Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum | Goodreads
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Very Bad Company

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Every year executives at the trendy tech startup Aurora gather the company’s top employees for an exclusive retreat in Miami and this year, Caitlin Levy—Aurora’s newest hire—is joining the team as Head of Events. The benefits are outstanding: a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, and limitless vacation days. What could possibly go wrong?

When another high-level executive vanishes after the first night, the disappearance has the potential to derail the future of the company’s sale and cost everyone on the team millions. Now more than ever Caitlin and her colleagues must continue the charade—partaking in team-building exercises, group brainstorms, and dinners—to keep the future of Aurora afloat amid the fatal speculations.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published May 14, 2024

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About the author

Emma Rosenblum

2 books616 followers
Emma Rosenblum is chief content officer at Bustle Digital Group, overseeing content and strategy for BDG’s editorial portfolios, including Bustle, Elite Daily, Romper, NYLON, The Zoe Report, Romper, Scary Mommy, Fatherly, The Dad, and Inverse. Prior to BDG, Emma served as the executive editor of ELLE. Previously Rosenblum was a senior editor at Bloomberg Businessweek, and before that a senior editor at Glamour. She began her career at New York magazine. She lives in New York City, with her husband and two sons.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 380 reviews
Profile Image for MagretFume.
52 reviews45 followers
May 12, 2024
First I would like to thank Macmillan Audio and Netgalley for the advanced audio book copy.

I love stories about the workplace and I thought it would be great for me. The narrator was great.
The story is interesting and well paced, but I had a hard time engaging with the characters, who felt somehow all the same.
I usually love rooting for good characters who are terrible people, but I felt like here they lacked some depth and complex motivation.
I still would recommend if you are familiar with the author.
Profile Image for Me, My Shelf, & I.
951 reviews114 followers
May 19, 2024
This was a 3-3.5/5 entertaining amount of thriller. I think I was expecting more from the endings and reveals, but the bulk of the story kept me guessing and intrigued.

There were a surprising amount of nods to corporate culture and being a woman (in particular the cold temperature of offices was brought up on multiple occasions) but there was no biting commentary or direction to go with it, just something brought up during the female POVs. (There was little if any nods to being Black or gay during those respective POVs, so I thought the author was going for a stronger feminist angle than we ultimately got.)

Audiobook Notes:
The narrator is clear and crisp and is able to differentiate all the voices by changing her register or accent to better reflect each character.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for granting me an audio ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Ali.
106 reviews21 followers
April 28, 2024
I really enjoyed this book! It followed start up company on a retreat where nothing goes as expected. Never knew what was going to happen or who was behind anything. Would definitely recommend for a beach read. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review!
Profile Image for Jenna.
329 reviews75 followers
June 3, 2024
I believe in the Pop-Tart food group as much as the Steel-Cut Oats one, and likewise, I don’t think everything we read needs to be Ulysses or The Iliad or whatever. And when readers do choose to engage in that more “processed frosted breakfast pastry” type of fare, the Rich People Behaving Badly In Warmer Climes genre is a perennial favorite flavor, on which Corporate Malfeasance and Badly-Behaved Tech Bros and CEOs are “the sprinkles” in this latest by Rosenblum. But while I thought the author’s last book, Bad Summer People, worked just fine on this insubstantial-but-briefly-satisfying level, unfortunately Very Bad Company failed to fully coalesce for me despite some initial potential and fizzled out in the end.

Some plot threads and characters were left to languish or too efficiently summed up, and the big reveal behind the crime at the novel’s center was anticlimactic and pretty predictable. I had a very hard time getting any kind of strong visual image of the distasteful, persistently Churchill-quoting CEO; he just didn’t ever come through for me as a cohesive character I could wrap my head around and conceptualize. Worst of all, I felt like characters were generally summed up by their physical characteristics throughout the novel and that is about as deep as their characterizations got: for instance, we have Flowery Dress, Adult Headband, Tight Short-Shorts, and seriously one character is basically just Enormous Breasts, accompanied by Guy Staring With a Goofy Grin at Said Breasts.

