42 Facts about the movie Attack the Block - Facts.net
Wilma Lo

Written by Wilma Lo

Modified & Updated: 19 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Amazon.com

Attack the Block is a standout sci-fi action-comedy film that gained a cult following since its release in 2011. Directed by Joe Cornish and produced by Edgar Wright, the movie offers a unique blend of urban setting, thrilling alien invasion, and refreshing humor. Set in a South London housing estate, the film follows a gang of teenagers as they defend their neighborhood from extraterrestrial creatures.

With its fast-paced storyline, memorable characters, and witty dialogue, Attack the Block has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. But there’s more to this film than meets the eye. In this article, we will delve into 42 fascinating facts about Attack the Block, from its production challenges to its impressive ensemble cast, and the impact it has had on the genre. So buckle up and get ready for an adventure into the world of Attack the Block!

Key Takeaways:

  • Attack the Block” is a 2011 British sci-fi comedy horror film directed by Joe Cornish and starring John Boyega, known for its unique blend of humor, horror, and social commentary.
  • The movie gained a cult following, launched John Boyega’s career, and features a diverse ensemble cast, captivating viewers with its thrilling action and thought-provoking themes.
Table of Contents

“Attack the Block” was released in 2011

This British sci-fi comedy horror film made its debut in 2011, captivating audiences with its unique blend of genres.

The movie was directed by Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish, known for his work on “The Adventures of Tintin” and “Ant-Man,” directed this thrilling cinematic experience.

The film stars John Boyega in his breakthrough role

John Boyega, who would later gain worldwide recognition for his role in the “Star Wars” franchise, delivers a standout performance in “Attack the Block.

The story is set in a South London housing estate

The movie takes place in the gritty neighborhood of South London, providing a unique backdrop for the action-packed events that unfold.

Aliens invade the housing estate

Unusual extraterrestrial creatures descend upon the housing estate, leading to a battle for survival between the residents and the alien invaders.

The movie tackles themes of social issues and class divide

Amidst the thrilling sci-fi action, “Attack the Block” delves into deeper societal issues, highlighting the social and economic challenges faced by the characters.

The film received critical acclaim for its originality

“Attack the Block” was praised for its fresh take on the sci-fi genre, garnering positive reviews for its unique concept and engaging storytelling.

The soundtrack features a mix of hip hop and electronic music

The movie’s soundtrack adds to its energetic atmosphere by incorporating a dynamic blend of hip hop and electronic music.

The film gained a cult following over the years

Despite initially being a sleeper hit, “Attack the Block” has built a dedicated fan base and is often celebrated as a cult classic in the sci-fi genre.

The movie served as a launching pad for John Boyega’s career

John Boyega’s standout performance in “Attack the Block” catapulted him onto the international stage, leading to his iconic role as Finn in the “Star Wars” series.

The movie combines humor and horror in a unique way

“Attack the Block” expertly blends comedic moments with intense horror sequences, resulting in a thrilling and entertaining viewing experience.

The film’s budget was relatively modest

Despite the impressive visual effects and action sequences, “Attack the Block” was made on a budget of approximately $13 million.

The movie explores the concept of redemption

Through the development of its characters, “Attack the Block” delves into the idea of redemption and the potential for growth and change.

The film was influenced by classic creature features

Attack the Block” pays homage to classic creature features, drawing inspiration from films such as “Gremlins” and “Critters.

The alien creatures were brought to life through practical effects

To maintain the authenticity of the movie, practical effects were primarily used to bring the alien creatures to life.

The dialogue features a mix of street slang and English accents

Attack the Block” authentically captures the vibrant nature of the South London setting through its use of street slang and diverse range of English accents.

The movie promotes the sense of community and unity

Amidst the chaos of the alien invasion, “Attack the Block” emphasizes the power of community and the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.

The film’s visual style is gritty and realistic

The cinematography and production design in “Attack the Block” create a gritty and immersive environment, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

The story unfolds over the course of one night

The events of “Attack the Block” take place within a single night, adding an additional layer of tension and urgency to the narrative.

The movie delivers unexpected twists and turns

“Attack the Block” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats by introducing unexpected plot twists and surprises throughout the story.

The film received accolades for its screenplay

Joe Cornish’s screenplay for “Attack the Block” was praised for its originality, wit, and ability to seamlessly blend various genres.

“Attack the Block” was a box office success

Despite its modest budget, the film performed well at the box office, further solidifying its status as a cult favorite.

The movie tackles themes of bravery and self-discovery

Through the trials and tribulations faced by the characters, “Attack the Block” explores themes of bravery, self-discovery, and personal growth.

The film boasts a diverse and talented ensemble cast

In addition to John Boyega, “Attack the Block” features a talented ensemble cast including Jodie Whittaker, Alex Esmail, and Nick Frost.

