The English Roses by Madonna | Goodreads
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The English Roses

The English Roses

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The English Roses is a story of rivalry and friendship among schoolgirls in contemporary London. Four little girls--Nicole, Amy, Charlotte, and Grace--are eleven years old and the very best of friends. They have sleepovers, picnics and ice-skating parties that exclude Binah, a beautiful girl whose seemingly perfect life makes them "green with envy." However, when a feisty, pumpernickel-loving fairy godmother takes them on a magical journey, they learn to their great surprise that Binah's life is not nearly as enviable as it had seemed. The English Roses is an inspiring story about the importance of compassion and the rewards of friendship.

48 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author


181 books322 followers
Madonna Louise Ciccone is an American pop singer-songwriter. Through her music career, she has also gained some notability as a dancer, record producer, film producer, actress, author and a fashion icon. She is a multiple Grammy- and Golden Globe-award winner, known for her ambitious music videos, stage performances and use of sexual and religious themes in her work.

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5 stars
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756 (27%)
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206 (7%)
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78 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 338 reviews
Profile Image for Kathryn.
4,548 reviews
August 26, 2009
First, let me just say I decided to try this book to see if it would be as dreadful as I'd feared. Also, I've always really liked the cover illustration! I had low-low-low expectations of Madonna's story and I admit they were not completely fulfilled--the story was okay. I have read worse in children's lit, believe me ("Goldilicious" comes to mind!) The concept is actually cute, but overall it's a bit too in-your-face and didactic for my taste, and there really is no "style" to speak of. Basically, I think most parents with an ounce of creativity could come up with a similar bedtime story for their kids, and the fact that Madonna (whether you like her or not, her creativity cannot be denied!) seemed lack any originality reinforces my soapbox oratory that not just ANYONE can write a GOOD children's book, and being a celebrity does not automatically give you the gift.

Also, parents of young children who wish to keep them "young" should be advised that the girls in this story look to be ten going on eighteen and are very chic and appear to be wearing make up and fashionable clothing. Not placing a value judgment here, but I know some girls in the target audience for this book and their moms would NOT want anything to encourage the girls' budding interest in wearing lipstick, etc.

What I REALLY hated about this book was the celebrity treatment it is given. I really, really liked the illustrations (the largest part of my three-star rating) and went to look at the back flap of the book to see what else he had done. But, the bio was nowhere to be seen! Just a big spread about Madonna blah-blah-blah. I double-checked the cover for his name. Nope! One would think that Madonna did the illustrations herself!!! Only on the inside cover page does it mention (way below MADONNA) our poor neglected illustrator Jeffrey Fulvimari. This is SOOO RUDE!!!! Children's picture books are supposed to be a marriage between words and pictures, author and illustrator (assuming they are not one in the same). Let us hope that the fat royalty checks from this needlessly popular series are some consolation for Fulvimari.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,976 reviews499 followers
January 11, 2024

This is the singer’s first children’s book, that is tastefully illustrated by Jeffrey Fulrimari.

This is the story about a group of friends who decide to snub a beautiful girl because they are “green with envy.”


The girls learn to have empathy for her and include her in their activities.

Was it well-presented? Not exactly.


It does have a good learning lesson that shares how one can become empathetic, as well as, how not to be so quick to judge others.

Interest Level: Age 6+; Grades 3rd – 6th 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,441 reviews167 followers
February 11, 2020
A surprisingly sweet story about friendship which is raised above the ordinary by the lovely illustrations which certainly captured my daughter's attention. The group of girls embrace all the nice character types you'd expect at school - studious, sporty, etc, so everyone can easily pick a favourite.
Like Lauren Child's Clarice Bean books which started out as picture books, Madonna has now produced a series of chapter books (with a matching website) for confident readers and we're finding them a cut above some of the other celeb offerings for young girls.
Profile Image for Becky.
Author 1 book27 followers
March 7, 2008
As far as children's-books-by-celebrities go, the good, the bad, and the ugly, The English Roses is merely bad. Which is rather high praise, all things considered. I expected the book to be downright ugly.

Instead, it's mostly harmless. The four "main characters," the group of girlfriends known as "the English Roses," are featureless and interchangeable. They have lots of fun dancing, talking about boys, and having sleepovers.

They are also united in their hatred of the prettiest girl in school (the drawings of this girl look suspiciously like Madonna), having drawn the conclusion that all pretty girls are stuck up.

Enter a fairy godmother who offers the Roses a chance to trade places with the pretty girl, to see what her life is really like. Once the Roses find out the truth about the pretty girl, they feel more kindly toward her, and invite her to be their friend.

