42 Facts about the movie Broadway Danny Rose - Facts.net
Teodora Hipp

Written by Teodora Hipp

Modified & Updated: 29 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Flixable.com

Welcome to the fascinating world of “Broadway Danny Rose”! This timeless movie, directed by the legendary Woody Allen, was released in 1984 and has become a beloved classic in the comedy genre. Set in the bustling metropolis of New York City, “Broadway Danny Rose” takes us on a hilarious journey through the life of the eponymous character, who is a talent agent representing some of the most eccentric and outlandish acts in the entertainment industry.

In this article, we will delve into the world of “Broadway Danny Rose” and uncover 42 intriguing facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes stories to interesting trivia about the cast and production, we’re here to provide you with an inside scoop into what made this film such a memorable and cherished cinematic gem. So, strap yourself in and get ready for a delightful ride as we explore the fascinating universe of “Broadway Danny Rose!

Key Takeaways:

  • Woody Allen’s “Broadway Danny Rose” is a timeless comedy that captures the quirky world of showbiz in 1950s New York City, filled with hilarious misadventures and heartfelt moments.
  • The film’s black and white aesthetic, memorable jazz soundtrack, and relatable characters make “Broadway Danny Rose” a classic that continues to entertain and resonate with audiences today.
Table of Contents

The Inspiration

Broadway Danny Rose, released in 1984, is a comedy film written and directed by Woody Allen. The main character, Danny Rose, is said to be inspired by Allen’s own experiences as a struggling comedian.

The Plot

The movie follows the story of Danny Rose, a talent agent who represents a variety of quirky and has-been acts. When he gets involved with a troubled lounge singer, his life takes an unexpected turn.

The Ensemble Cast

Broadway Danny Rose boasts an incredible ensemble cast, including Woody Allen as the titular character, Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte, and Nick Apollo Forte. Each actor brings their own unique charm to the film.

The Black and White Aesthetic

One of the distinctive aspects of Broadway Danny Rose is its black and white cinematography. This choice was made by Woody Allen to evoke the classic Hollywood era and give the film a timeless feel.

The Nostalgic Setting

Set in 1950s New York City, Broadway Danny Rose captures the essence of the era through its costumes, locations, and overall nostalgic atmosphere.

The Hilarious Misadventures

Throughout the movie, Danny Rose finds himself in a series of hilarious misadventures as he tries to navigate the unpredictable world of showbiz. These mishaps provide plenty of comedic moments that will leave you laughing.

The Quirky Characters

From a one-legged tap dancer to a ventriloquist with a dummy that never shuts up, Broadway Danny Rose introduces us to a cast of eccentric characters that will both amuse and entertain.

The Authenticity of the Comedy Scene

Woody Allen’s personal experiences as a comedian shine through in the film, offering a realistic and authentic portrayal of the comedy scene during that period.

The Jazz Soundtrack

The film features a memorable jazz soundtrack that perfectly complements the story and adds an extra layer of charm to the overall viewing experience.

The Heartfelt Moments

While primarily a comedy, Broadway Danny Rose also has its fair share of heartfelt moments that tug at the heartstrings. These moments allow for a deeper connection to the characters and their struggles.

The Unconventional Love Story

At the core of the film is the unconventional love story between Danny Rose and the troubled lounge singer played by Mia Farrow. Their relationship adds a layer of complexity and depth to the narrative.

The Signature Woody Allen Humor

Fans of Woody Allen’s work will appreciate the signature humor found in Broadway Danny Rose. The witty dialogue and clever one-liners are reminiscent of Allen’s iconic comedic style.

The Critically Acclaimed Screenplay

The screenplay for Broadway Danny Rose earned Woody Allen an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. Its witty writing and memorable characters make it a standout in Allen’s filmography.

The Classic Woody Allen Insecurities

As with many Woody Allen films, Broadway Danny Rose explores themes of insecurity, self-doubt, and the pursuit of success. These universal themes add depth and relatability to the story.

The Cinematic Homage

Throughout the film, Woody Allen pays homage to classic Hollywood films and performers, creating a sense of nostalgia for movie lovers.

The Quotable Lines

Broadway Danny Rose is filled with quotable lines that have become fan favorites over the years. From witty one-liners to memorable monologues, there is no shortage of memorable dialogue in this film.

The Fast-Paced Humor

The film’s fast-paced humor keeps the audience engaged from beginning to end. The comedic timing and delivery of the talented cast contribute to the film’s overall comedic success.

The Exploration of Showbiz Realities

Broadway Danny Rose provides a glimpse into the realities of showbiz, depicting the struggles and challenges faced by both aspiring and established performers.

The Underdog Story

At its core, Broadway Danny Rose is an underdog story that reminds us of the importance of resilience and perseverance in the pursuit of our dreams.

The Timeless Appeal

Despite being released in the 1980s, Broadway Danny Rose has a timeless appeal that continues to resonate with audiences today. Its humor, characters, and themes are universal and transcend time.

The Quirky Side Characters

Aside from the main characters, Broadway Danny Rose introduces us to a colorful cast of side characters, each with their own quirks and idiosyncrasies that add depth and humor to the story.

The Comedic Influences

Woody Allen’s comedic influences, such as the Marx Brothers and Charlie Chaplin, are evident in Broadway Danny Rose. The film pays homage to these comedy legends while putting a unique spin on the genre.

