News - Meta Sustainability


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Climate Symbiosis Coalition

Announcing the Symbiosis Coalition

The coalition aims to facilitate an up to 20M ton advance market commitment to support nature-based carbon removal projects by 2030 that drive positive outcomes for people and planet.

May 24, 2024
Picturesque view of a lush forest floor with sunlight peeking through the trees

Technology vs. Trees: What The Debate Over Carbon Removal Is Missing

If you pay attention to voluntary carbon markets, particularly if you’ve been working with them for more than a few years like I have, you may have found the past year of seemingly constant media coverage and debate to be rather dizzying.

January 5, 2024

Sustainability for Business

We see our shared responsibility for the planet as a sustainable opportunity for businesses big and small. In 2021, we introduced our first EMEA program for small and medium-sized enterprises. Today, working with the SME Climate Hub and our partners across Europe, Meta Boost Guide to Green provides training and resources to help users grow their businesses sustainably.

Learn more about how companies are working with Meta to transform their own sustainability journeys — and how our technologies and insights can help yours too. Our Sustainability for Business site provides resources for advertisers to find ways to decarbonize.

three people huddled around plants

Climate Science Center

The Climate Science Center increases access to authoritative climate information from the world’s leading climate science sources and experts. Since its inception, more than 60 million people globally have visited the platform, with an average of 100,000 visitors every day.

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2023 Sustainability Report

We envision a just and equitable transition to a zero-carbon economy and are working to scale inclusive solutions that help create a healthier planet for all.

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