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  • June 04, 2024 1:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    MAMFT will be hosting a booth during Twin Cities Pride and we are inviting you to grab a buddy and join us in talking about Marriage and Family Therapy, playing games, and enjoying the event while also giving back and building connections in the MFT community!

    Volunteer times include:




    Sign Up Here 

    ️‍Reach out with any questions to Melissa at volunteer@mamft.net 

    ️‍See you there!

  • June 04, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are looking for 2-3 MAMFT members to join a review committee with 3 MAMFT Board Members in making recommendations to the Social Justice Committee about disbursement of scholarship funds. There is an opportunity to do so in a virtual community with other reviewers or at a time of your own choosing.


    Email Melissa at socialjustice@mamft.net for more information.

  • May 14, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Let's Make August National Marriage and Family Therapy Month!

    Sign Here!

    This designation will serve as a platform to raise awareness about the vital role that marriage and family therapy plays in supporting individuals, couples, families, and communities in times of need.

    Here are a few reasons to designate August as National Marriage and Family Therapy Month:

    Strengthening Relationships: Healthy relationships are the foundation of thriving families and communities. By promoting the importance of relationship health, National Marriage and Family Therapy Month can help reduce divorce rates, strengthen marital bonds, and improve parent-child relationships.

    Raising Awareness: Many people are unaware of the benefits of marriage and family therapy or may hesitate to seek help due to stigma or lack of information. Designating August as a dedicated awareness month will help educate the public about the effectiveness of therapy and reduce barriers to access.

    Supporting Professional Development: National Marriage and Family Therapy Month can also serve as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions of marriage and family therapists. By highlighting the expertise and dedication, we can encourage more individuals to pursue careers in this critical field.

    Preventing Family Dysfunction: Addressing issues within the family system can prevent larger social problems such as domestic violence, child abuse, and intergenerational trauma. By prioritizing family therapy, we invest in the long-term health and stability of our communities.

    We hope you will consider signing this petition to bring more awareness to our field! 



  • May 14, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our May 10th Red Cross event!

    MAMFT was able to give back to the community, and we could not have achieved our goals if it wasn't for those that showed up and donated!

    See below for some photos from the event, and Calvin getting a pie to the face!

  • May 14, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As the Change Healthcare outage continues, MAMFT is committed to finding ways to support members and other impacted mental health providers. In response to this issue, we are proactively asking insurance companies to extend their timely filing requirements in 2024, so our members have more time to address the outage before claims submission deadlines start to expire. Our advocacy team is notifying the Governor’s office about this matter, and we are actively seeking the support of other mental health professional organizations to co-sign our request.

    Read the detailed request HERE

    A huge thank you to MAMFT member Sarah Bengtson for helping us start this process.

  • May 14, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rate Increases Possible

    We are entering the final days of the 2024 Minnesota Legislative Session and we wanted to provide membership with the current status of legislative language important to the Minnesota Association for Marriage & Family Therapy. While the State of Minnesota has a current budget surplus of $3.7B, fears of future projected deficits have severely limited the amount of funds being made available for a potential supplemental budget. Of the available $3.7B, about $500M is targeted for a supplemental budget for the State of Minnesota.

    The State of Minnesota works on a two year budget cycle with a full $59.1B State Budget being passed last session  Therefore, the Legislature has the ability, but not the obligation to pass a supplemental budget. This has all culminated in many MAMFT and Mental Health Legislative Network priorities being pushed to the next budget cycle.

    A further complicating factor is that Senator Nicole Mitchell (DFL-Woodbury) was arrested April 22nd on charges of first degree burglary. This is important because the Democrat Majority is only one vote, 34-33. Senator Michell is that 34th vote meaning she is the deciding vote on all legislation and funding. This fact has made all of the funding bills become more controversial and procedurally more difficult. The likely end result will be slimmed down packages containing mostly agreed upon language.

    However, the DHS Rate Study Increases are currently included in the Health and Human Services bill in the Senate. We encourage you all to reach out to your legislator (you can find who that is here) and encourage passage of the rate increases for mental health and substance abuse providers.  