Let it be known that it pains me to write this pretty unflattering review: I think Rosenblum is a talented writer and I liked her last book way more than a lot of readers did. Something here just seemed desultory or off: maybe she is ready to move on and write her own Steel-Cut Oats novel? Would love to see what she does with it!
Profile Image for Shelby (allthebooksalltheways).
767 reviews122 followers
May 28, 2024
3.5 rounded up

Thank you Macmillan Audio for my gifted ALC. #MACAUDIO2024

Very Bad Company
Emma Rosenblum
🎙️ January Lavoy
Out now

⭐⭐⭐✨ (3.5)
(Narration - 5 stars)

Very Bad Company is a satirical drama set at a tech startup's annual retreat, where nothing is what it seems and you have no idea who to trust. It's full of secrets and schemes and (intentionally) unlikeable characters. While entertaining, I struggled to become fully invested. January Lavoy's narration is the star of the show, as her multi-character performance enhanced my experience and made me push through to the end (which I probably wouldn't have if I'd read it with my eyes).

And if I never hear another Winston Churchill quote, it'll be too soon. IYKYK 😆
Profile Image for Brandi Holloway.
107 reviews28 followers
April 25, 2024
Very Bad Comapny ….. Is a very, very good audio book! Scandal, lovable characters, and lots of dark humor. January LaVoy did an amazing job narrating this story. My first book by Rosenblum & I’m already on the hunt for more!

Thank you NetGalley & MacMillan Audio for an ARC copy of this title.
Profile Image for Lizzy Brannan.
99 reviews15 followers
June 3, 2024

Caitlin Levy has just landed her dream job at the trendy tech startup company, Aurora. Without a firm job description, she’s a little wary of attending the annual business retreat in Miami Beach. With this multi-million dollar company, what could go wrong? When a top executive goes missing and lines are blurred between relationships, Caitlin begins to realize Aurora is hiding dark secrets. Told from every viewpoint, this Fortune 500 fiction is JUICY

Though I found myself wanting to know how it ended to the reading of January Lavoy’s brilliant character voicing, this particular book was not for me at all. Completely a preference. The writing was honestly well done, I just didn’t enjoy the storyline, business trope, or the type of drama. In addition, the all-characters points of view also made the storyline tough to get into initially. I fully believe there is an audience out there waiting to give this 5 stars.

A very special thank you to Emma Rosenblum, January LaVoy, Macmillan Audio, and NetGalley for the chance to read this audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chelsey (a_novel_idea11).
563 reviews149 followers
May 21, 2024
Emma Rosenblum just gets me. I freaking love her books. Terrible people, lots of money, beautiful settings, and lots of lots of drama. This is the perfect book to listen to to kick off summer!!

I've been on a couple work retreats and it's safe to say, my company must be doing them all wrong because I've certainly never stayed in a five-star resort, gone jet skiing, clubbing, or eaten a Michelin-starred dinner on a yacht. Aurora definitely knew how to party and John Schiller definitely knew how to throw a bash. So what someone died? Just a little more drama and another story to tell, amiright?!

Honestly, even as the reader it was easy to forget that someone had died. I really can't imagine a real life scenario where a work trip wouldn't be cut short if one of your own died on the trip, but you can't say it didn't make for some great reading!

I had such a hard time knowing who or what to believe. The way everyone was so nonchalant about the death made me wonder if it truly was an accidental overdose. But as the secrets started spilling, everyone seemed (and was!) guilty of at least something and I started to believe anything was possible.

I loved how everything shook out, how despicable everyone was, and the (maybe not so realistic) insight into a startup hitting major success and going through a sale.

This book was perfect for audio and I loved the narrator. It's told by different character perspectives and I usually prefer multiple narrators for those formats, but January LaVoy is so good I didn't need it here.

This is one I definitely recommend and I can't wait to see what other shenanigans Rosenblum gives us next!!

Thank you to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the copy.
Profile Image for Jessica Webber.
120 reviews35 followers
March 29, 2024
This is different from the kind of books I normally read, but it was very entertaining. So much drama! There was always something going on, some secret being uncovered, salacious rumors being told. It was a very quick read.

