OVER-THE-TOP - Traducción al español - bab.la
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¿Cuál es la traducción de "over the top" en Español?

en over-the-top = es exagerado

"over the top" en español


over the top {adj.} [ejemplo]

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

over-the-top adjective

exagerado, desmesurado [outfit] extravagante

OTT adjective

(British, informal) (= over the top) exagerado

over the top {adjetivo}

1. coloquial
over the top
tropical {adj.} [Cono S.] [pey.] (exagerado, apasionado)

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "over-the-top" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

Some countries go over the top but some are not doing anything in this area.
Algunos países van en cabeza, pero otros no están haciendo nada en este terreno.
Thirdly, there is the risk of going over the top in the quest for liberalisation.
En tercer lugar, existe el riesgo de pasarse de rosca al impulsar la liberalización.
You seemed to imply that I have said something that was inappropriate, or over the top, or wrong.
Me pareció que insinuaba que he dicho algo inapropiado, o incluso equivocado.
None of us wants to go over the top in our descriptions of the dangers.
Ninguno queremos pasarnos en la descripción de los peligros.
you went a bit over the top, you shouldn't have answered her back like that
se te fue la mano, no deberías haberle contestado así
It is important that our products are safe, but we should not go over the top with extreme actions.
Es importante que nuestros productos sean seguros, pero no deberíamos exagerar adoptando acciones extremas.
We have not, I think, gone over the top with one day, representing 0.05% of an employee's labour input.
Yo creo que una jornada, o sea, un 0,05% de la dedicación de un trabajador, no es una exigencia excesiva.
We have not, I think, gone over the top with one day, representing 0.05 % of an employee's labour input.
Yo creo que una jornada, o sea, un 0,05 % de la dedicación de un trabajador, no es una exigencia excesiva.
they kept us there for three hours which was way over the top
nos tuvieron allí tres horas ¡qué pasote, tío!
One can also go over the top, but this exaggeration only plays into the hands of the extremists and nationalists.
Uno también puede pasarse, pero esta exageración solo facilita las cosas a los extremistas y nacionalistas.
I feel she went rather over the top in her recommendations
I think it is over the top and misguided.
he stuck his head over the top of the fence
he looked at her over the top of his glasses
she peered at me over the top of her glasses
This is yet another example of sensible, practical British law being subordinated to over-the-top and expensive EU legislation.
Éste es otro ejemplo más de ley británica sensata y práctica sometida a la desmesurada y costosa legislación de la UE.
I think that this is also the case here, but I think it would be a bit over the top to spend too much time talking about these 100 amendments.
Creo que éste es también el caso, pero opino que es un poco exagerado hablar demasiado de las 100 enmiendas.
Instead, he has chosen to present his over-the-top proposal, which has provoked opposition from a significant proportion of this House.
Ha preferido provocar, con su propuesta exagerada, una reacción contraria de una parte significativa de esta Cámara.
Therefore, in dealing with the amendments to this report, let us try not to exaggerate and not to go over the top with our demands.
Por tanto, a la hora de tratar las enmiendas del informe, no exageremos ni vayamos demasiado lejos con nuestras exigencias.
the costumes were way over the top
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English Cómo usar "over the top" en una frase

And the mower had just gone right over the top of the flowers.
Treble is slightly coarse, but sound balance is good, and bass response is generous without being wildly over the top.
You not think you're being a bit over the top?
The hairdos are over the top, but so are children's games.
For some players, it's not about hitting over the top.

English Cómo usar "over-the-top" en una frase

All the actors approach their characters with the slightly over-the-top (in) dignity required for this play.
Burgundy's such an over-the-top buffoon in his most racially uncomfortable moments that there's never any danger of it being offensive to anyone.
The commissioner has been heavily criticised for his over-the-top birthday directive.
But he says that there are ways to modify the story to be less over-the-top.
Do you feel that over-the-top video rights could be going in the same direction with longer deals?

"most over-the-top" en español

most over-the-top
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

"over-the-top violence" en español

over-the-top violence
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"too over-the-top" en español

too over-the-top
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "over-the-top":


Traducciones similares para over-the-top en español

the artículo
the adverbio
over adverbio