Describe Your Ideal Boss: How To Answer + Sample Answers?

Describe Your Ideal Boss: How To Answer + Sample Answers?

Interviewers often ask this question ‘Describe your ideal boss?’. They want to assess what kind of employer you prefer and whether your preference matches the company’s management. Indirectly you also answer what leadership means to you? Vivek Wadhwa writes ‘’The key to achieving success is to assemble a strong and stable management’’. The management of a company is eventually your boss, so how do you want to see this person?. What qualities should he possess to ensure the development of the company and employees?. A boss is someone who can make our work fun and can also make us want to quit. Hence, we should work under someone who makes us want to work and not quit. Let’s know how to answer ( Describe your Ideal Boss) + sample answers.

Describe Your Ideal Boss: How To Answer + Sample Answers

What is an Ideal Boss?

The word ‘Ideal’ is a myth. Nothing is perfect, and no one is Ideal. Even our Boss will have some shortcomings. Hence we need to look for a good Boss, not an ideal one. From the interviewer’s perspective, the question about an Ideal Boss reveals a lot about your outlook on your Boss, work, and the company.

An ideal boss should be a knowledgeable and experienced person. They should be reachable to the employees. They should act as a guide and a motivator. When you think of an ideal boss, try to think about what kind of boss can make you productive and a better employee at work. You will find your answer then and there.

Why do Interviewers ask you to Describe your ideal Boss?

Employers ask you to ‘Describe your Ideal Boss’ to know what kind of employer you wish to work with. Along with that, they also want to know:

  • How will you work under the supervision of your Boss?
  • Whether you will respect the decision of your higher authority.
  • How do you view your boss?
  • What was your experience working under your previous employers?
  • If you are a team player or not, are you open to asking for help if you are not able to understand something?

These parameters help the hiring manager decide whether you are fit for the role or not. So, practice and try to give a positive outlook when you answer such questions during an interview.

How to answer ‘Describe your Ideal Boss’

A good boss is always open to suggestions from the staff to reach the desired goals. So, you can try to answer this question keeping in mind how the Boss-employee culture is evolving these days, and at the end, try to give your suggestions about how a boss can try to interact better with his employees and ensure timely completion of goals. Before you answer ‘Describe your Ideal Boss’ or ‘Your ideal manager,’ try to construct a good answer.

1. Research the workplace

When you have to answer about your Ideal Boss, you should know something about your audience. Research about the company, try to be aware of the work culture and the management. You can try to get in touch with ex-employees on LinkedIn or Indeed to understand the company’s employee culture and then construct your answer.

For example- If a Company’s management expects a competitive attitude from the employees. Then you can answer that you prefer an ideal boss who encourages you to be competitive.

2. Be Flexible and adaptable

Don’t show your preference of a boss in your answer explicitly, Instead, mention the attributes of a good boss. You have to show that you are flexible and can work under anyone’s supervision. Adaptability and flexibility are the attributes of a good employee. Hence, answer in such a way that reflects your work ethic of working under a Boss. This can leave a positive impression on your hiring manager.

3. Include your experiences

If you have working experience then try to explain briefly about your previous Boss and what changes you would like to see in your new employer.  If you don’t have any experience then, it’s alright to mention that your Ideal Boss is someone who can make the workplace a fun place to work. Like a teacher who makes us curious to learn new things.

4. Don’t be too ideal

When you are describing an ideal boss remember, that you have to mention the qualities of a good Boss. In brief, a Boss who can make you work better every day and sharpen your skills. There is no ideal boss in general, so avoid talking about a god-like Boss who can’t exist. Be practical with your answer.

5. The art of balancing

You should try to strike a perfect balance between the kind of supervisor you idealize and the kind of employee you are. Don’t come out as someone who needs guidance all the time or someone who does not require supervision to work. You have to answer in a balanced way where you prefer to be supervised when needed, but you can also work independently and make decisions if your work demands.

6. Avoid being too wordy

Mention one or two good qualities of a good Boss and answer briefly. Avoid using too many adjectives to describe your ideal Boss. Instead, you can elaborate only a few qualities to make your response simple and easy to understand your thoughts on an Ideal Boss.

7. Be optimistic and basic

Your answer should provide a positive outlook about a boss or manager. Hence, do not criticize any trait of a boss. Keep it simple and optimistic. Include qualities such as better interaction with employees and leadership skills which are general attributes of a boss.

Tips to help you construct your answer

Mention the qualities of a good boss. Answer how these qualities can benefit employees. Include your experience if you have any otherwise, leave it. Include your suggestion about a boss and how these points can help in the overall growth of the organization.