There was just something about the ending that didn’t sit quite right with me. It left me with lingering questions and feeling like some loose ends needed to be tied up.

Overall, I did enjoy the book and I thought the narrator did a great job at portraying these complex characters.

Thanks NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to and review this audiobook.
77 reviews
March 28, 2024
Dark humor always gets me - especially when it’s mixed in with mystery and drama. Loved this story and the characters. Having worked at several large companies and a start up, I’ve attended retreats similar to the one depicted in this book. Not as over the top, of course, but I found the scenario somewhat relatable. I do wonder if someone without exposure to this world would find it as entertaining.

I found this book funny and entertaining with just the right amount of fluff. The ending wasn’t nearly as satisfying as it could have been but all in all this was a great book. The perfect beach read!

4.4 rounded down to 4.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.
Profile Image for Laura (thenerdygnomelife).
680 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2024
"Very Bad Company" is an enjoyable, if not entirely memorable, novel of rich people behaving badly. The top-level executives of a well-known tech start-up are gathering for their annual corporate retreat in Miami. This year, they are joined by their newest hire, Caitlin, who is appointed for the somewhat nebulous position of Head of Events. Led by the eccentric CEO, John, the group of executives is already borderline dysfunctional even before one of them goes MIA during the event. And after that disappearance, tensions raise in a hurry.

This book isn't quite a thriller, but it's definitely got more intrigue than most contemporary fiction. There is a large cast, but most characters are well fleshed out. I will say that I rarely do well spending time humoring the misdeeds of the overpriveleged, but Rosenblum did a great job of crafting characters that were largely likeable despite their many, many flaws. The narration was done well, and the pages flew by. I was never tempted to put this one in my DNF stack, though I admit it's also one that likely won't stick with me for long. Not all books need to be life changing and with you for the long haul, though, and this one was a fun ride for the time I spent with it.

3.5 stars rounded up. Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for an advance copy for honest review.
Profile Image for Bbecca_marie.
814 reviews20 followers
May 17, 2024
Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum

Thank you so much Macmillan Audio, Flatiron Books, & NetGalley the free audiobook.

A gripping, darkly comic novel from the national bestselling author of Bad Summer People about a team of wealthy and powerful executives on retreat in Miami when one of them goes missing . . .

✨My thoughts:
Such a great audiobook! I knew from the cover I was going to love it, and I did. This is the book and audiobook you’ll want to read or listen to at the beach or on vacation. I’m a big fan of dark humor and not only do you get a laugh, you get drama, and our entertainment. January LaVoy narrated the audiobook and it was superb! It’s already been recommended to all of my audiobook lovin’ feiends. I loved Bad Summer People last year and I’m so happy I loved Very Bad Company too. Emma Rosenblum is officially a new auto buy author for me. I need to get my hands in a finished copy!

Happy reading 📖
Profile Image for Lauren Self (lauren.shelby.reads).
222 reviews23 followers
May 9, 2024
A trendy tech company retreat gone wrong when someone ends up murdered and everyone is trying to figure out what happened while also harboring their own secrets.

There were a ton of characters to keep up with and it was hard to remember all their back stories at times. Honestly when someone turned up missing I didn’t even remember who that person was. Not to mention most of the characters weren’t very likeable.

A little too much business talk and Winston Churchill facts and quotes for my liking.

January LaVoy did an incredible job narrating though! This book wasn’t my cup of tea, but it may be yours 😊

Thanks so much to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for my ALC!

Profile Image for Katie.
51 reviews4 followers
May 8, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

Review to come
Profile Image for Shannon.
5,621 reviews317 followers
May 12, 2024
This was entertaining but I don't anticipate it being a standout for me this year. Recommended for those who enjoy a good deep dive into the complexities and toxic nature of corporate culture. Good on audio too. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early audio copy in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Lois .
2,041 reviews531 followers
April 3, 2024
This audiobook was made available to me by Macmillan Audio and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

The narrator of Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum is January LaVoy. There are multiple point of view (pov) characters and January was able to very effectively give each of these characters a unique tone, inflection and style of speaking to make it easier for the listener/reader to differentiate between the characters.