The message -- don't judge people by their looks -- is heavy-handed. No,'s HEAVY-HANDED. I mean REALLY HEAVY. And this is to blame for most of the book's badness.

If you are a nitpicky reader, like me, other things contribute to the badness, like the fact that there are no characters -- nobody has any distinct characteristics. There's also no real story; this could hardly even be called a fable. All of it is rote and not terribly deeply-felt.

It's also not a picture book. Even a "story" as trite as this one would have been better served in a middle-reader or chapter book format. No wonder the four Roses have no personalities -- there's hardly enough time to develop those personalities or the dynamic of the group in a mere 32 pages.

Given the age of the Roses, also -- I figure they must be preteens, since they talk about boys, yet they still have sleepovers -- this should have been a middle-reader.

I know it's Madonna, and people of all ages are going to buy the book for people of all ages. But droves of people would have bought it anyway if it was an illustrated chapter book. Chapter books, however, are not cute, and picture books are.

Speaking of cute, I loved the illustrations in this book. They're girly and sweet and cheeky all at once. The illustrator captured a unique spirit that belongs solely to the English Roses. If they have any personality at all, it's because of him.
Profile Image for Philip.
1,008 reviews304 followers
May 27, 2013

*Written after the review: 4.5 stars*

This has been going on for a while:

Gwendolyn: 4
Eleanor: 5
G: 4
E: 5
G: 4
E: 5
G: 4!
E: 5!
G: 4!
E: 5!
E: DADDY! I wish there was a way we could both choose!
G: 4!
E: 5!
G: 4!
E: 5!
*this continues for some time, with some breaks to explain why each should get to choose... also, Gwendolyn got confused at one point and said "5." ...Eleanor didn't catch it.

Dad: Hey guys? Hey guys?!?

Both: What?

D: Ummm... how many stars should I give it?

E: 555555555555555555555555555555555555555
G: 444444444444444444444444444444444444444

E: (crying) Gwendolyn's making it seem like I don't like it a little bit. And I really liked it.


D: Can I give it 4 and a half?

Both: NOOO!!! (And they're both now crying...)

E: Dad? Can you help solve this problem?

D: I'll try... lets just start the review, ok? Who should I ask about the book?

G: ME! ME! ME! ME!

D: Ok, Gwen go ahead.

G: The book was about the Eng-galish Roses.

E: Dad, I never get to say what the book was about.

D: So, Eleanor, what are the English Roses?

E: Four little girls. That's also what the book was about. (Laughing) Dad. I found a spoon under the bench. Heh.

D: So, the book was about 4 little girls. What happened to them?

E: They didn't like Binah.

D: We don't want to give anything away, so why don't we just say your favorite parts.

E: My favorite part was when the fairy-godmother sat on a sandwich, and she pulled the sandwich off her bum and when they... when they... and my favorite part was also when they (laughing) STUFFED. THEIR. FACES. How did they stuff their faces?


E: Now I'm never going to like the book. Why does Gwen keep making it seem like I don't like it?

D: She's not, Eleanor. We're not talking about that right now, we're talking about what we liked.

E: Gwen, what was your favorite part?

G: Bread.


G: BREAD! BREAD! I liked the part with the bread.

D: I think we all agree that that part with the pumperknickel was pretty good, right?

Both: Yeah.

D: So, do you guys think other kids would like this book?

E: Mmm-hmm

G: Yeah.

D: Me too. That Madonna... She's a pretty good author, huh?


*Poppy has now climbed up the bench and is pulling Eleanor's hair, ruining my joke about Madonna being famous for being an author... It was going to be really funny.*


D: Eleanor, how many stars do you want to give it?

E: 5!

D: Gwennie got to go downstairs to have fun.

(She just came running back up, looking scared, yelling "4.")

D: Gwennie wants me to say, that officially she gives it "4" stars, even though the top says "5." Should I say anything else about the book, guys?

G: No. I want 4.

E: Hey, GWEN!!! Maybe, if you close one eye, you can make it look like it only has 4 stars...?

D: Isn't the point of this book that you should be nice?

E: Mmm-hmmm.

D: So how can you guys be nice to each other?

E: If Gwennie says, "it's ok that you can have 5..."

D: But how can you be nice to Gwennie?

E: ... ... ...Not how Gwen can be nice to me?

D: Right.

E: Ummm... I can say, "it's ok that you have 4."

D: So, do you want to do that?

E: ... Oh dear. But it was so amazing. Dad, it was very amazing.

D: But you know what? I think Madonna would rather have you be nice, than have her book get 5 stars from you.

