39 Facts About Wagner Moura - Facts.net
Dorene Bauer

Written by Dorene Bauer

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Ew.com

Wagner Moura, the Brazilian actor, has captured the hearts of audiences around the world with his mesmerizing performances. From his breakout role as Pablo Escobar in the hit Netflix series “Narcos” to his critically acclaimed portrayal of Captain Nascimento in the “Elite Squad” films, Moura has established himself as one of the most talented actors of his generation. But there is more to Moura than just his on-screen presence.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the life and career of Wagner Moura, uncovering 39 fascinating facts that will give you a comprehensive understanding of the man behind the characters. From his early life in Brazil to his international success, we will explore his journey, his achievements, and the impact he has made in the world of entertainment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wagner Moura, a Brazilian actor, gained fame for his role as Pablo Escobar in “Narcos” and is known for his versatility, environmental activism, and dedication to authentic portrayals.
  • From his captivating presence to his commitment to meaningful storytelling, Wagner Moura continues to push boundaries and delight audiences with his incredible talent, making him a true icon in the world of acting.
Table of Contents

Rising Star of Brazilian Cinema

Wagner Moura was born on June 27, 1976, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Growing up, he developed a passion for acting and pursued his dreams in the vibrant Brazilian film industry.

Versatile Actor

Known for his versatility, Moura has showcased his talent in a wide range of roles, including drama, action, and comedy. His ability to effortlessly switch between genres has earned him critical acclaim.

Breakthrough Role in “Elite Squad”

Moura’s breakthrough came in 2007 when he starred in the critically acclaimed film “Elite Squad.” His portrayal of Captain Nascimento, a tough and conflicted police officer, brought him widespread recognition and praise.

International Stardom with “Narcos”

In 2015, Moura rose to international fame with his mesmerizing portrayal of the notorious Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar in the Netflix series “Narcos.” His performance captivated audiences worldwide and garnered rave reviews.

Preparation for “Narcos”

Moura immersed himself in the world of Pablo Escobar by studying his mannerisms, watching documentaries, and perfecting the Colombian accent. His dedication to the role elevated the authenticity of his performance.

Mastering Multiple Languages

In order to accurately portray the multilingual Pablo Escobar, Moura learned to speak Spanish fluently. His linguistic skills added depth and credibility to his character.

Accolades for “Narcos”

Moura’s exceptional portrayal of Pablo Escobar earned him numerous accolades, including a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor in a Television Series.

An Environmental Activist

Outside of his acting career, Moura is known for his commitment to environmental causes. He actively supports the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and advocates for sustainability.

The Musician Within

Moura has a passion for music and is an accomplished guitarist and singer-songwriter. He has showcased his musical talents in various projects throughout his career.

Collaboration with Famous Directors

Moura has had the privilege of working with renowned directors such as Fernando Meirelles, José Padilha, and Oliver Stone. These collaborations have further cemented his status as a respected actor.

A Multilingual Actor

Besides English, Portuguese, and Spanish, Moura is also fluent in French. His linguistic abilities have opened up opportunities for him to work in international productions.

Transformation for “Elysium”

For his role as the villainous Spider in the science fiction film “Elysium,” Moura underwent a physical transformation, shaving his head and gaining weight to embody his character’s intimidating presence.

Father of Three

Moura is a proud father of three children. Family is incredibly important to him, and he cherishes the moments he spends with his loved ones.

Theater Background

Prior to his onscreen success, Moura honed his acting skills through theater performances. The stage provided him with a solid foundation and the opportunity to experiment with different roles.

Passion for Social Justice

Moura has been an advocate for social justice issues in Brazil. He uses his public platform to raise awareness about human rights violations and inequality.

Cultural Ambassador

As a prominent Brazilian actor, Moura has become a cultural ambassador, introducing audiences worldwide to the vibrant and diverse Brazilian film industry.

Memorable Character in “Paraíso Tropical”

Moura portrayed Olavo Novaes, a captivating and complex character, in the Brazilian telenovela “Paraíso Tropical.” His performance earned him praise from both critics and audiences.

Diverse Filmography

Throughout his career, Moura has taken on a variety of roles in both Brazilian and international films, showcasing his adaptability and range as an actor.

The Voice Behind “Ferdinand”

Moura lent his voice to the character of Ferdinand in the Brazilian Portuguese version of the animated film. His performance added depth and charm to the beloved bull.

Activism Against Poverty

Charitable work is close to Moura’s heart. He actively supports organizations that fight against poverty and works to improve the lives of those less fortunate.

Respect for Authenticity

Moura believes in portraying characters authentically, whether they are real-life figures or fictional creations. He values the importance of bringing depth and truth to his performances.

Collaboration with José Padilha

Moura has collaborated extensively with director José Padilha, known for his politically charged films and series. Their creative partnership has resulted in gripping and thought-provoking projects.

International Film Festival Performances

Moura’s work has been showcased at prestigious film festivals around the world, including Cannes and Berlin. His performances have received critical acclaim and admiration from audiences.

