Business Outline | DaiwaHouse

Business Outline

Connecting Hearts
We will aim to achieve a society in which everyone can live spiritually enriched lives by creating new value, using it and refining it with our customers. In this way, we will be "a Group that is co-creating value for individuals, communities, and people's lifestyles."
And placing importance on the bonds with each and every customer, as their partner we will share joy with them over their lives, and create eternal trust.

Daiwa House Businesses

Single-Family Houses

Daiwa House Industry introduced the Midget House, which is considered the origin of Japan’s prefabricated house in 1959. In the more than half-century since then, we have refined our technology and knowledge related to housing manufacturing to produce both steel-framed as well as wood-framed single-family houses.

Today, Daiwa House Industry offers a diverse line of products. Our xevoΣ line maintains original seismic resistance performance even after experiencing multiple powerful earthquakes while also providing comfort and relaxation through designs that feature exterior heat insulation and high ceilings up to 2.72 m high. Our xevo GranWood line features wood-framed single-family houses made from domestic wood. Our Wood Residence MARE is a premier single-family home built with both wood and reinforced concrete and allowing basement options. Lifegenic allows customers to enjoy the homebuilding process via our user-friendly website. Our skye product line features heavy steel-framed construction for three, four, and five-story homes. Beyond just residential housing, we work to provide optimal plans that meet the future needs of our customers, including multifunction housing with rental units, retail space, or medical clinics.

We are also introducing new housing styles in response to the new norms brought on by COVID-19. From original proposals that promote comfortable telecommuting to homes that promote the sharing of housework duties among family members and homes that are power self-sufficient in the event of an emergency, we are working to resolve the various issues that have arisen due to changes in society and lifestyles.

In addition, we are promoting community development and sustainable house building by expanding SECUREA, our lot-subdivision housing development brand, and For Nature, our environmental brand.

Assisting in the homebuilding process is our Team-xevo . Team-xevo features specialists, including designers and interior coordinators, joining sales staff throughout the homebuilding process. The comprehensive proposal capabilities offered by Team-xevo ensures our ability to turn customer needs into a finished product. After occupancy, we offer dedicated customer service and long-term warranties to ensure lasting peace of mind and comfortable living.


Rental Housing

Backed by a track record of providing a cumulative total of 1.17 million units (*), our Rental Housing Business, which we promote nationwide under the D-room brand, engages in product development that anticipates the needs of our occupants and the changing times. As a pioneer in prefabricated housing, we offer occupants the satisfaction and feeling of quality that comes from home ownership. We will contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050 by offering GRACA city rental housing and mid-to-high rise rental housing. At the same time, we will expand sales of ZEH-M properties.

Daiwa House Industry, Daiwa Living, and Daiwa House Chintai Reform are collaborating to build partnerships with land owners based on the belief that the true relationship begins when the construction ends. We also have established the DAPS owner support system, which provides peace of mind and helps owners focus on rental property management. We provide support to ensure long-term stable management by offering regular building inspections after property handover, expert consulting on asset succession, and property management services. We also create opportunities for information exchange with owners through our nationwide network of owners’ associations.

※ End of March 2022


Commercial Facilities

Land owners who are thinking of tax measures or ensured profitability by effectively operating real estate and tenant companies looking for potential store sites for new business developments: joining both these needs is Daiwa House Industry's system for efficient land use, the "Daiwa House LOC (Land-Owner-Company) System."

This LOC System utilizes our information networks all over Japan on lands and stores. It is a system that lets us propose appropriate business plans based on our abundant know-how and detailed surveys. At the same time, it allows us to take complete control of all processes from building design to construction.

In return, land owners and tenant companies can run stable businesses for a long time together and are greatly contributing to building new communities and revitalizing areas.


Construction Business

Our Construction Business uses warehouse pipe houses, one of our founding in 1955. This division oversees the construction of logistics, business & corporate facilities, including corporate offices and factories. Currently, we are promoting DPL, a series of multi-tenant logistics facilities developed in Japan and overseas, to contribute to the development of regional lifestyle infrastructure. Dedicated staffs assists us ine diverse land utilization proposals for a broad range of businesses, including logistics facilities, medical facilities, food manufacturing facilities, and data centers.



The Company aims to provide condominiums with high asset and added value. Since its founding in 1977, our condominium division has provided as many as 100,696* condominiums to customers all over Japan.

At Daiwa House Industry, we are developing the condominiums, "Premist," all over the country to customers seeking high-quality living in response to the varied lifestyles of people living in condominiums. Taking advantage of our experience as a homebuilder, we will pursue total value by offering a one-stop solution for everything required of a lasting home, from designing basic functions, comfort, and security to property management and aftercare.

*Units provided as of October 1, 2021. Includes properties existing before PREMIST and D’ Series. (Daiwa House Industry research)


Environment and Energy Business

We contribute to the dissemination of renewable energy through our EPC Business, which applies our technical strengths and proposal capabilities to design and construct renewable energy power plants, our PPS Business, which conducts retail power sales, and our IPP Business, which develops renewable energy power plants for solar power, wind power, and hydro power.


Overseas Business

Ahead of today's global era, we started operating business in China in 1972 when there was a restoration of diplomatic relations between Japan and China.

We started full-scale activities in the 1980s by establishing local subsidiaries and joint venture companies. In addition to constructing, operating and managing rental housing for expatriates, we have collaborated with local real estate development companies, and been carrying out business activities, such as operating, managing and outsourcing hotels, rooted in local areas for over 30 years.

Further, today we are starting new businesses in Asian countries, Australia and the U.S. and also investigating the possibilities of new businesses in other countries.

