Bas Rutten: Self Defence 2 | Learn how to defend yourself with the UFC Hall of Famer Bas Rutten! | By Karate Combat | Try to find a rhythm and have some fun. A few tips for street fighting. First of all, don't street fight, right? You wanna do everything in your power to avoid a fight and once it's absolutely impossible to stop that fight, you better be the person who's going to finish it. Now, never be the aggressive. Somebody starts speaking up to you. Don't right away take a fighting stance. Now, you trigger a reaction. Now, they want you to fight. You can do the same thing by simply doing this. This doesn't look threatening at all but I got all my defenses here and if I step back with my right foot, now I'm almost in the fighting stance as well. I can block here. I got a punch coming. I got an elbow. I can stop. I can stop a headbutt. I can deliver myself a headbutt. You see? Nice and relaxed. Now, needless to say that all these things that I'm going to show you are not really detailed. So, don't think that oh I see it once and I can do it. No, you really gonna have to take some classes. You wanna put this in your system over and over again so that it becomes second nature because there's a lot to think about. All the little net nuances how to hold the hand instead of a wrist because here, my arm can't move here, I stop the arm from moving. All these little things are so duper importance. We're in the bar. You can use the ambiance. While you're talking boom boom boom. There's the head but that's the distraction. Grab the neck. Knee in the groin. Knee to the face. Knee to the face. Bell and this works really well. Just slam him again. Slam him again. There's always a possibility if he was a really bad person to grab a chair and then just bang boom bang. Grab a knee. We're sitting here. This is just to show you you can do more things. We're breaking the grip. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. There's the head butt. Grab the neck. Knee and now swing him first to the side and look at look what we got here. That's right. A bar slam his head against the face. Now it's of course a free shot whatever you wanna do preferably you wanna go for the corner but then again we're talking about a real bad person you don't wanna do this to a regular person as soon as he grabs my neck I pull my hand here over his biceps now put my forehead on my own wrist first maybe I give him a body shot not too hard because if you give him a hard body shot he might let go and then you take away the ace that you gonna use right now for and there's the uppercut bong and of course bang bang bong bang bang bong bald head butt. What is the moment that you really need to do something, right? Oh, the GSP is right here. What would be the best self-defense tip you would say for a street fight? I think the best self-defense for a street fight is to avoid the fight completely. Oh no, no, please, please. Here. If I'm having an argument with someone, bong, bong. I like to try to give my opponent a a compliment. You have a nice shirt. Where did you get this? Alright, I love your shoes. And sometime it it switched completely to an argument to a nice discussion. There's a bear for you. Alright? Sometimes it breaks the momentum. Okay? Very smart thing to do. Now there's of course there are moments that you cannot get away. You gonna have to do something. What is a moment like that? This situation where situations risk. You're gonna have to simultaneously block initiate the punch and then you gotta destroy the target. So as soon as he comes it's like boing in the face. There you got the kick to the groin. Grab the head and a few knees in the face right now. Boing. Boing. And if he's not a guy, one more extra. Boom. Boom. Boom. Head butts. Time to react. Boom. Okay, step from the front. As soon as he comes in, same thing. Bop. Simultaneously wanna block and now you can try if you want to disarm immediately but you're gonna have to go fast. Now, this will be a very dangerous situation. So, watch what I'm doing. I'm pulling it down. For him now, try to stab me in my neck. He can do anything he wants. Plus, I'm not gonna do only this. I'm gonna support his head. There is nothing he can do right now. Now, you need to get out of the situation of course and since he attack us with a knife, we kinda gotta return the favor right so hold him go to the side control his arm with my head and now you can stab him with his own knife and deliver yeah that's gonna hurt everybody underestimates the kick to the groin kick as hard as you can that you wanna split the person so swing your leg as hard as you can up if it's one is good my golden rule is two is better two is good four is better just keep on going now if you're facing multiple opponents a bar stool grabbing a bar stool is is a great thing to do because you can keep space in between them and especially if one of them has a knife, you really wanna grab a bar stool. You wanna keep this in between and of course, book your weights for the right moment and just hit it really freaking hard in the face and while you're doing that, move in and destroy the target as I always say. You.