E: But the book was SO AMAZING.

D: Well, she'll know that when she reads the review.

E: No. Daddy. She'll read the review and think, "That girl wants 4 stars." But I don't. I want 5. How can I ever get 5 now? Gwen always lets me have 5.

D: Oh... I think you've made it pretty clear that you think it deserves 5 stars.

E: Hey! DAD! I have a great idea! How about you write the words "4 and a half in the review."

Dad: I'll do that right at the beginning of the review, that way you can call it 5 and Gwen can call it 4.

G: Yay! 4!

E: Yay! 5!

E: (Conspiratorially): Hey... Dad... maybe tomorrow we can write a review on our own, ok?
Profile Image for Jeremy.
966 reviews51 followers
November 17, 2023
This book is so bad, I can't even review it from work on my phone. I feel like I need to go home, put on a pot of tea, and give this book my undivided contempt.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
208 reviews2 followers
August 10, 2017
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this one! The story I would give 4 stars to and I had to add a star for the beautiful illustrations! I honestly didn't know Madonna had written a book and I am glad I got the chance to read it. My two year old loved the pics and I actually laughed a couple times during it. Very cute and sweet with a good message!
Profile Image for Bülent Ö. .
274 reviews132 followers
May 1, 2024

Madonna'dan feminist bakış açılı iyi bir çocuk kitabı bekliyordum. Ama maalesef feci basmakalıp bir hikaye okudum. "Başkalarının ne yaşadığını bilmeden onları yargılama" temasını o kadar kötü bir yerden işliyor ki anlatamam.

Daha kötüsü hepi topu 45 sayfalık bu resimli kitabın hangi yaşa hitap ettiği de belli değil. Karakterleri liseli olan bu kitap eğer ortaokul düzeyi içinse neden bu kadar kısa. Eğer okumaya yeni başlayanlar içinse neden özdeşlik kuramayacakları karakterler var.

Hele çizimleri... Sırf farklı olsun diye bu denli karman çorman bir çizim tekniğine ne gerek vardı?

Kitabın gelirleri de saçma sapan bir yere gidiyormuş.

Hasılı her açıdan çok kötü bir kitap.
3 reviews
October 16, 2015
These books remind me so much of my child hood. They are a great read and i still find my self reaching for these books every once in a while. As children we would always pick out who we were and try and replicate some scenes. I would read these books from age 8-14 it is not too difficult for age 8 but it is very easy but still enjoyable for age 12+. Overall i really enjoy these books. :)
Profile Image for Amanda Artist Cat.
450 reviews69 followers
December 4, 2020
It's a beautiful book, I love Maddona's way of storytelling, and Jeffrey Furimari is a very talented illustrator!
I found this book in a second-hand bookshop owned by my friend from a book club. So glad I did ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌹!
Profile Image for Andy.
1,202 reviews89 followers
August 31, 2017
Auch dies ist wieder ein schönes Kinderbuch. Dieses mal geht es um Ausgrenzung. Ich hoffe nun nur, dass man nicht wie das Mädchen im Buch ein schweres Schicksal habe muss, um akzeptiert zu werden. Hier müssen Mama, Papa oder Oma beim Mitlesen erklärend eingreifen.
Profile Image for knedelek.
57 reviews
January 16, 2024
Bardzo lubiłam tę książkę jak byłam mała, głównie przez kolorowe obrazki (czytał mi ktoś inny, bo wtedy sama nie potrafiłam). Uważam, że miała na mnie dobry wpływ.
W najprostszy sposób tłumaczy czym jest uprzedzenie i uczy o akceptacji.

+nie miałam pojęcia, że to napisała Madonna?????
Profile Image for Rahmadiyanti.
Author 13 books169 followers
November 19, 2022
Bener banget deh kata Gabrielle Zevin dalam bukunya The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. "Terkadang buku tidak menemukan kita di saat yang tepat."

Saya tahu buku ini sejak dengar kabar Madonna mau menulis buku anak. Terus Gramedia menerbitkan pada tahun 2003. Sudah pengen banget beli dan baca, apalagi lihat covernya yang segar dan ceria. Entahlah, seperti ada penghalang :'D. Bayangkan, baru hampir 20 tahun kemudian saya beli buku ini. Dapat seken di Pasar Buku Kenari, di sebuah kios yang sudah mau tutup!