The movie addresses the stereotypes surrounding inner-city communities

Attack the Block” challenges stereotypes by presenting complex and multi-dimensional characters from the South London housing estate.

The film showcases impressive action sequences

From exhilarating chase scenes to intense confrontations, “Attack the Block” delivers visually stunning and adrenaline-fueled action sequences.

The movie received positive reviews for its social commentary

Alongside its thrilling plot, “Attack the Block” was celebrated for its insightful social commentary and portrayal of marginalized communities.

The film’s young actors were relatively inexperienced

The talented group of young actors in “Attack the Block” had limited acting experience prior to their roles in the film, demonstrating exceptional talent and potential.

The movie maintains a fast-paced and engaging narrative

“Attack the Block” keeps viewers engaged from start to finish, with its tight pacing and constant sense of tension and excitement.

The film’s humor adds levity to the intense moments

Despite the high stakes and thrilling action, “Attack the Block” infuses humor into the story, providing moments of levity amid the chaos.

The movie features dynamic and memorable character interactions

The interactions between the characters in “Attack the Block” are filled with wit, humor, and genuine camaraderie, adding depth to the overall narrative.

The film tackles issues of youth and identity

“Attack the Block” explores the journey of its young characters as they navigate issues of identity, responsibility, and finding their place in the world.

The movie was praised for its impressive visual effects

The visual effects in “Attack the Block” were lauded for their seamless integration into the story, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

“Attack the Block” inspired other filmmakers

The innovative approach and success of “Attack the Block” served as an inspiration for other filmmakers, paving the way for similar genre-bending films.

The movie’s suspenseful sequences keep viewers on the edge of their seats

From heart-pounding chase scenes to nail-biting confrontations, “Attack the Block” consistently delivers suspenseful moments that captivate audiences.

The film explores the notion of unity in the face of danger

“Attack the Block” emphasizes the importance of unity and collaboration, as the characters put aside their differences to confront the alien threat.

The movie uses practical effects to enhance the authenticity

The practical effects used in “Attack the Block” add a sense of realism to the film, making the alien invasion feel more tangible and immediate.

The film provides social commentary through its story

Beyond its thrilling plot, “Attack the Block” offers insightful social commentary on issues such as race, class, and systemic injustices.

The movie boasts a memorable and distinctive visual style

From its striking cinematography to its vibrant production design, “Attack the Block” showcases a visually rich and captivating aesthetic.

The film’s punchy dialogue adds to its realism

The snappy and authentic dialogue in “Attack the Block” contributes to the overall realism and believability of the characters and their interactions.

“Attack the Block” has gained a strong cult following

Over the years, “Attack the Block” has amassed a dedicated fan base who appreciate its unique blend of genres and its exploration of societal issues.

The movie leaves a lasting impression on viewers

Long after watching “Attack the Block,” the film’s memorable characters, thrilling action, and thought-provoking themes continue to resonate with audiences.

There you have it, the 42 fascinating facts about the movie “Attack the Block”! This cult classic has captivated audiences with its unique blend of humor, horror, and social commentary. If you haven’t already experienced this thrilling sci-fi adventure, make sure to add it to your watchlist!


In conclusion, “Attack the Block” is a thrilling and unique movie that combines elements of sci-fi and horror to deliver an action-packed experience. With its captivating storyline, memorable characters, and impressive visual effects, it has gained a cult following among movie enthusiasts. The film’s social commentary and exploration of themes like friendship, resilience, and redemption make it more than just a typical alien invasion movie. “Attack the Block” is a true gem that deserves recognition for its creativity and originality. Whether you’re a fan of the genre or looking for something fresh and exciting to watch, this movie is definitely worth checking out.


1. When was “Attack the Block” released?

“Attack the Block” was released on May 13, 2011.

2. Who directed the movie?

The movie was directed by Joe Cornish.

3. What is the movie’s genre?

Attack the Block” is a blend of sci-fi, action, and horror genres.

4. Where was the movie filmed?

The movie was primarily filmed in various locations in London, England.

5. Who are some of the main actors in the film?

The main actors in “Attack the Block” include John Boyega, Jodie Whittaker, and Nick Frost.

6. What is the plot of the movie?

The movie follows a teenage gang in South London who must defend their tower block from an alien invasion.

7. Is “Attack the Block” suitable for all audiences?

While the movie is rated R for violence, language, and some drug content, it is generally recommended for mature audiences.

8. Did the movie receive any awards or nominations?

Yes, “Attack the Block” received several awards and nominations, including the Audience Award at the Austin Film Festival and the Empire Award for Best British Film.

9. Is there a sequel or plans for a sequel?

As of now, there are no official plans for a sequel to “Attack the Block.”

10. Where can I watch “Attack the Block”?

The movie is available to stream on various platforms, including Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

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