Representation of Brazilian Cinema

As one of Brazil’s most prominent actors, Moura has played a vital role in shining a spotlight on Brazilian cinema and its rich storytelling tradition.

Exploring Colombia for “Narcos”

Moura traveled to Colombia extensively to immerse himself in the culture and history of the country while preparing for his role as Pablo Escobar. His dedication to research enhanced the authenticity of his performance.

Collaboration with Netflix

The success of “Narcos” solidified Moura’s partnership with Netflix, leading to further collaborations on projects that underscore his talent as an actor.

Admiration for the Craft

Moura has a deep appreciation for the art of acting and admires actors who commit fully to their characters, pushing boundaries and challenging themselves.

Graduated in Journalism

Before pursuing his passion for acting, Moura obtained a degree in Journalism. His background in communications contributes to his ability to understand and analyze complex characters.

Awarded for Best Actor

In addition to his nominations, Moura has won numerous awards for his exceptional performances, cementing his status as one of Brazil’s finest actors.

Collaboration with Brazilian Icons

Moura has had the privilege of working alongside renowned Brazilian actors and actresses who have shaped the industry and inspired generations of talent.

Charismatic Stage Presence

Whether onscreen or onstage, Moura possesses a charismatic presence that captivates audiences. His magnetic performances leave a lasting impact.

Challenging Stereotypes

Moura is passionate about portraying diverse and complex characters that challenge stereotypes and offer nuanced representations of different cultures and backgrounds.

The Impact of “City of God”

Moura’s role in the critically acclaimed film “City of God” showcased his ability to inhabit complex roles and contributed to the film’s international success.

Spirit of Collaboration

Moura believes in the power of collaboration and values the contributions of every member of a creative team. His collaborative spirit enriches the projects he works on.

An Artist with Integrity

Moura is known for his commitment to integrity in his craft. He chooses roles that align with his values and tells meaningful stories that resonate with audiences.

Stepping into the Director’s Chair

In addition to acting, Moura has ventured into directing. His directorial debut, “Marighella,” presents a gripping and thought-provoking portrayal of the influential Brazilian activist Carlos Marighella.

Impactful Performances

Moura’s performances often leave a lasting impact on both critics and audiences, sparking conversations and discussing important social issues.

International Recognition

With his appearances in successful international productions, Moura has gained recognition and respect beyond the borders of Brazil, solidifying his status as a global talent.

The Journey Continues

Moura’s journey as an actor is far from over. With each new project, he continues to push boundaries, challenge himself, and delight audiences with his incredible talent.

These 39 facts about Wagner Moura provide a glimpse into the life and career of this extraordinary actor. From his early days in Brazilian cinema to his iconic roles in international productions, Moura has proven himself to be a versatile, talented, and dedicated artist. We eagerly anticipate his future projects as he continues to captivate audiences with his magnetic performances.

Remember, whether he’s portraying a conflicted police officer or the notorious Pablo Escobar, Wagner Moura brings authenticity, passion, and depth to every character he portrays. His remarkable talent and commitment to his craft have made him a true icon in the world of acting.


In conclusion, Wagner Moura is a talented and versatile actor who has made a significant impact in the world of entertainment. His portrayal of Pablo Escobar in the hit series “Narcos” showcased his immense acting prowess and helped him gain international recognition. From his humble beginnings in Brazil to his rise to stardom, Moura has proven to be an exceptional performer who can effortlessly embody a wide range of characters.While his portrayal of Escobar may be his most notable role to date, Moura has also impressed audiences with his performances in Brazilian films such as “Elite Squad” and “Carandiru.” His ability to bring depth and complexity to his characters has earned him critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase.With his talent, dedication, and undeniable charisma, it is no doubt that Wagner Moura will continue to captivate audiences with his future projects. Whether it’s on the small screen or the big screen, Moura’s presence is sure to leave a lasting impression.


1. When was Wagner Moura born?

Wagner Moura was born on June 27, 1976.

2. What is Wagner Moura’s nationality?

Wagner Moura is Brazilian.

3. What are some of Wagner Moura’s notable works?

Some of Wagner Moura’s notable works include his portrayal of Pablo Escobar in “Narcos,” as well as his roles in films such as “Elite Squad” and “Carandiru.”

4. Has Wagner Moura won any awards?

Yes, Wagner Moura has won several awards throughout his career, including a Golden Globe nomination for his role in “Narcos” and multiple wins at the Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro.

5. Is Wagner Moura involved in any other creative pursuits?

Yes, apart from acting, Wagner Moura is also involved in music. He is the lead vocalist of the Brazilian band Sua Mãe.

6. What languages does Wagner Moura speak?

Wagner Moura is fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

7. Is Wagner Moura married?

Yes, Wagner Moura is married to Sandra Delgado, and they have three children together.

8. Will Wagner Moura continue to work in international projects?

Yes, Wagner Moura has expressed his interest in working on more international projects and collaborating with filmmakers from around the world.

Captivated by Wagner Moura's incredible acting prowess? His portrayal of Captain Nascimento in the gripping Brazilian film "Elite Squad" is another testament to his talent. Explore more about this critically acclaimed movie and uncover the secrets behind its success.

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