Netflix viewers are describing this drama as the type of movie you watch and 'never recover from'

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Netflix viewers are describing this drama as the type of movie you watch and 'never recover from'

Netflix viewers are describing this drama as the type of movie you watch and 'never recover from'

Netflix subscribers shared their thoughts on the difficult watch

Netflix subscribers have shared a series which they say left them in tears afterwards.

The heart-wrenching series has had viewers in bits due to the fact it is based on a true story.

There's nothing that provokes strong emotions quite like a love story, especially one that tugs on the heartstrings and ends in tragedy.

Meeting the love of your life can be a life-changing moment, so many viewers were left distraught at confronting the prospect of losing their significant other.

And that's exactly what the series covers as it follows a pair of star-crossed lovers as they meet for the first in Italy, giving a beautiful background to their romance.

So what is this drama which has garnered such a strong reaction from viewers on Netflix?

The series follows a tragic true story. (Netflix)
The series follows a tragic true story. (Netflix)

It's called From Scratch, and has left people bawling their eyes out for its tragic plot.

The series is eight episodes long and follows the story of Amy and Lino, played by Zoe Saldaña and Eugenio Mastrandrea.

And fair warning, there will be some mild spoilers of the plot for From Scratch.

The story begins with American law school student Amy deciding that she will take a break from her studies to explore her passion for art in Florence, against her parents' advice.

Of course once she arrives in Italy, her life changes forever after she meets aspiring chef Lino.

The series has a solid score of 86 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, and is based on a 2019 memoir of the same name written by Tembi Locke.

People were left heartbroken by the story. (Netflix)
People were left heartbroken by the story. (Netflix)

One fan took to the Netflix Bangers Facebook group and wrote: "Some movies you see and you never recover from seeing it. From Scratch - Netflix."

And other were quick to share how the heartbreaking story had left them feeling distraught.

One commented: "It was a wonderful love story! My heart ached for dayzzzzz."

A second added: "Absolutely loved this I have never cried like I did on this."

While a third penned: "It’s even more sad being that it’s a true story."

Someone else had a very strong reaction, writing: "This show was so emotionally draining. I’ve never cried so hard, been so mad or been so happy… it was absolutely amazing!"

One viewer admitted: "I still cry when I think about it beautiful show."

And another wrote: "Oh best movie ever. So emotional."

From Scratch is available to stream on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Film and TV, Netflix