AUBURN, AL - February 27, 2023 - Auburn Wide Receivers Coach Marcus Davis during spring practice at the Woltosz Football Performance Center in Auburn, AL. Photo by Austin Perryman
Austin Perryman/AU Athletics

Meet the Coaches: Auburn wide receivers coach Marcus Davis

By Jeff Shearer

AUBURN, Ala. – Ten years after arriving at Auburn as a freshman, Marcus Davis returned, determined to help the next generation of Tigers win championships.  

Seven seasons removed from his playing days, Davis believes his status as one of the SEC’s youngest position coaches positions him to relate to the receivers he leads.  

“It’s definitely a positive,” Davis said. “I just was in that seat. That’s been extremely helpful for me in building relationships.

“Building that bridge for them to understand that if you do the little things right, good things can happen for you. It’s more than just football, it’s also teaching them how to be good people in the community.”

A receiver and return specialist from 2013-16, Davis took the fast track back to Auburn.

After captaining the 2016 Tigers, he earned his master’s degree and served in support staff roles for two seasons on the Plains before working as a graduate assistant at Florida State in 2020.

Success at his first assistant coaching assignment at Hawaii in 2021 led to a job at Georgia Southern in 2022, and the opportunity to come home to Auburn when Hugh Freeze hired Davis in December.

“It’s a blessing to be here,” Davis said. “Once you know the foundation of a program, it’s easier to do exactly what you need to do because the expectations are clear cut. You know what it takes to win here.

“It’s an honor to be back, a privilege to serve these young dudes I get to lead and do it the right way for them.”

AUBURN, AL - February 27, 2023 - Auburn Wide Receivers Coach Marcus Davis during spring practice at the Woltosz Football Performance Center in Auburn, AL.

Photo by Austin Perryman

Davis credits his faith for the opportunity to return to his alma mater so early in his coaching career.

“I thank the Good Lord,” Davis said. “I always ask Him to order my steps, open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed. He opened this one.

“I take pride and purpose with that because I know to whom much is given, much is required. Is it a surprise I’m here as soon as I am? It really is, but I’m trying to live a purpose-filled life that’s led by Him. It’s been a good ride so far.”

One of three Auburn football lettermen on Hugh Freeze’s coaching staff, Davis joins secondary coach Zac Etheridge and associate head coach Carnell Williams as former Tigers who won SEC championships as Tiger student-athletes.

“That’s the coolest part for me personally,” Davis said. “We all love Auburn. We all know what it truly is to be an Auburn man. We all believe in work, hard work. We want to create that for the next generation, the guys we get to mentor.”

It’s bigger than football for me. It’s about changing lives in the way that Auburn changed my life and giving them the opportunities I had.
Marcus Davis

Without a moment’s hesitation, Davis outlined the identity he wants Auburn’s receivers to display.

“Tough, a brotherhood and together,” he said. “When you think of Auburn, we’re a blue-collar football program. Tough is the first thing. Everything else follows. If we can be tough and together, we’re going to be all right.”

Davis primarily recruits part of south Georgia, Baldwin County in Alabama and his old South Florida stomping grounds of Palm Beach County and Broward County.

“Some really good football in those areas,” he said. “That’s back at home for me. Looking to enhance some of the relationships I already have and build more with other people.”

Thirty years ago, the famed Dillard Pipeline from a high school in Fort Lauderdale to Auburn brought James Bostic, Frank Sanders, Otis Mounds and an undefeated season to the Plains. The pipeline also produced Auburn standouts Brian Robinson, Stanley McClover, Pat Sims and 2010 national champion Antoine Carter.

“That’s something we’re trying to continue to build,” Davis said. “When you had a few South Florida guys on those Auburn teams, you were really good. We understand that as well.

“It has to be the right fit, guys who want to be at Auburn who are Auburn-type guys. We’re doing our due diligence with that.”

AUBURN, AL - February 24, 2023 - Auburn Alum Jonathan Jones and Auburn Wide Receivers Coach Marcus Davis during a facility tour of the Woltosz Football Performance Center in Auburn, AL.
Photo By Austin Perryman

The message hits the mark because the messengers – from the head coach to the precocious receivers coach – are authentic.

“It’s the truth,” he said. “That’s the state of the program. That’s where we are. That’s who we have as a leader. You’ve got great people under Coach Freeze who are following the same thing. It really is a great time to be at Auburn. It’s going to take the right people to want to be a part of that.

“When you’ve got a good leader in place, everything funnels under that. It’s a great time to be at Auburn right now because you’ve got new leadership. These guys getting recruited right now can be the foundation of the really good things we’re going to do.

“My message is: right now it is the time to be at Auburn. You have a bunch of people in this building who love Auburn and want to do right by it. They could be a part of history and change the trajectory of what Auburn football looks like.

“It’s bigger than football for me. It’s about changing lives in the way that Auburn changed my life and giving them the opportunities I had.”

Marcus and his wife, Amberly, are expecting their second daughter in October, a baby sister for 1-year-old Milah Patrice, making the Davises an Auburn family of four.

Without fanfare, the youngest member of Auburn’s coaching staff makes his mark on the program he so highly regards. 
“Somebody who loves Auburn and would do anything for Auburn,” Davis said. “It’s about work, hard work, and truly believing in that, and trying to spread that throughout the Auburn football program.”

Jeff Shearer is a Senior Writer at Follow him on Twitter: @jeff_shearer

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