Guyanese Dollar (GYD): What It Is and How It Works

Guyanese Dollar (GYD): What It Is and How It Works

What Is the Guyanese Dollar (GYD)?

The Guyanese dollar (GYD) is the official currency of Guyana. Established in the 1800s as legal tender, the dollar is printed and maintained by the Bank of Guyana, the country's central bank. It is represented by the symbols $ and G$ and is commonly abbreviated as GYD on the foreign exchange market.

Although the Guyanese dollar is not pegged to any other currency, the most common exchange is with the U.S. dollar.

Key Takeaways

  • The Guyanese dollar is the official currency of Guyana.
  • The currency is abbreviated as GYD and is represented by the symbols $ and G$.
  • Banknotes are printed in G$20, G$50, G$100, G$500, G$1,000, and $5,000 denominations while coins are minted in G$1, G$5, G$10, and $100 denominations.
  • The Bank of Guyana is the country's central bank and is responsible for printing and maintaining the dollar.

Understanding the Guyanese Dollar (GYD)

The Guyanese dollar (GYD) debuted in 1839 as a transitional currency from Dutch guilders to British pound sterling (GBP). The pound was used in Guyana and other territories of the British West Indies for many years. This largely remained until the country gained its independence from the United Kingdom on May 26, 1966—the year the GYD first appeared in its present form.

Guyana's central bank is responsible for monetary and fiscal policy in the country along with the printing and maintenance of the dollar. The Bank of Guyana was established in 1965 and is the only body permitted to issue and redeem banknotes and coins.

The bank issues notes in G$20, G$50, G$100, G$500, G$1,000, and G$5,000 denominations. Coins are minted in G$1, G$5, G$10, and G$100 denominations.

There is very little movement in the exchange rate between the Guyanese and U.S. dollars. A single Guyanese dollar was worth US$0.0048 as of Dec. 21, 2023. This means it takes about G$210 to get just over one full U.S. dollar.

Hard currency is heavily circulated within the country which is why it's a good idea to have cash on hand. Credit cards are rarely used outside major tourist areas in Georgetown and foreign cards are generally not accepted at automated teller machines (ATMs). Currency can be exchanged at banks and hotels. But foreign exchange offices, or cambios, generally offer better exchange rates. The majority of retailers in the tourist areas, including hotels and restaurants, accept U.S. dollars.

Special Considerations

Guyana has a population of about 800,000 and is located along the North Atlantic coast of South America. The country is known for its rainforests and for the commodity trade—notably sugar. More current exports include gold and bauxite, the latter of which is used in aluminum production.

But the biggest potential game-changer for this nation is its newfound oil reserves. An offshore oil discovery was made in 2015 by ExxonMobil (XOM). The company said it expected the reserve to be worth 12 times the national economy. At the time of the discovery, the company said it had the potential to hold 700 million barrels of oil but increased that estimate to 11 billion barrels. Production began in 2019, and Exxon launched its third offshore project in November 2023, bringing Guyana's production to more than 600,000 barrels per day. It could reach 1.2 million barrels a day by 2027.


Guyana's inflation rate was 1.8% as of October 2023.

As of 2023, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was US$17,000 with an annual growth rate of 64%. Experts expect the country to produce an estimated US$7.5 billion in oil revenue by 2040, although whether it can successfully manage such a large and rapid influx of wealth relative to its population remains to be seen.

Despite such turbulent changes to the country as a whole, there's still very little interest in the GYD among currency traders in the global forex market. Trading volume remains very low on the list of top currency pairings. In fact, the Guyanese dollar isn't even a popular regional currency.

How Much Is $100 USD in Guyanese Dollars?

If you have $100 USD, it'll typically be worth around $20,000 GYD. For example, on Dec. 22, 2023, the exchange rate was 1 USD = 208.781 GYD. Therefore, $100 in U.S. dollars would be $20,878.53 in Guyanese dollars.

Why Is the Guyanese Dollar So Low?

The value of the Guyanese dollar is not fixed, or pegged, to any other currency; it has a floating exchange rate. However, despite the recent influx of oil money, the Guyanese dollar has not appreciated much. The upside to this is that Guyana sees greater revenue from its exports if the exchange rate stays relatively stable, as it has done.

What Is the Future of the Guyanese Dollar?

With its offshore oil reserves drawing billions in annual revenue for the tiny country, the IMF predicts Guyana's real GDP to grow 20% per year through 2028, but cautions against the risk of its currency appreciating "beyond the level implied by a balanced expansion of the economy." Assuming the country's central bank and financial regulators work to follow the recommendations of the IMF, the Guyanese dollar should remain relatively stable on the forex market.

The Bottom Line

As the official currency of a small, 800,000-person South American country, the Guyanese dollar has not drawn much attention from foreign exchange (forex) traders in the past, remaining quite stable against the U.S. dollar. But with rising oil revenues and strong economic growth, more investors may be keeping an eye on Guyana and its currency values in coming years.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Bank of Guyana. "Brief History."

  2. Bank of Guyana. "Notes."

  3. Bank of Guyana. "Coins."

  4. XE. "GYD to USD Chart."

  5. World Bank. "The World Bank In Guyana."

  6. International Trade Administration. "Guyana - Country Commercial Guide."

  7. Bloomberg. "Exxon's Guyana Oil Discovery May Be 12 Times Larger Than Economy."

  8. ExxonMobil. "ExxonMobil Starts Production at Third Offshore Guyana Project."

  9. ExxonMobil. "Guyana."

  10. AP. "Oil Boom Transforms Guyana, Prompting a Scramble for Spoils."

  11. The World Bank. "Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) - Guyana."

  12. Trading Economics. "Guyana GDP Per Capita."

  13. Harvard International Review. "A Path to Prosperity for Oil-Rich Guyana."

  14. Xe. "1 USD to GYD."

  15. International Monetary Fund. "IMF Executive Board Concludes 2022 Article IV Consultation with Guyana."

  16. International Monetary Fund. "IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with Guyana."

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