18 Unbelievable Facts About Mike Oldfield - Facts.net
Clarisse Demers

Written by Clarisse Demers

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Echoesblog.wordpress.com

Mike Oldfield is an iconic figure in the world of music, known for his diverse and innovative work as a musician and composer. With a career spanning over five decades, he has left an indelible mark on the industry and has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. From his early breakthrough with the groundbreaking album “Tubular Bells” to his continued experimentation with different genres and instruments, Oldfield has proven himself to be a true pioneer. In this article, we will delve into 18 unbelievable facts about Mike Oldfield, shedding light on his life, music, and fascinating contributions to the world of entertainment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mike Oldfield’s musical genius shines through in his self-taught mastery of multiple instruments, groundbreaking albums, and timeless compositions, captivating audiences for decades.
  • From revolutionizing progressive rock with “Tubular Bells” to his passion for aviation, Mike Oldfield’s influence spans across genres and hobbies, leaving an indelible mark on the world of music and beyond.
Table of Contents

Mike Oldfield taught himself to play multiple instruments.

From guitar to piano, drums to mandolin, Mike Oldfield’s versatility as a musician is truly impressive. He honed his skills on various instruments and became a master of each one.

Mike Oldfield’s breakthrough album was “Tubular Bells.”

In 1973, Mike Oldfield released “Tubular Bells,” a groundbreaking album that revolutionized the world of progressive rock. It became an instant success and established his reputation as a musical genius.

“Tubular Bells” stayed in the UK charts for an astonishing 279 weeks.

This masterpiece of an album captivated audiences for an unprecedented duration, proving its timeless appeal and the enduring popularity of Mike Oldfield’s music.

Mike Oldfield played most of the instruments himself on “Tubular Bells.”

Using multitrack recording techniques, Mike Oldfield showcased his incredible talent by playing the majority of the instruments on “Tubular Bells” all by himself. It was a testament to his musical prowess.

Mike Oldfield composed the soundtrack for the classic horror film “The Exorcist.”

The haunting and atmospheric score for “The Exorcist” was created by none other than Mike Oldfield. His music added an extra layer of intensity to the iconic film, cementing his status as a versatile composer.

Mike Oldfield collaborated with a wide range of artists.

Throughout his career, Mike Oldfield has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Jon Anderson, Bonnie Tyler, and Phil Collins, showcasing his ability to seamlessly blend and adapt his musical style.

Mike Oldfield composed the theme for the hit British TV series “Blue Peter.”

Generations of children grew up listening to the familiar and uplifting melody of the “Blue Peter” theme composed by Mike Oldfield. It remains one of his most recognizable compositions.

Mike Oldfield’s music was used during the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics.

His iconic composition “Tubular Bells” was featured during the opening ceremony, thrilling millions of viewers around the world and showcasing Mike Oldfield’s enduring influence on the music industry.

Mike Oldfield’s album “Crises” ushered in the age of digital recording.

With “Crises,” Mike Oldfield was one of the first musicians to fully embrace digital recording technology, pushing the boundaries of music production and setting a new standard for the industry.

Mike Oldfield created his own virtual instruments.

Always inquisitive and inventive, Mike Oldfield developed his own virtual instruments, allowing him to craft unique sounds and textures that became signatures of his music.

Mike Oldfield’s album “Ommadawn” draws inspiration from Celtic folk music.

Embracing his Irish heritage, Mike Oldfield infused his album “Ommadawn” with the enchanting melodies and rhythms of Celtic folk music, creating a captivating and evocative musical experience.

Mike Oldfield has released over 20 studio albums.

With a prolific career spanning decades, Mike Oldfield has consistently surprised and delighted fans with his extensive discography, showcasing his artistic growth and evolution as a musician.

Mike Oldfield’s music has been featured in numerous films and TV shows.

From “The Killing Fields” to “Stranger Things,” Mike Oldfield’s music has provided the perfect backdrop for various film and television productions, enhancing the storytelling and evoking deep emotions.

Mike Oldfield was awarded the Music Producers Guild Award for his outstanding contribution to the music industry.

In recognition of his immense talent and impact, Mike Oldfield was honored with this prestigious award, solidifying his position as a true trailblazer in the world of music production.

Mike Oldfield is known for his signature guitar technique called “tapping.”

Introduced on his album “Incantations,” Mike Oldfield popularized the use of tapping on the guitar, a technique where both hands tap the fretboard to create fast and complex melodies.

Mike Oldfield’s music has been described as ethereal and transcendent.

From the soothing melodies of “Moonlight Shadow” to the epic grandeur of “Tubular Bells,” Mike Oldfield’s music has a unique ability to transport listeners to otherworldly realms.

Mike Oldfield is an avid pilot.

Besides being a remarkable musician, Mike Oldfield is also passionate about flying. He has a pilot’s license and often takes to the skies to indulge in his love for aviation.

Mike Oldfield’s influence can be felt across various musical genres.

From progressive rock to new age, ambient to electronic, Mike Oldfield’s innovative and boundary-pushing music has inspired countless artists and left an indelible mark on the world of music.

In conclusion, these 18 unbelievable facts about Mike Oldfield only scratch the surface of his extraordinary career and artistic contributions. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to his music, exploring Mike Oldfield’s vast discography is sure to be a captivating and transformative experience.


Mike Oldfield is undeniably an extraordinary musician whose talent and creativity have shaped the music industry for decades. From his groundbreaking album “Tubular Bells” to his collaboration with legendary artists, Oldfield has proven himself to be a versatile and innovative artist. His ability to blend different genres and push the boundaries of music has earned him a dedicated fan base and numerous accolades.

As we have explored, there are countless fascinating facts about Mike Oldfield, from his early musical abilities to his unique recording techniques. His journey as a musician is a testament to his passion, perseverance, and dedication to his craft. Whether you are a long-time fan or just discovering his music, exploring the incredible world of Mike Oldfield is truly an unforgettable experience.


Q: What is Mike Oldfield famous for?

A: Mike Oldfield is famous for his groundbreaking album “Tubular Bells” which catapulted him to international stardom. The album showcased his exceptional talent and innovative approach to music composition.

Q: How many albums has Mike Oldfield released?

A: Mike Oldfield has released over 25 studio albums throughout his career. Each album offers a unique musical journey and showcases his incredible range as a musician.

Q: Has Mike Oldfield collaborated with other artists?

A: Yes, Mike Oldfield has collaborated with several renowned artists including Jon Anderson, Bonnie Tyler, and Roger Chapman. These collaborations have resulted in some unforgettable musical masterpieces.

Q: What instruments does Mike Oldfield play?

A: Mike Oldfield is known for his mastery of various instruments including the guitar, piano, keyboards, flute, and percussion. His ability to play multiple instruments has played a significant role in creating his distinctive musical style.

Q: Is Mike Oldfield still active in the music industry?

A: Yes, Mike Oldfield is still active in the music industry. He continues to release new music and occasionally performs live concerts, delighting his fans around the world.

Mike Oldfield's incredible talent and groundbreaking music continue to inspire musicians across various genres. Fans of progressive rock will be amazed by the 13 astonishing facts about Jordan Rudess, another virtuoso known for his innovative approach to music. Those who appreciate the beauty of instrumental music should explore the fascinating world of string instruments, which have played a crucial role in shaping music history. Lastly, discover the multi-instrumentalist genius of 11 fascinating facts about Brian Jones, whose contributions to rock music are truly remarkable. Keep exploring the world of music and uncover more captivating stories behind your favorite artists.

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