Linden Lodge School - Admission information

Admission information


Admission Information

We are a very popular regional special school with a great reputation for transforming the lives of visually and sensory impaired children and young people.

The school has a very clear process for managing both visits and admissions to the school with our aim being to make this as supportive and clear as possible. We understand that choosing a school for your child involves time, research and commitment. The Admissions team here at Linden Lodge will support families every step of the way.

Visit to the school

Families who would like to find out more about our provision are invited to visit the school. We recognise that every child is unique, and therefore our visits are arranged on an individual basis so that we can tailor each visit according to a child’s age, needs and abilities.

Consultation papers from the Local Authority

Parents are encouraged to speak to their Case Manager in their home Local Authority. The Local Authority send consultation papers to the school asking the Co-Headteacher to consider whether they can meet the pupil’s Special Educational Needs.

Suitability Assessment

Once papers have been received, the Admissions team organise a suitability assessment carried out by an integrated team of teachers, therapists and a member of the nursing team. During this meeting we carry out discussions, observations and informal assessments so that we gain a holistic view of the pupil’s needs.  The information gathered during the suitability assessment will be used to inform the response to the consultation. 

Confirmation from the Local Authority

Once our response has been considered by the Local Authority the school will be sent the decision. If the Local Authority agree to our provision we will then arrange a starting date and arrange the transition process.

We will ensure that each family has a named contact from the school to ensure that we can provide support and information throughout.

Email: for further information 


The Admissions Policy can be found on our Policies page.