
Americans Ask If Biden Has Body Double After Face Looks Totally Different in 2 Different Vids Posted on Same Day


Editor’s Note: Our readers responded strongly to this story when it originally ran; we’re reposting it here in case you missed it.

President Joe Biden looked different in two videos he appeared in recently.

In the beginning of his video address of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement, Biden appeared normal as he criticized the Jan. 6 incursion at the United States Capitol.

During the last two minutes, Biden’s pupils appeared heavily dilated.

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Biden would later appear in an official White House video in which he touted small decreases in the average price of a gallon of gas.

In that speech, Biden appeared more recognizable, with the pupil dilation from his previous video seemingly gone.

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The videos were released just hours apart.

Members of the public were quick to point out that Biden looked noticeably different in the second video released on July 26, causing some to ask if he had a body double.

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One Twitter user ever brought up the point that others in the past used body doubles, so it is not something outside the realm of possibility.

Earlier in July, Biden was diagnosed with coronavirus, a disease that White House staff indicated he was gradually recovering from.

The coronavirus case and his medication for it could explain why Biden’s voice sounded deeper in the first video he released.

It’s entirely possible that White House physicians would prescribe medication for a 79-year-old coronavirus patient that causes pupil dilation.

White House physicians disclosed that Biden had received a regimen of paxlovid, an anti-viral drug designed to keep high-risk and older patients from developing severe cases that land them in the hospital.

Biden did appear to have recovered in a July 27 Rose Garden appearance.

Biden disclosed experiencing mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, a dry cough and fatigue, during his bout with coronavirus.

After a brief recovery, the White House later reported Biden had suffered a relapse and again tested positive for COVID July 30.

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Kassandra White is the Supervising Editor for The Western Journal. A former high school English and Special Education teacher, she taught for seven and a half years in Texas, Hawaii, and Florida before transitioning to the world of publishing and then news media. She holds a BA in English and M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas A&M University, as well as an MBA from Franklin Pierce University.
