Google Space By Mr Doob | Gravity Space

Google Space By Mr Doob | Gravity Space

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Take off on an immersive, interactive journey through the history of the web with Mr. Doob’s captivating zero-gravity simulator, Google Space. This immersive experience transports you to another universe where you can freely explore key periods in the visual growth of Google Search.

You’ll be surrounded by disembodied design pieces from Google’s illustrious past as you enter Google Space. Search bars, buttons, and logos are all there, floating weightlessly across space. Use your mouse to gently move these objects across the starry background so they spin in a beautiful manner.

Every floating interface symbolizes a significant period in Google’s aesthetic development. Admire the 1998 homepage’s vintage allure or experience Material Design’s sublime minimalism. See firsthand how Google’s design has evolved throughout the years to reflect new trends and technological advancements.

However, Google Space provides more than just design history instruction. This playground in zero gravity enables real interaction. Create your own constellations for celestial interfaces by guiding floating parts into orbital trajectories around one another. Alternatively, to gain points, channel search bars into eye-catching physics trick shots. The only thing limiting the possibilities is your creativity.

Google Space is a captivating combination of retro style, dynamic physics, and immersive worldbuilding that allows you to discover a beloved brand and unleash your inner space explorer. So get on board this space rocket now—a vast universe of web design history is waiting for you!