Stay Schemin’,” and “Purple Lamborghini.

6. Does Rick Ross have any other business ventures?

Yes, Rick Ross has ventured into various business ventures, including owning multiple Wingstop restaurant franchises and launching his own record label, Maybach Music Group.

7. Has Rick Ross been involved in any philanthropic efforts?

Yes, Rick Ross has been involved in philanthropy, particularly in his hometown of Miami, where he has participated in charity events and donated to various causes.

8. Is Rick Ross still actively making music?

Yes, Rick Ross is still actively making music and releasing new projects. He continues to collaborate with other artists and maintain a consistent presence in the music industry.

From his humble beginnings in Clarksdale, Mississippi, to his rise as a rap superstar, Rick Ross' journey is filled with surprising twists and turns. His larger-than-life persona, business acumen, and musical prowess have solidified his position as a respected figure in the hip-hop community. If you're curious to learn more about the man behind the music, be sure to check out our article on the notorious drug trafficker who inspired Rick Ross' stage name, Freeway Rick Ross.

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