Marry Me by Bobby Crosby | Goodreads
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Marry Me is a romantic comedy graphic novel about a pop star, frustrated with her love life, who marries a random fan holding a “MARRY ME” sign at one of her concerts. It is the first part of an ongoing web comic, which can be read at

96 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2007

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Bobby Crosby

40 books13 followers

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18 (6%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews
Profile Image for Rocio.
730 reviews47 followers
February 25, 2022 dio mucha curiosidad al ver el trailer de la película y al ver que el volumen estaba gratis en kindle dije "¿Por qué no?" Gran error. Es un auténtico sin sentido. La historia se da de manera ridícula sin motivo aparente, con saltos de tiempo y lugar que te hacen pensar que faltan páginas, además de detestar a los personajes. O sea, no.
¿Veré la adaptación? Sí, porque tiene pinta de que la voy a disfrutar más que esto (de entrada la chica seguro me cae mejor y existe un motivo para que haya una boda).
Profile Image for Vivian.
238 reviews287 followers
February 20, 2022
Was it ridiculous and over the top? Yes.
Did it have a bizarre borderline-racist white-savior complex subplot? Yes.
Am I going to watch the JLO movie adaptation? Also yes.
Profile Image for Angelica.
Author 1 book4 followers
February 1, 2022
I love this. I read it when it was a web comic YEARS ago and totally forgot about it until I saw the trailer for the Jennifer Lopez / Owen Wilson movie that is coming out later this month. “Marry Me” is a quick read. Short and sweet, totally ridiculous but completely amazing. It’s about Stasia, a pop star, who decides to marry someone in the audience who is holding up a marry me sign. Lots of confusion and hilarity ensues from this spur of the minute decision as Stasia and Guy get to know one another and decide what to do going forward. I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Wolfkin.
250 reviews27 followers
March 23, 2020
This is... interesting. The premise is actually quite compelling. It seems shallow but there's a LOT of room to grow here. Unfortunately as a whole this webcomic doesn't seem interested in that. I suspect a lot of that is due to the format. I can't imagine how complicated it is to weave a major narrative when your story is told in essentially "one page, one joke" format. There are webcomics that manage to do this but this one tends to .... speed through things. The accidental relationship is a staple of the rom-com genre in many formats and the one here is again super super interesting. It just goes through it too fast.

Stasia as a pop star who marries someone with a marry me sign at one of her concerts because she's just so frustrated with the whole pop scene is relatable. Guy the one who is just there because his best friend is a half step shy of being a stalker is interesting. The fact that he takes everything in stride and wants to get to know Stasia at first is interesting. There's a lot of interesting hints at greater story arcs where people suspect Guy or something or cringe at Stasia and call her crazy but while people handwring about it... it never happens. Guy starts off as being considered but even by the end of this first part ends up... a little too clean just too flawless to be interesting.

Parker as the comic relief actually has one of the more interest arcs. And that's not exactly a high bar. There's not a lot of character *growth* in this highly comedic series which is okay but still she's the only one with an arc and her storyline is pretty empty compared to our main two characters. The art is simple but it's not bad it's excellent for a webcomic I like the style well enough even if I don't like some of the design choices.
Profile Image for Chi.
699 reviews43 followers
January 23, 2022
This was all kinds of stupid. I'm tossing between 1 and 2 stars...

A lot of the serious ideas were played for laughs, and there's no way some of the caricatures could exist in real life.
Profile Image for Barry Haworth.
538 reviews9 followers
February 21, 2022
I read this one from the web comic. An amusing and somewhat unlikely story that appeals to soppy romantic in me.

Revisiting the story with the news of the new movie (2022). The basic premise of the story is good, but the narrative tends to wobble all over the place. The story stands up to a reread, though I can't help thinking it could do with some editing.
Profile Image for Sara.
33 reviews
March 21, 2017
funny story but vaguely racist and terribly illustrated
Profile Image for Maggie Carr.
1,119 reviews33 followers
April 6, 2022
I'm in the habit of checking into movie trailers that catch my interest to see if they are from books. Marry Me is based on a graphic novel. Guy Cooper is a 25 year old school counselor in the books yet played by Owen Wilson (age 53). Ana/Stasia is a 24 year old Caucasian pop star with blonde hair yet Jennifer Lopez's (age 52) plays the part. 🤷🤦
Profile Image for Kiera Beddes.
1,001 reviews16 followers
August 28, 2022
Over the top story of a celebrity pop star who marries a man who was holding a poster at one of her concerts. Pretty different from the movie with JLo and Owen Wilson, just FYI. I like the character of Guy, but I wish Ana/Stasia’s character wasn’t so chaotic and needy.
Profile Image for Steven.
25 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2012
This little 96-page graphic novel started out as an online comic. Marry Me is a romantic comedy graphic novel about a pop star, frustrated with her love life, who marries a random fan holding a “MARRY ME” sign at one of her concerts. There happens to be a pastor in the crowd who performs the ceremony, and after the concert, they run away to Africa to escape her father.