Jadi, begitulah. Dan, buku ini memang bagus sih. Ceritanya bagus, meski tidak terlalu istimewa dan temanya sudah banyak diangkat. Tapi penulisannya menarik. Suka sama Ibu Peri yang nyentrik :D. Oh ya, ilustrasinya juga seru, ceria, segeerrr.
Profile Image for Caught Between Pages.
193 reviews53 followers
February 6, 2019
I'm so amazed?? Is there nothing Madonna can't do?

Though it's short, The English Roses tackles some heavy hitters: squashing out girl hate, promoting female friendships and self-love, highlighting that not everyone has the privileges they seem to.... While still being funny and wholesome. And those ILLUSTRATIONS <33333 I really loved it and it was a perfect way to kick my butt out of my reading slump.

I listened to my dear friend Averie read this book HERE, so if you want to give it a try, just click that link!
Profile Image for Natalie Wood.
9 reviews13 followers
January 13, 2016
Eine süße kleine Geschichte... und was lernen wir ? Beurteile die Menschen nicht nur nach ihrem Äußeren....
Profile Image for André.
2,482 reviews19 followers
December 28, 2022
Review : Alles wat de Amerikaanse zangeres Madonna (1958), die in het werkelijke leven eigenlijk Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone blijkt te heten, aanraakt, schijnt in goud te veranderen. Zij debuteerde in 1983 met de lp Madonna. Verschillende nummers hiervan werden internationale hits, wat meteen het begin van een zeer succesvolle loopbaan werd, niet alleen als zangeres maar ook als filmactrice, o.a. in Desperately seeking Susan (1985), Who's that girl? (1987), Dick Tracy (1990) en Snake eyes (1994)

Haar succes is in hoge mate gebaseerd op het tot de verbeelding sprekende imago van onafhankelijke en toch sexy vrouw dat zij zich aanmeet en haar manipulatie van de media. Zij komt ook heel sterk op voor minderheden. Zo kon het gebeuren dat Madonna aan alle vooraanstaande bladen een exclusief interview weigerde. Maar datzelfde interview wel spontaan aanbood aan het prominente homoblad 'The Advocate', dat dan ook nog eens de wereldrechten kon doorverkopen. Madonna houdt geen blad voor haar mond, jaagt de conservatieve meute tegen zich in het het harnas, maar is na al die jaren nog altijd een wereldvedette waar men storm voor loopt, getuige hiervan zij haar Europese tournee.

Mediageniek als ze is heeft ze inmiddels ook wel door dat er in het kinderboek, sinds de grote doorbraak van de inmiddels bijna mythische Harry Potter, toekomstmuziek zit. Madonna, ondertussen zelf moeder van flinke spruiten, vond dat het hoog tijd werd dat ze haar intrede zou kunnen doen in de wereld van het kinderboek. En zoals altijd doet ze dat op haar eigen dwarse manier. Ze vertelt een eigentijds verhaal over vier hippe Engels meisjes die van dezelfde kleren, dezelfde muziek en dezelfde jongens en van dansen houden. Ze zijn opperbeste vriendinnen en lopen met een grote boog rond een meisje heen dat Binah heet. Ze zijn razend jaloers op Binah, omdat ze heel mooi is en alle andere mogelijke kwaliteiten heeft waarnaar een ambitieus meisje verlangt. Binah is echter heel ongelukkig en heel eenzaam omdat er zoveel verdriet in haar leven is waar de meisjes geen enkel idee over hebben.

Gelukkig bestaan er nog petemoeien die in de dromen van jaloerse meisjes kunnen binnendringen. En zo bestaat het dat er op een nacht een gezellige dikkerd van een petemoei in de dromen van de meisjes infiltreert om over het leven Binah te vertellen.

Via een flinterdun verhaal geeft Madonna het signaal door aan jonge mensen dat je niemand mag beoordelen vóór je hem of haar kent. De angst voor het onbekende of uiterlijke schijn mag je er nooit toe brengen om iemand links te laten liggen, dat is de boodschap die Madonna haar lezers influistert.
Persoonlijk vind ik De Engelse Rozen een heel lief, eigentijds verhaal dat het vooral moet hebben van de schitterende tekeningen van de modeontwerper Jeffrey Fulvimari, die het geheel op een originele manier ondersteunen.
Profile Image for Jeanie Cullip.
202 reviews21 followers
July 8, 2018
The picture book, The English Roses is the first picture book written by Madonna (published September 2003). A beautiful story of friendship. The story begins with four of the girls: Charlotte, Amy, Grace, and Nicole. They were the best of friends, they were inseparable. The girls had a lot of things in common, including their jealousy for another girl, Binah. They were jealous of what they thought they knew about her. But, Binah was not that girl. One night, the four BFF's began to learn the truth about Binah and decided that they were not jealous of her any longer which led to some changes within the group of girls.

