indebtedness - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

The eventual payment in local currency by the borrower of
[...] its outstanding indebtedness would need to be [...]
equivalent to the hard currency value
of the claims payment at the time of the claims payment.
El pago final en moneda local por parte
[...] del prestamista de su deuda pendiente debe ser [...]
equivalente al valor en moneda fuerte
del pago de las indemnizaciones en la fecha de dicho pago.
The CPIA scored a country's policies and institutions, on the basis of which the threshold
[...] of a country's indebtedness was established.
Dicho �ndice evaluaba las pol�ticas e instituciones de los pa�ses, y sobre esa base se
[...] establec�a el umbral de la deuda de un pa�s.
Where would so many dollars, euros and pound sterlings
[...] come from if not from the deep indebtedness of new generations?
�De d�nde saldr�an tantos d�lares, euros y libras
[...] esterlinas como no fuera endeudando seriamente a las nuevas generaciones?
The problem of all these mechanisms has been that they generally come too
[...] late, after high indebtedness has had devastating [...]
effects on countries.
El problema de todos estos mecanismos es
que generalmente llegan demasiado tarde, cuando el
[...] sobreendeudamiento ya ha tenido efectos [...]
devastadores sobre los pa�ses.
We increase the capacity for indebtedness of the company as a result [...]
of an increase in the capital of the firm and the associated
enhancement of the shareholders' equity position.
Aumentamos la capacidad de endeudamiento de la empresa gracias [...]
a la entrada de nuevo capital y el consiguiente refuerzo de los fondos propios.
As of that moment, Cuba would have to make consultations with the US
[...] Government to see which levels of indebtedness it could reach.
A partir de ese momento, Cuba tendr�a que consultar con el Gobierno de Estados
[...] Unidos los niveles de endeudamiento a los que podr�a llegar.
He may have foreseen the horrendous inequalities and injustices, the lack of
care for the human person which exist
[...] today because of indebtedness to the World Bank [...]
and the International Monetary Fund.
Quiz�s el preve�a las horrendas desigualdades y las injusticias, la falta de preocupaci�n
por la persona humana que existen hoy en el
[...] Tercer Mundo por la deuda al Banco Mundial y [...]
al Fondo Monetario Internacional.
With what money the US is bailing out its banks and multinationals, while plunging
[...] future generations of Americans into indebtedness?
�Con qu� dinero Estados Unidos salva sus bancos
[...] y multinacionales endeudando a su vez a las futuras [...]
generaciones de norteamericanos?
Locally, the government has been
criticized for two areas of its fiscal policy, mainly the overall
[...] expenditure of the government and its level of indebtedness.
Localmente, el Gobierno ha sido criticado sobre dos aspectos de su
[...] pol�tica fiscal: el nivel de endeudamiento del Gobierno y su gasto [...]
At the same time, the deteriorated terms
[...] of trade, which fuel indebtedness of resource-rich countries, [...]
need to be improved.
Al mismo tiempo, hay que mejorar los deteriorados t�rminos de
[...] comercio que alimentan el endeudamiento de los pa�ses ricos [...]
en recursos.
However, the principal indebtedness of the Canadian debtors [...]
was an intercompany loan between each of them and the United States debtors.
No obstante, la
[...] principal causa de endeudamiento de los deudores en [...]
el procedimiento abierto en el Canad� era un pr�stamo
entre las empresas de cada uno de aquellos y los deudores de los Estados Unidos.
We think it right
[...] that a state's overall indebtedness should be more closely [...]
Nos parece correcto que se controle
[...] m�s estrechamente el endeudamiento global de un Estado.
However, levels of indebtedness remain relatively low compared [...]
with industrialized nations.
No obstante, los niveles de endeudamiento siguen relativamente [...]
bajos si se comparan con las naciones industrializadas.
The Pact therefore rightly
[...] calls for an end to state indebtedness and for a budget that [...]
is balanced across the economic cycle.
Por lo tanto, el Pacto reivindica
[...] con raz�n el fin del endeudamiento estatal y un presupuesto [...]
equilibrado en todo el ciclo econ�mico.
This means that many municipalities have reached the legally
[...] admissible threshold for indebtedness and are unable to take [...]
on any more loans.
Esto significa que muchos municipios han
[...] llegado al umbral de endeudamiento legalmente permitido [...]
y ya no podr�n obtener m�s cr�ditos.