This was a pretty cute story. We get a really quick background behind the characters. It is a REALLY quick read, and it would probably make a pretty decent movie if it was developed. I got my wife to read it, and she said that she didn't know they made romantic-comedy comics. I liked it, it was just really short. I would like to see a more developed story that goes into more detail. It's cute. You can read it for free at
Profile Image for Adam Stone.
1,770 reviews25 followers
August 29, 2018
A fast and somewhat annoying read.

An erratic pop star marries a guy holding a "Marry Me" sign at ther concert. Only he's not a fan, he was just holding it for someone else. Luckily, it turns out he's the nicest, least crazy person in the book, which is a Very Low Bar.

I found myself skipping over huge chunks of this, as there wasn't anything believable or engaging about any of the characters.

I recommend it for people who wish Keenspace had more of their webcomics published.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
602 reviews70 followers
July 25, 2013
I am going to give this one 4 stars. I laughed so many times! Fun, light, and has a pop star not completely obsessed with herself! But man oh man do I hate the waiting!!
Profile Image for Al.
120 reviews18 followers
November 19, 2021
Decided to pick up this comic since the trailer for the movie adaptation dropped a few hours ago. I can honestly say I like the style/vibe of the comic way better than the movie. It is funny, chaotic, and the plot is insane. I love it. So many panels are quotable and meme-worthy. I hope more people will read this comic because of the movie.

It is quite short, and I really expected it to be longer. I do realise that the fast pace of the story is part of its humor, but I also wanted to spend more time with these characters. They are all loveable, and quite layered considering how short this story is.

I didn't like the artstyle at first, but I don't mind it much now.

Profile Image for Adrienne Kern McClintock.
101 reviews2 followers
July 16, 2022
A pop star who donates to charity has had bad relationships. Her father is her manager, and keeps trying to set her up with guys. At one concert, a gal who wants to be the #1 fan has to run to the bathroom, so she asks her best friend to hold the sign. She comes back to find her friend, a high school counselor from Oklahoma, has married the pop star. But are they really married?

It's a cute volume 1, and they could end the story here. Still, I'm sure they'll have plenty of comedic misadventures.
Profile Image for Willowisp.
60 reviews
February 8, 2022
Stumbled across this after someone mentioned it in a thread about the movie coming out soon. It was a pretty quick read and although it felt a little underdeveloped in some ways, it was cute and a nice read. It also got kind of unhinged at times, which I will admit was funny but it did throw me off quite a bit. (Like, the whole thing with Turtle? What?)
Although I think this could’ve been more than it was, what it is now is still pretty nice. I’d read it again.
Profile Image for Mileena.
589 reviews24 followers
March 22, 2022
This is a short standalone romcom of a graphic novel. So there’s not much be I discuss. This was cute. At first I hated the art style but it really grew on me throughout reading.

I think it is a fun take on the not judging people at first glance and really getting to know someone in a way you wouldn’t normally allow yourself to. There’s no depth but there is charm. Excited to see the JLO movie.
Profile Image for Tim Kretschmann.
122 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2022
Read this very quickly after seeing the movie. Amazing how little of the movie was taken from this. Enjoyable enough and moves faster than lightning. Fun, crazy, and actually had me laugh once or twice.
Profile Image for Vale Cas.
249 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2022
Linda historia, me saco más de una risa, es una historia corta y ligera

Supe de este libro gracias a la adaptación con Jennifer López, y confieso que el único motivo por el que leí esta novela gráfica es porque quiero ver la película 🍿
136 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2022

I had to mentally transition to the graphic novel after watching the Jennifer Lopez/Owen Wilson movie version. I have to admit that (although the movie is my current favorite film) I did enjoy the novel.
Profile Image for Melissa.
231 reviews2 followers
December 22, 2020
Cute story with enough of a pull to get you to want to read the next one.
Profile Image for Ashley Eppley.
51 reviews
November 19, 2021
can’t wait to see movie adaptation

After learning about this graphic novel from the movie I had to give a read and glad I did, great romance graphic novel
Profile Image for Caitlin.
1,022 reviews37 followers
March 2, 2022
A VERY different experience from the movie, and yet a strange and delightful one. A fun surprise to learn the leading man is an Okie, who knew?!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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