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24 Reviews
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MOYASHIMON RETURNS picks up where the last season left off as our protagonist Tadayasu Sawaki, a first-year college student at an agricultural university, continues to have the unique ability to see and communicate with micro-organisms and bacteria. Still alongside good friend Kei Yuuki, whose family runs a sake brewery, he devolves an even deeper understanding of bacteria world with his special ability!

Kodansha Ltd.
English, Español (América Latina), Português (Brasil)
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(17 reviews)19 January 2014
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Welcome Bac(teria) to School!

Professor Keizo leaps through the air, shocking civilians, he securely holds a microscope under one arm. Like a sword ready for battle, he unleashes it's power. He arrives just in time. Keizo saves the day... Moyashimon starts to ferment well during episode four where some of the main protagonists strengths finally come together for good use. Tadayasu can see germs, and Keizō, an almost convoluted college professor, encourages Tadayasu to empower the depth of his abilities. Together, with friends a very satisfying story develops that teaches us to love ourselves and to guard ourselves. There are many protagonists here but the dominatrix looking Haruka Hasegawa's supporting role is just as well known. She brings a strange mystical aura to the show, along with eye candy, and a nice story line that is rich in detail. One of the stars of Moyashimon are the germs themselves. They are fun to look at, they bring comedy, and they are innocently cute. The secret germ civilization we don't see in our lives comes to focus and adds enough strengths to keep the show going at slow times. They are most notorious for saying, "let's brew" and if you love the show pick up a "let's brew" Moyashimon T-Shirt. Moyashimon is an anime that stands out in many ways while being enjoyable therefore it's a must watch.

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(2 reviews)27 July 2012
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Great continuation of the original

I can see how people who haven't seen the first series might be turned off by certain aspects of Moyashimon. But that's how this world is! You may actually learn something while watching this, and since it takes place in an institution of higher learning that is a natural occurrence. It's not shoehorned in like some seem to think. Yes, the microbes are meant to be cutesy and adorable, but that is part of the fun. Resuming after some time in between seasons, it assumes we already know the characters well, which is nice. There is some recap here and there, mainly handled by the microbes, but this is a good way to keep everyone up to speed without including major interruptions. I'm excited that Crunchyroll is adding the first season to its list of streaming titles so everyone else can enjoy the awesomeness of the show to its full potential. There are some great moments of comedy, but mainly it's a slice of life show about an interesting collection of kids learning the ins and outs of agriculture.

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(16 reviews)22 March 2014
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I Love those little guys!

This is a great comedy where a kid names Sawaki has the ability to see Micro organisms. So he goes to collage to learn what he wants to do in life while guided by a strange professor. not only is this a comedy it's educational where it teaches you things like how Vinegar is made and how Micro organism are used to do it. Usually the only Characters are human when it comes to playing of real life the micro organisms are also hilarious characters that remind me of talking versions of the minions in Despicable me. I highly recommend watching AT LEAST the first episode of any anime to begin your judgement and going to reviews if your hesitant on continuing.

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(15 reviews)05 January 2013
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Refreshingly Unique and Original

There's a lot of anime out there that recycle the same characters archetypes and stories, with only minor tweaks. Moyashimon starts out that way, as the main protagonist has a "special ability." Surprisingly, this story didn't take the usual route of clumsy-boy-with-special-ability-fights-evil-guy-and-saves-tsundere-girl. In fact, the main protagonist (Sawaki-kun) almost plays a supporting role and (in my opinion) turns out to be the least interesting character. Which brings me to my next topic: The Characters. The characters on this show are unique and loveable. There are no stereotypical anime characters here, since the setting isn't in high school. Even the microbes are endearing. Best part is that they don't act Moe or Tsundere. They act like more normal people, although at times adolescent - which isn't bad for this story. Overall, I highly recommend this anime as a light and unique alternative to the heavily formulated anime genre.

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(17 reviews)17 November 2012
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Silly and light-hearted

I like shows that have a unique setup, even if they still follow the same pattern as a "normal" series. Overall Moyashimon's plot was a lot better than I expected, instead of random whacky episodes on how quirky everyone is. Second season was really good; everyone's relationships evolved organically and they stayed away from making microbes the focus of the show without losing any of the humor. 5/5, would watch a third season.