Even with the wonderful narration, there were so many similar characters I found myself confused in places. About 20% into the book, I started a character list and took light notes. The characters were not complicated, really, just rich and shameless. Parts of this story almost read like a season of  HBO's The White Lotus TV show. The novel wasn't quite as funny as the show but definitely had quirks that would easily be laughable on camera. I tend to enjoy thriller novels with unlikable main characters, and this was no exception.

The main action of this novel is set at the annual week-long retreat for the senior staff of Aurora tech startup at an exclusive resort in Miami. The founder John, his assistant, and his most senior seven-figure salaried chief officer of their department staff members, including a new hire who has yet to work her first day at the company. This has an eccentric founder, Elon Musk-style, a hard-nosed investigative reporter, and vapid, competitive, shallow, selfish staff members. The cast is perfect for this type of domestic thriller. Revealed during the retreat are surprises planned by the founder as well as unplanned surprises revealed by the various founder and his staff members. In between these reveals, the characters are busy heavy drinking, with hook-ups, hard drugs, dancing, swimming, and planned group excursions. Most of the staff members have a long and secretive history with each other and the company with a major financial incentive to keep the company's secrets hidden. This is fast-paced, amusing, quirky, and an excellent thriller. I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced story. 

I think the story would have benefited from maybe 2 fewer pov characters. Also  some of the Black woman characters’ personality & bio felt stereotypical, including her background and dating situation. I liked this author's previous thriller and will definitely read her next novel.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review this audiobook novel. All opinions and viewpoints expressed in this review are my own. 
Profile Image for Andie.
155 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2024
Audiobook: After recently listening to another book narrated by January LaVoy (Listen for the Lie), I was excited to hear her narrate this one. Very Bad Company gave me vibes of the non-fiction books by John Carreyrou, Bad Blood/Hatching Twitter, along with the TV show White Lotus. If you've enjoyed those, you may enjoy this story of a company with a lot to hide on a group retreat. It was an enjoyable listening experience, but there were a lot of characters. I'm not even sure if reading a hard copy of the book would have made it easier to keep the characters straight because there were a lot to follow, and their jobs and personality traits seemed to blend together a bit. LaVoy did great job of differentiating the characters from a narration perspective, so that definitely helped. A light, fun summer read!

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the advanced audiobook copy - out on May 14, 2024

Profile Image for Rachel.
49 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2024
this may not be literary gold but i was thoroughly entertained. Rosenblum writes straight bangers, i don’t make the rules
Profile Image for Judy Collins.
2,922 reviews421 followers
May 14, 2024
Emma Rosenblum returns following her smashing debut, Bad Summer People with another scandalous sizzling summer show-stopper, VERY BAD COMPANY.

This time, we are headed to Miami (my backyard) for a corporate retreat like no other!

A darkly comic novel about a team of greedy, wealthy, and powerful executives on a corporate retreat in Miami when one goes missing and turns up dead. Is there a murderer among them? What secrets are to come?

The trendy tech startup, Aurora has set their annual exclusive retreat in Miami this year for all the top executives.

When: Tues-Friday Apr 23-26
Where: The 1 Hotel, Miami Beach, FL
An exclusive resort hotel

~John Shiller, CEO
~Dallas Joy, CTO
~Zach Wagner, CRO
~Martin Ito, CIO
~Debra Foley, CPO
~Nikki Lane, EVP
~Olive Green, DOC
~Caitlin Levy, Head of Events
~Jessica Radum, Head of Partnerships
~Madison Bez, Assistant to John Shiller

Caitlin Levy, their newest hire as Head of Events, will join them for the first time this year. The benefits include a seven-figure salary, stock shares, a discretionary bonus, and limitless vacation days.

Things get off to a rocky start when one of the executives vanishes after the first night, which may derail the company's future sale—and cost everyone millions.

Miami can be a dangerous place...

However, the show must go on as they all come together for the charade, presentations, and team-building.

Told from multiple POVs:
part one-part five
The Finger Waggers Reunion (catchup)

Who will be able to play the corporate game? It's a fun, wild, roller coaster, soapy ride. Who will be out/in?