I highly suggest having this book read aloud or made available for students to read in your classroom. This clearly portrays a story of not judging a book by its cover and making sure that you know the details about a person before deciding if you would like to be friends with them.
Profile Image for Lupita Rodriguez.
350 reviews22 followers
April 21, 2021
Una historia súper bonita con una enseñanza muy especial sobre los prejuicios, la envidia y la amistad; acompañada de ilustraciones muy tiernas y coloridas, definitivamente un libro que se debe leer mínimo una vez en la vida.
Profile Image for Jo-Ann Murphy.
648 reviews23 followers
June 12, 2021
This is a sweet story about acceptance. I'm not a fan of the illustrations but the story will appeal to grammar school children.

You can hear Madonna's voice in the book. The sarcasm will appeal to the older children.
Profile Image for Madeline .
1,783 reviews127 followers
June 22, 2017
I had to read The English Roses" written by Madonna. Why??

I wanted to know what was in Madonna's heart that she so desired it to be placed in a children's story.

I read the words.

I looked at the pictures.

I give Madonna a thumbs up.....(only applicable to her storytelling.)
Profile Image for Judy.
3,314 reviews62 followers
November 6, 2019
I picked this up out of curiosity. Madonna wrote a picture book for children?! It was better than I expected, but nothing special.

I didn't keep it.
Profile Image for Carol.
159 reviews78 followers
March 9, 2023
Em pequena adorava este livro, as ilustrações e a história sempre me fascinaram. Hoje já não acho o mesmo do enredo, mas será sempre especial
18 reviews
September 3, 2015
This children's book titled, "The English Roses," Madonna sets up the story of four young girls named Nicole, Amy, Charlotte, and Grace. These girls are the best of friends and don't want to accept another girl into their group. This girl's name is Binah, and she is beautiful and has every trait the girls want and envy.
The word choice used in this book has both a friendly and humorous tone to it. You can really hear Madonna's voice in this book simply because of the quick wit and fun vocabulary that she uses to tell the story of the English Roses.
What is most eye-catching in this book is both the illustrations and how they help readers visualize the story. Every illustration in this book is done with a watercolor-like technique and both gives attention to all audiences and provides a vivid illustration of the story. The vibrancy and emotion used in these drawings also draws attention more to the story because it is easier to visualize as the plot moves on. In addition, the color matches the mood for each page, and also the borders are different on each page which adds a unique element to the story.
This book is a great read for anyone, from young readers to adults, the message is clear of what Madonna wants people to get out of it. Where this book is a little long for an early reader, I believe this book falls under one of the longer child stories that is worth an effort to read by young readers. This illustrates a moral that we all have to face from day to day in a fun and vibrant way.
Profile Image for Lane.
11 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2011
The English Roses is one of my favorite picture books. It is written by Madonna and I know what some of you are thinking: Why did Madonna write a book? It's probably horrible! Well you are all wrong! The English Roses is set in England and it is about four friends: Charlotte, Amy, Nicole, and Grace who do EVERYTHING together. They have everything too: a great friendship, awesome clothes, nice houses. But, one day, when a new girl named Binah moves in, they get jealous. Binah is very beautiful and very kind. Everyone thinks that Binah is perfect. So, the English Roses never want to become friends with her. One day, a fairy godmother comes to the four friends and she shows them what Binah's life is really like: not as glamorous as they thought! You have to read the book to find out what happens next!

This book is also fabulous because of the amazing illustrations. This book is great for girls alike. When I was little, I would just look at the pictures and the clothes the girls were wearing and I would always pick which girl I thought was the prettiest. Read this book!!!!!!! <3
Profile Image for Ann-E.
12 reviews
December 12, 2012
These are the English Roses. They aren't a flower shop, the aren't a box of chocolates, they aren't a pro soccer team , just a group of best friends that do EVERYTHING together. In the summer they go to the beach together. In the fall, they make leaf piles together. In the spring they pick flowers together. In the winter they go ice skating together. Whatever these five girls do they do it together. In this book, there is a new girl in town. And this girl is the prettiest, most beautiful girl they have ever seen. The girls grow so mush jealous by the second every time they think about this pretty girl. Later , the English Roses have a sleepover party, and all they do is talk about trash to this poor and innocent girl. When they fall asleep a fairy god mother appears and shows WHO these girls are talking about. In the end they apologize to the poor girl and she becomes one of the English Roses HERSELF! I can relate to this book because I can get green with envy or blue with loneliness! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book and I would rate it 5 stars!!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 338 reviews

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