Sermon Series | Church of the Nativity | Catholic Mass

Message Series

What’s new and what’s next

Current Series

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1.8

Jesus’ final instruction to his friends and followers charges them to be his witnesses in three distinct fields: their local community (Jerusalem), nationally (Judea and Samaria) and internationally ( the ends of the earth). The charge remains the same for disciples in every time and place. Nativity seeks to be a parish “on mission” inspiring and equipping parishioners to serve alongside our mission partners here in Baltimore and well beyond. Additionally, God has called us to share what we have learned about parish renewal with other parish leaders as another and most unique form of mission.

Join us for an all new message series, taking a closer look at Christian mission and setting out an exciting vision for the renewal and expansion of Missions here at Nativity.

All weekend Masses beginning May 11 & 12