For reference, this is my game here - Spellbound[🎉NEW🎉] - Roblox

I’ve been working on the game for around 6 months now, and last weekend I decided it was time for release. I uploaded 50k robux into the Sponsored ad manager, and made an ad for 110 ad credits. I’ve never used the Sponsored Ad system before, although I did use the old sponsorship ads in the past, and low amounts of Robux got me a decent amount of visits. Although, I wasn’t very well funded (and the games were also a buggy mess) so they didn’t do very well. I tried researching advertisement methods and what worked for others, but found nothing that could help, The ads weren’t working at first, so I decided to make another ad for 50 credits (this wasn’t the smartest decision, but after I made this ad the other one started working so I’m not sure if it was a bug or some other kind of issue.) I’ve read posts about having a CTR of 0.6-1% were good on Roblox, but I’m not sure if this data was correct.

Here is the stats from my 110 ad credit sponsorship-

Here is the stats from my 50 ad credit sponsorship-

The rest of the ad credits purchased with the 50k was meant to be ran throughout the week to help build a player base, but I was so lost with my stats from before that I was scared to throw away ad credits. I’ve received feedback from players and friends about how the game is fun, so where did I go wrong? I can’t tell if this is an issue with the game, the marketing plan, or just the Roblox system itself.

I’m unsure if I will continue with the project or work on something new for the summer, but how can I improve the game to work better in the algorithm? Additionally, how should I have carried out the ad campaign to garner a larger amount of attention from Roblox?


you didn’t go wrong, the new ad manager is just outright terrible.


ads suck, I found a sponsored ad method that works better, first when your sponsoring your gonna want to do a daily budget of 5, and make the ad run for 2 days do a bid from 0.04 to 0.08

these were my results

you can keep doing this over an over and it really works, but I wouldn’t say its the best, I spent about 9k total on sponsors on my elevator game and it got 5.4k visits in only 4 days. overall the new ad manager is very bad and I dont recommend spending the money on it if you dont have it.

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Ah, thanks for the advice. I heard the new ad system was bad, but I didn’t think it would be this bad. I’ll be sure to try this method out for my later games.

Sorry for all the questions, but do you know of a better way to advertise since the Roblox platform itself doesn’t seem to be the best?

if im being honest, your best chance of making a viral game is making videos out of it on platforms like TikTok and shorts on yt, like I’ve seen people blow up there games just by adding funny clips into the game and they also make the game look very engaging to play. you can probably also make quick cash grab meme games or just things kids like for example I made a game called “pomni elevator” and from the game I made almost 10k just from 5k visits. I hope that helps and sorry because im kinda bad at explaining things