Sample answers to ‘Describe your Ideal Boss’


‘’For me, an Ideal Boss is someone who understands his employees. Who does not treat me merely as a working machine? If I made a mistake, he should correct me, but If the boss is incorrect, he should accept that with honor. If I ask for leave or If I am not able to complete my work on time, he must try to understand my circumstances during those times.’’
‘An understanding relationship is important for employee productivity and job satisfaction for an individual.’


‘To me, an ideal boss is someone with strong work and moral ethics. He should command authority when assigning tasks and must set deadlines after consulting with employees. He should look after the well-being of an employee in the same way as the organization. If an employee is putting in extra hours, he must recognize that and understand that if someone leaves on time, that does not mean that the employee is working less.’
‘In today’s world, it is important that you treat employees with care for the sake of the organization and the employees.’


‘For me, an ideal boss is someone who is evolving with changing times. If today mental health is an issue for many employees then, he must prioritize that. If the work culture or administrative process is obstructing an employee’s productivity to deliver then, the boss should take notice of that. If an employee asks for extra pay, then Instead of directly dismissing, the Boss must listen and act if a request is reasonable.’
‘I strongly feel that the Boss must make a workplace a desirable place to work for employees and that is possible if a person is ready to evolve.’


To me, an ideal boss is someone with strong organizational, administrative, and communication skills. Anarchy prevails without strong organizational skills. The boss must be strict with deadlines, work hours, and quality of work, but he must also ensure equality. Like Pay on time, credit for employees’ hard work, giving them a break when needed, and should give employees every chance to grow in an organization.’


‘An ideal boss must believe that an employee is a key part of the organization as the Boss. The belief in equality proves profitable to the organization. Employees do work to get paid, but they also work for recognition and to be valued by the organization. Hence, a boss can instill that confidence in employees about being important and having the potential to grow.’


‘To me, an ideal boss is the one who prioritizes the needs of the organization before everything. If someone is giving value to the organization, the boss should credit them, and if someone is not contributing, he must be strong enough to let go of that person because, at the end of the day, the organization and its progress do maters.’


‘’I think an ideal boss is the one who is patient with the employees and is available to help the team whenever needed. If a boss is patient enough then, it becomes comfortable and easy to work with them. The availability of a boss not only helps in timely completion of the task but also makes the employees respectful and loyal towards the boss.’’


‘’ To me, an ideal is someone who gives autonomy to the employees in decision making and guides them to become better individuals and future supervisors. An ideal boss should be visionary and prioritize the role of employees in achieving goals. He should not let growth remain stagnant and must look for opportunities that help in achieving overall growth and development.”


‘’To me, an ideal boss is someone who values honesty, good work ethics, and integrity in employees. A good supervisor is someone who can teach how to be a better employee every day. He should treat everyone equally and try to build a good rapport with employees. This makes everyone comfortable to work with each other without fearing any kind of bias.’’


‘’An ideal boss is someone with strong organizational skills, who can maintain the right balance between the goals of the company and the ability of the employees. She should be empathetic when needed and commanding if the work demands. A good boss should be capable enough to produce individuals who can be future leaders. In brief, an ideal boss should be supportive and understanding.’’

Mistakes to avoid while answering about your Ideal Boss

  • Don’t get carried away with your answer: Be practical and brief. People get carried away about how an Ideal boss can change a company. Remember, it’s good, not ideal.
  • Complaining: You might have experience working with a horrible boss, but that was just a phase. Do not complain about any trait in your previous boss or in general.
  • Emphasize your abilities: When asked about a boss, answer about a boss. Don’t start talking about how you have those qualities. Be relevant.
  • Being unprepared: Don’t sit in an interview without enough research about the work culture of the company. Your answer should not be ideal but suitable for your audience.

Different ways to ask ‘Describe your Ideal Boss’

This question can be asked in different ways during an Interview. Below are the following questions to help you prepare better.

  • Describe an Ideal Boss?
  • What kind of manager do you prefer to work with?
  • What qualities are necessary for a supervisor?
  • Do you think a manager should micromanage or give autonomy at the workplace?
  • What kind of person was your previous boss?
  • What is the role of a Boss in creating a vibrant working environment?

An ideal Boss will not leave any room for complaint. If you really have an Ideal boss then, you might end up with a monotonous working experience. Hence, we need to work with people capable of excellence but can fail at times too. There is no Ideal Boss or an ideal employee. Hence you should think about what kind of a boss you idealize and would want to work under. Asking such questions with yourself will help you analyze your answer, and you will come up with a suitable reply to ‘Describe your Ideal Boss.’

Frequently asked questions:

1. How to answer if I’m applying for a managerial position?

A. You should try to mention the leadership qualities that you have learned through experience and what other qualities you are looking forward to learning.

2. How to find information about a Company’s work culture?

A. You can refer to sites such as Glassdoor, ambition box, LinkedIn, and indeed to find about the internal working culture of a company.

Describe Your Ideal Boss: How To Answer + Sample Answers?

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