Charles Lee Ray tries to | Fanart

Charles Lee Ray tries to spank Glenda Ray she fights him back she apologizes and cries he hugs her

Charles Lee Ray paced back and forth in his dingy apartment, his mind clouded with frustration. Despite being a notorious serial killer trapped in the body of a Good Guys doll named Chucky, he couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to discipline his pint-sized offspring, Glenda Ray. The mischievous little doll had been wreaking havoc in the toy store earlier that day, leaving a trail of chaos and confusion in her wake. Chucky's imposing figure loomed over Glenda as he approached her, his plastic face twisted with determination. "Glenda, what the hell were you thinking back there?" he growled, his voice sending chills down the doll's spine. "I've told you time and time again to be careful!" Glenda's eyes widened in fear as her father's anger reached a boiling point. "Daddy, I didn't mean to cause trouble," she stammered, her voice trembling. "I was just playing!" Charles Lee Ray's hand shot out, ready to deliver a well-deserved smack on Glenda's cloth-covered backside. But as his hand neared, Glenda reacted with surprising speed. Her tiny limbs flailed, blocking his strike with surprising strength. The father and daughter were locked in a struggle, their plastic bodies colliding. "Daddy, please!" Glenda pleaded, tears streaming down her porcelain face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know! Please, stop!" Charles Lee Ray froze, his anger dissipating as quickly as it had risen. Looking down at Glenda, he saw the genuine remorse in her eyes. He released his grip, his movements softening as he realized the impact of his actions. The room fell silent, broken only by Glenda's sobs. Charles Lee Ray sighed heavily, his heart aching at the sight of his daughter in distress. It was a strange twist of fate that, despite his dark nature, he couldn't bear to see Glenda in pain. "I...I'm sorry, Glenda," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted you to be safe." Glenda hiccuped, wiping away her tears with a tiny doll-sized hand. "I-I didn't mean to make you mad, Daddy," she sniffled. "I'll be more careful, I promise." Her sincerity touched Chucky's heart, and gradually, his expression softened. He knelt down, opening his arms wide. "Oh, Glenda," he murmured, his voice filled with love. "Come here, my little troublemaker." Glenda hesitated for a moment before throwing herself into her father's embrace. Charles Lee Ray held her tightly, his plastic arms cradling her delicate frame. "You're my daughter, Glenda," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and regret. "I love you no matter what. Just promise me you'll think before you act." Glenda nodded against her father's chest, her tears slowly subsiding. "I promise, Daddy," she whispered, her voice filled with a newfound determination. "I'll be the best doll I can be." As father and daughter stood there, locked in an embrace, they both understood the complexity of their relationship. Charles Lee Ray, a notorious murderer trapped in a doll's body, found solace in his daughter's love and forgiveness. And Glenda Ray, a mischievous doll with a heart of gold, found strength in her father's acceptance and guidance. From that day forward, Chucky and Glenda's bond grew stronger, their adventures becoming more thrilling and mischievous. Despite their dark origins, their love for one another prevailed, a testament to the power of family and forgiveness, even in the most unexpected circumstances.