Will Goodrum

Principal Data Scientist, GA-CCRi

Dr. William (Will) Goodrum is an R&D leader focused on developing robust and ethical solutions at the intersection of traditional and AI/ML methods. He has spent a decade working on problems related to numerical optimization, physics-based simulation, time-series forecasting, assured autonomy, and computer vision. His favorite problems involve flying machines or things in space, but he’s also consulted with companies here on Earth about their data problems, too. Dr. Goodrum holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Virginia, and a Ph.D. in Engineering from Cambridge University.

"The GradFUTURES Ethics of AI learning cohort is a unique opportunity for students to learn and reason about the complexity of solving serious, technical problems in tension with the ethical imperatives of the application of those technologies. I look forward to discussing how these issues arise in complex domains (e.g., geospatial analysis) and how they can be mitigated thoughtfully and practically."

Professional Development Advice for Graduate Students:

"Careers are long (and nonlinear).
The soft stuff (e.g,, relationship building, people management) is the hard stuff.
Start from your values, and build your career around that.
The best opportunities are the unexpected ones."