The country's indebtedness and dependence on foreign [...]
funding are increasingly at odds with the dollar's status as the world's primary reserve currency.
La econom�a estadounidense, endeudada y dependiente del [...]
exterior, tendr� cada vez m�s dificultades para asumir el car�cter
de divisa internacional de reserva del d�lar.
The high indebtedness of companies and families [...]
drags down consumption and investment.
El elevado endeudamiento alcanzado por las empresas [...]
y las familias lastra el consumo y la inversi�n.
The company's value for stockholders will increase by more than 50% while
[...] maintaining the current indebtedness ratio.
El valor de la compa��a para el accionista se incrementar� en m�s del 50%,
[...] manteniendo el actual ratio de endeudamiento.
In contrast, although East Asia and Latin America were also hit, the significant accumulation of
foreign exchange reserves and the
[...] reduction in external indebtedness during the boom, together [...]
with healthier financial systems
(thanks to stronger regulation adopted after their own prior crises) provided a partial defense against financial contagion.
Por el contrario, pese a que Asia Oriental y Am�rica Latina tambi�n fueron golpeadas, la fuerte
acumulaci�n de reservas
[...] internacionales y la reducci�n del endeudamiento externo durante el auge, [...]
en conjunto con sistemas financieros
m�s saludables (gracias a la m�s rigurosa regulaci�n adoptada despu�s de sus propias crisis) constituyeron una defensa parcial frente al contagio financiero.
The excessive increase of the price of
[...] the houses �provokes an indebtedness every time greater of [...]
the citizens to be able to have an own home.
El aumento desmesurado del precio de las
[...] viviendas provoca un endeudamiento cada vez mayor de los [...]
ciudadanos para poder tener una casa propia.
Healthy corporate profits and low indebtedness are likely to result in [...]
further transactions.
Buenos beneficios
[...] corporativos y un bajo endeudamiento probablemente resulten [...]
en m�s transacciones.
Poor manufacturing capabilities,
[...] little innovation, heavy indebtedness and poor production capacity [...]
are some of the constraints
on expansion of manufacturing in this sector.
Las deficientes capacidades de manufactura, la escasa
[...] innovaci�n, el fuerte endeudamiento y la insuficiente capacidad [...]
de producci�n son algunos
de los obst�culos a la expansi�n de la manufactura en este sector.
As a result, it had to be financed by
recurring to the currency
[...] reserves, creating a heavy indebtedness and leading to a situation [...]
that could not be prolonged much longer.
Por ello, tuvo que ser financiado
recurriendo a los fondos de reserva,
[...] cre�ndose una fuerte deuda y provocando una situaci�n [...]
que no pod�a prolongarse mucho m�s.
The only possible outcome of this crisis, given the net-worth losses suffered
by american families, companies and the government, is a noticeable longterm
[...] reduction in consumption and indebtedness.
La �nica respuesta concebible ante el da�o patrimonial sufrido por las familias,
empresas y gobierno estadounidenses es una reducci�n sustancial y de largo plazo de sus
[...] patrones de consumo y endeudamiento.
This level of indebtedness is not conducive to essential [...]
social services.
Este nivel de endeudamiento no favorece a los servicios [...]
sociales b�sicos.
The world's vehicle sector is nowadays in crisis because of
[...] its high cost levels and indebtedness.
El sector automotor mundial actualmente se encuentra en crisis, debido a sus
[...] altos niveles de costos y endeudamiento.
Another priority is to ensure that low-income
countries that are striving to meet the MDGs, and which have large financing requirements,
[...] avoid a new spiral of indebtedness.
Otra prioridad es garantizar que los pa�ses de bajo ingreso que est�n trabajando
en pos de los ODM, y que tienen fuertes necesidades de financiamiento, no entren en
[...] una nueva espiral de endeudamiento.
On the contrary, because of the crisis of the global capitalist
system, it succumbs under the crushing
[...] weight of over-indebtedness, the ruin of [...]
public finances and an inability to pay the debt leading to default.
Por el contrario, debido a la crisis del sistema capitalista global, sucumbe ante el
peso del sobreendeudamiento, la ruina de las finanzas p�blicas y la
[...] incapacidad de pagar la deuda, que lo lleva al [...]
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