    Here is a draft paragraph on what you might want to send to your legislator.  Any personalization you can do to this statement will be important and appreciated: 

    "Dear Insert Elected Officials name here, 

    I am a constituent, I live at insert address here. I am urging you to take action and help pass the rate increases for mental health and substance abuse providers contained in the Senate Health and Human Services Finance Omnibus Bill.  We are in a mental health crisis and need all the support we can get to provide service and help people across the State of Minnesota. These rate increases would help keep people in the profession and attract people to the profession to provide more services. 

    Insert what you do and why it matters. 

  • May 13, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here at MAMFT, we have three different types of volunteers:

    Board Member: This is a formal position on the MAMFT board of directors. An individual volunteers for and is voted in or appointed to a specific position. 

    Committee Member: A volunteer position within a specific committee that the person volunteers for. Individuals contribute to committee-specific goals, such as events, promotion/fundraising, social justice, or conference/training. 

    Special Project Volunteer: A volunteer position for a specific MAMFT project, event, or task. Individual contributes on an ad hoc basis and typically signs up for a time/task that works best for them. 

    We have options for volunteering in all 3 categories of volunteers! Our upcoming special project needs include:

    Red Cross Blood Drive on May 10th

    Twin Cities Pride Family Event on June 15th Click here to see available shifts and sign up!

    Shout Out Loud Suicide Prevention Fair on September 28thSign up to come!

    The following committees are currently adding new volunteers:

    External Affairs Committee
    • Meets on the third Thursday of each month from 9-10am.
    • Plan, host, and promote the events put on by MAMFT throughout the year
    • Contact the committee chair directly to learn more! externalaffairs@mamft.net
    Social Justice Accountability Panel
    • Meets on the second Friday of each month from 10-11am 
    • Keep MAMFT accountable and growing in socially responsible initiatives
    • Contact the committee chair directly to learn more! socialjustice@mamft.net

    Our election season to expand and diversify the MAMFT Board of Directors is accepting applications for 2025! Applications are accepted from May-September and we have 7 open positions across 4 roles. Learn more here: www.mamft.net/committees/elections

  • April 30, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What is the Liberation Scholarship?

    The purpose of the liberation scholarship is to facilitate the training and licensing process for MFTs who are historically minoritized and underrepresented in our field, such as Black, Brown, Indigenous, Trans, Queer, and Disabled MFTs. The scholarship will enable MFTs, including students in MFTs programs, to access educational and supervisory opportunities, as well as to pursue the path to licensure. This scholarship will help us expand the representation of relational therapists in our state and better serve our communities.

    MFTs will be able to apply for this scholarship to cover expenses such as books and towards tuition costs (for students), supervision costs, training fees, exam costs, licensing fees, or other expenses that are directly related to the process of becoming an MFT or of maintaining licensure.

    Application deadline: May 31st

    Complete the Application Here

  • April 30, 2024 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Help grow and shape the  profession by becoming a board member!

    Learn more here!

    Do you want to be a part of the change and growth in our field? Are you passionate about advocating for MFTs in the mental health sphere, establishing effective branding for our profession, and growing and nurturing our MFT community throughout Minnesota? Or maybe you want to see something different from MAMFT?  

    Apply now!

    We are currently accepting applications for our Fall 2024 election of MAMFT Board Members! All board positions will begin January 2025. 

    To express your interest in a position or learn more, contact the Elections Committee at elections@mamft.net

  • April 29, 2024 11:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    MAMFT (Minnesota Association for Marriage and Family Therapy) is seeking proposals for our 2024 Annual Conference!

    Theme: The Joy of Connection

    September 12th & 13th 2024 

    Location: Minneapolis

    Submit Your Proposal

    Applicants can submit proposals for a variety of formats, such as research presentations, interactive workshops, and alternative formats (e.g., roundtable discussions, performances, etc). Please note that non-MFTs are also welcome to submit proposals, as long as the content is of interest and use to MFTs.

    If interested, please submit your proposal by April 30th 2024

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Minnesota Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

Relationships Matter

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