The Exploration of Loyalty

The film delves into the theme of loyalty, as Danny Rose grapples with his commitments and the consequences of his actions. This exploration adds emotional depth to the story.

The Memorable Opening Sequence

Broadway Danny Rose kicks off with a memorable opening sequence that sets the tone for the rest of the film. This energetic and entertaining sequence immediately grabs the audience’s attention.

The Relatable Characters

Despite their quirks and flaws, the characters in Broadway Danny Rose are relatable and endearing. Audiences can’t help but root for their success and happiness.

The Recognition of Mediocrity

The film touches upon the idea of mediocrity in showbiz, highlighting the struggles of performers who are talented but overlooked. This theme resonates with anyone who has experienced the frustration of not being recognized for their abilities.

The Lessons in Perseverance

Broadway Danny Rose serves as a reminder to never give up on our dreams, even in the face of adversity. The film’s characters demonstrate the importance of perseverance and determination.

The Exploration of Relationships

The film explores various types of relationships, from romantic to professional, highlighting the complexities and dynamics that exist within them.

The Absurd Situations

Broadway Danny Rose presents audiences with a series of absurd and unpredictable situations, adding an extra layer of humor and entertainment to the story.

The Role of Fate

Fate plays a significant role in the narrative of Broadway Danny Rose, as seemingly random events and encounters shape the characters’ lives in unexpected ways.

The Satirical Commentary

Through its comedy and storytelling, Broadway Danny Rose provides satirical commentary on the entertainment industry and the pursuit of fame.

The Exploration of Artistic Integrity

The film delves into the concept of artistic integrity and the compromises artists sometimes have to make in order to achieve success.

The Memorable Performance by Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow delivers a standout performance as the troubled lounge singer in Broadway Danny Rose, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

The Lovable Loser Protagonist

Danny Rose’s character is a lovable loser, flawed yet endearing, and someone audiences can’t help but root for throughout the film.

The Clever Satire

Broadway Danny Rose utilizes clever satire to poke fun at various aspects of showbiz, from the eccentric personalities to the cutthroat nature of the industry.

The Memorable Supporting Cast

In addition to the main cast, Broadway Danny Rose features a memorable supporting cast that elevates the film’s comedic and dramatic moments.

The Exploration of Ambition

The film examines the theme of ambition and the lengths people are willing to go to achieve their dreams, often at the expense of others.

The Intimate Storytelling

Woody Allen’s intimate and personal storytelling style shines through in Broadway Danny Rose, creating a connection between the characters and the audience.

The Bittersweet Tone

The film strikes a balance between comedy and drama, resulting in a bittersweet tone that is both heartwarming and poignant.

The Critically Acclaimed Performances

The performances in Broadway Danny Rose have been praised by critics for their authenticity and comedic timing, further elevating the film’s appeal.

The Memorable Climactic Scene

Broadway Danny Rose builds up to a climactic scene that ties the various storylines together, resulting in a satisfying and memorable conclusion.

The Enduring Legacy

Over three decades after its release, Broadway Danny Rose continues to be revered as a classic Woody Allen film, loved by audiences and appreciated for its timeless humor and relatable characters.

So, there you have it – The 42 Facts about the movie Broadway Danny Rose! This comedic gem from Woody Allen’s filmography offers a delightful blend of laughter, heart, and nostalgia. Whether you’re a fan of classic Hollywood films, enjoy witty dialogue, or simply appreciate a well-crafted comedy, Broadway Danny Rose is a must-watch. Dive into the eccentric world of showbiz and join Danny Rose on his misadventures in 1950s New York City.


In conclusion, “Broadway Danny Rose” is a timeless classic that showcases Woody Allen’s comedic genius and his ability to create relatable and endearing characters. From its black-and-white cinematography to its charming and witty dialogue, the film remains a delightful watch for both fans of Allen’s work and lovers of old-school comedy. With its unique blend of humor and heart, “Broadway Danny Rose” continues to captivate audiences and remind us of the enduring power of storytelling.


Q: Who directed “Broadway Danny Rose”?

A: “Broadway Danny Rose” was directed by Woody Allen.

Q: When was “Broadway Danny Rose” released?

A: The film was first released in 1984.

Q: What is the plot of “Broadway Danny Rose”?

A: The movie tells the story of Danny Rose, a talent manager, who gets caught up in a series of comedic misadventures while trying to help his eccentric clients.

Q: Who stars in “Broadway Danny Rose”?

A: Woody Allen himself stars as the title character, Broadway Danny Rose, along with Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte, and Sandy Baron.

Q: Is “Broadway Danny Rose” a black-and-white film?

A: Yes, the movie is shot in black-and-white, adding to its nostalgic and classic charm.

Q: Is “Broadway Danny Rose” a comedy?

A: Absolutely! The film is a comedy that showcases Woody Allen’s signature humor and wit.

If you enjoyed learning about Broadway Danny Rose, why not explore more fascinating facts? Discover the life and career of Woody Allen, the film's director and star. Take a virtual trip to New York City, the vibrant setting that brings the movie to life. Finally, dive into the world of show business with intriguing trivia about the classic musical Holiday Inn. Each topic offers a unique glimpse into the elements that make Broadway Danny Rose a timeless cinematic gem.

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