Assessment Opportunity - CSCI E-151

Assessment Opportunity

The assessment opportunity (AO) is due to Gradescope by 2024-05-07T23:59:00-04:00.

The primary goal of the AO is to provide you a format with which to demonstrate and reflect on your own growth within the realm of SQL and databases. Among other opportunities, the AO provides the chance to…

  • Reflect on your past work and integrate feedback you’ve received
  • Demonstrate your fluency with skills you’ve built over the past few months

The AO is untimed: that is, you have as much time to complete it as you’d like, so long as you submit to Gradescope by the deadline. The AO is likely to require 3–5 hours to complete thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Academic Honesty

While you work on the assessment opportunity, it is not permitted to solicit or receive help from any humans (including from the course’s staff), other than by posting to Ed for clarifications or administrative questions, using the “Assessment Opportunity” category.

The assessment opportunity is otherwise open-book, and you may reference any material to craft your answers, subject to the constraints of the course’s academic honesty policy. The essence of all answers you write must be your own.

What to Do

Complete each of the problems below and, once finished, submit the debriefing form.


  1. Lightspeed
  2. Feedback Loop
  3. Learning by Creating


Submit this debriefing form once finished with the above!

How to Submit

Ensure that each of the following Gradescope assignments are submitted to your liking:

  • Assessment Opportunity: Lightspeed
  • Assessment Opportunity: Feedback Loop
  • Assessment Opportunity: Learning by Creating

If all are successfully submitted, congratulations! You’ve finished the assessment opportunity.

You may submit as many times as you’d like prior to the deadline. If you run into any trouble with the above steps, email