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message 1: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3329 comments Mod
This thread is for just off topic discussions that members might want to discuss more deeply. :)

message 2: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Fine. Let's trigger some folk.

message 3: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments What? “Shall not be infringed”….pretty sure that’s infringement

message 4: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 994 comments Re, all things Hellraiser here.

message 5: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Welcome to the Island of Misfit Topics.

message 6: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments I’ve never seen hellraiser what exactly is it about

message 7: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 994 comments Brianna wrote: "I’ve never seen hellraiser what exactly is it about"

That's an excellent question, and kinda what we're discussing.

message 8: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 994 comments J. wrote: "Welcome to the Island of Misfit Topics."

Suitable for misfits!

message 9: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Hellraiser is a movie about a family in which the evil stepmother has an affair with her husband's brother, Frank. Then Frank plays with the wrong puzzle box and gets dragged to Hell. Unfortunately, for our protagonist, Kirsty, and her father, Frank comes back and the Cenobites follow him.

message 10: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments Ohhh ok! I wasn’t allowed to watch horror movies growing up so I’m basically playing catch up and haven’t gotten around to hellraiser yet, I’ll have to ask the husband if he has it amongst his vast collection of DVDs

message 11: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
Hellraiser is sick awesome, glad to talk about it!

message 12: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
Brianna wrote: "Ohhh ok! I wasn’t allowed to watch horror movies growing up so I’m basically playing catch up and haven’t gotten around to hellraiser yet, I’ll have to ask the husband if he has it amongst his vast..."

Oh no shucks, my mom was the opposite she would upon my request go to the video rental store, yes VHS tapes and all and bring me a few horror movies when I was sick and home from school, I think some of the best ones I saw were the ones she picked randomly, she even brought me horror books and murder mysteries from the library, the video store and library were 2 blocks away luckily. I still appreciate that to this day.

message 13: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments If you're put off by gore, body horror, or blasphemy go slow. And it is absolutely not appropriate for little kids. You'll see what I mean.

That said, what Graeme and I were chatting about was certain themes and philosophies in the films. (There is also a novella, but I have yet to read it.) We had touched on Dualism which is a philosophy which argues that man is two part, the physical body and the metaphysical soul/spirit. We also toyed with the familial tragedy touched by the supernatural aspects.

message 14: by Kasia, il Barbaro (last edited Apr 25, 2024 06:38PM) (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
^ I read the first book, do you mean The Hellbound Heart :)?

The Hellbound Heart (Hellraiser, #1) by Clive Barker

“Barker’s the best thing to happen to horror fiction for many moons. . . [he] never fails to deliver the compelling prose and relentless horror his readers expect.” —Chicago Tribune

The classic tale of supernatural obsession from the critically acclaimed master of darkness—and the inspiration for the cult classic film Hellraiser

From his scores of short stories, bestselling novels, and major motion pictures, no one comes close to the vivid imagination and unique terrors provided by Clive Barker. The Hellbound Heart is one of Barker’s best—a nerve-shattering novella about the human heart and all the great terrors and ecstasies within its endless domain. It is about greed and love, desire and death, life and captivity, bells and blood. It is one of the most frightening stories you are likely to ever read.

Frank Cotton's insatiable appetite for the dark pleasures of pain led him to the puzzle of Lemarchand's box, and from there, to a death only a sick-minded soul could invent. But his brother's love-crazed wife, Julia, has discovered a way to bring Frank back—though the price will be bloody and terrible . . . and there will certainly be hell to pay.

message 15: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Yes, that is the novella. I understand the description of the Lament Configuration is very different from the movies. Is the family dynamic also different?

message 16: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments @Kasia I was barely allowed to watch/read Harry Potter and twilight 😂 when my mom saw bits and pieces of Deadpool while my dad was watching she freaked out knowing that I watched it too not to mention my dad and I went to see it together lol

message 17: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
It felt different when I read it and watched the movie but that was a while ago but there was a difference to me. Gotta investigate further and do re-watch and re-read now I'm curious.

message 18: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
I do have this cute guy on my bookshelf tho

message 19: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments @J. I’ve never been bothered by gore or anything like that and I have learned to ignore blasphemy since it’s mainly for the shock value. I’m definitely adding it to my watch list

message 20: by Kasia, il Barbaro (new)

Kasia (kasia_s) | 862 comments Mod
Brianna wrote: "@Kasia I was barely allowed to watch/read Harry Potter and twilight 😂 when my mom saw bits and pieces of Deadpool while my dad was watching she freaked out knowing that I watched it too not to ment..."

I get it, they try to protect you but watching Alien movies with my dad, and Conan the Barbarian at 3 which is still one of my favorite movies was such a blast. Parenting is tough but some fun things can slide, I'm being super impartial lol.

message 21: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Brianna wrote: "@Kasia I was barely allowed to watch/read Harry Potter and twilight 😂 when my mom saw bits and pieces of Deadpool while my dad was watching she freaked out knowing that I watched it too not to mention my dad and I went to see it together lol"

Oh yeah. Your mother will not like Hellraiser.

message 22: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments @Kasia oh yea i see now as an adult, because we NEVER see it as we’re growing up you know lol, but I imagine I will be a little less strict with my children but I still want to protect them from other things. The only thing I could get away with was music. My mom didn’t care to listen to what I listened to so she relied on my dad to keep an eye out, we listed to a lot of the same things, and my dad was just like “I dont care you know right from wrong” lol

message 23: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments @J. For some reason the link is not working for me

message 24: by Marie, Coffee-Chocolate-Book Lover (new)

Marie | 3329 comments Mod
Hellraiser is awesome! I actually watched it the first time (you guys are going to kick me - lol) about two years ago. I had been seeing it forever but just never watched it for some reason.

I need to read the book at some point. I think I tried to read one of his books once - years ago and he is super deep horror - you have to really concentrate on his stories. I struggled with it but I think my head space wasn't in it.

message 25: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 994 comments Marie wrote: "Hellraiser is awesome! I actually watched it the first time (you guys are going to kick me - lol) about two years ago. I had been seeing it forever but just never watched it for some reason.

I ne..."

I think you'd like it, Marie.

My review is here.

message 26: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments Brianna wrote: "@J. For some reason the link is not working for me"

Try this one.

message 27: by Brianna (new)

Brianna Carlile | 516 comments @J. Oh yeah, she wouldn’t like it lol. But I couldn’t help but laugh at whatever that thing was with the sunglasses lol

message 28: by Papaphilly (new)

Papaphilly | 337 comments Brianna wrote: "Ohhh ok! I wasn’t allowed to watch horror movies growing up so I’m basically playing catch up and haven’t gotten around to hellraiser yet, I’ll have to ask the husband if he has it amongst his vast..."

The Hellraiser series was based on a Clive Barker novel The Hellbound Heart. The first movie is pretty good and the second one is pretty good, after that....

message 29: by Graeme (new)

Graeme Rodaughan | 994 comments That was my experience too, Papa.

The 3rd one was ewww.

I haven't seen the recent reboot, and I'll probably give it a go.

message 30: by Papaphilly (new)

Papaphilly | 337 comments Graeme wrote: "That was my experience too, Papa.

The 3rd one was ewww.

I haven't seen the recent reboot, and I'll probably give it a go."

Did not know there was a reboot

message 31: by J. (new)

J. Gowin | 1108 comments There have been a few reboots. This was the most recent.

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