From dark secrets, drinking, drugs, dancing, hookups, arm candy, back-stabbing, greed, ambition, surprises, corruption, power games, blackmail, scandal, and dark company secrets. Highly entertaining!

AUDIOBOOK: You must get the audiobook, narrated by the fabulous January LaVoy, juggling multiple POVs for an impressive, witty, riveting, and entertaining performance for all the voices.

I have managed numerous corporate retreats in Miami and South Beach; however, none quite as racy as this one.

VERY BAD COMPANY is for fans of Kaira Rouda's The Kingsley series, Under the Palms. (May 21, 2024)

Thanks to Macmillan Audio, NetGalley, and #MacAudio2024 for an advanced listening copy for an honest opinion. #SMPInfluencers

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 5 Stars
Pub Date: May 14, 2024
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May 2024 Must-Read Books
Profile Image for Brianna Hart.
387 reviews47 followers
May 2, 2024
The death felt over the top in this one. There were soooo many different secrets and it felt like too much. A lot of different personalities and actions that were really unconscious-able. I didn’t like how many of them behaved and they all also felt a little too tied to their jobs too, which I didn’t love.
Profile Image for Vellichor Avenue.
28 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2024
She writes about her “diverse characters” like a male author writes female characters; like she doesn’t understand them at all.
Profile Image for Megan (megs_bookblog).
437 reviews64 followers
May 7, 2024
Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum
Narrator: January LaVoy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Pub date: 5/14

Thank you so much to Macmillan Audio for my complimentary audiobook.

Very Bad Company takes us to a tech startup's annual retreat, where the line between work and play blurs spectacularly. When one of their coworkers goes missing and is later found dead, accusations fly and secrets start to come out, leaving readers wondering who they can trust in this group of unlikeable executives.

The title says it all! This story is about a very bad company and the terrible people who run it. I really enjoyed this author’s previous book Bad Summer People, also narrated by one of my favorites, January LaVoy. This had a very similar structure, with a large cast of unlikeable characters and the ‘whodunit’ mystery to solve.

This cast of characters as colorful as they are conniving. From John, the eccentric founder, to Caitlyn, the ambitious new hire, each member of the Aurora team brings their own motivations and machinations to the table.

Narrated with flair, the audiobook brings each character to life with distinct voices and personalities, making it easy to get swept up in the drama.

I love thrillers with multi-POV, but in this case, the cast was a bit too large, and the characters were all too similar to tell apart. I had to go back and relisten a few times because I forgot who was speaking. And while I also love a group of snarky, unlikeable characters, this group is pretty terrible. Thankfully, the plot moved quickly, and I wanted to know what was happening with the company. Otherwise, I may have stopped listening.

Overall, this book has charm, and I enjoyed the witty dialogue and the fast pace.

Read if you like:
*rich people problems
*multiple POV
*the tech world
*unlikeable characters
Profile Image for Elizabeth McFarland .
393 reviews52 followers
May 14, 2024
This is a review for the audiobook, so first, I'd like to express how much I enjoyed January Lavoy's narration. I actually chose this book because I've loved her narration in the past, and this was as flawless as ever!

On to the book itself. This was my first book by Emma Rosenblum, and I don't think it will be the last. There was a little bit of everything that made for an entertaining read in this one, and I enjoyed it immensely. This was a super fun and quick read. I breezed right through and was invested in the story and characters from the start.

Told from multiple POV Very Bad Company follows executives from a tech company on a retreat to Miami. From day one, this trip is a disaster. The coworkers are fighting, backstabbing, lying, sleeping together, and oh yeah, there's this little problem of a murder. This book was quite aptly titled because this is absolutely a Very Bad Company.

If you're looking for juicy gossip, murder, and corporate intrigue, then this book is where you'll find it!

Thank you, Macmillan Audio, for allowing me an advanced copy of this audiobook for review. Opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Brad.
1,420 reviews64 followers
May 17, 2024
Do you like a book full of unlikable characters? Full of adults behaving badly? Characters so full of greed they’re willing to kill to keep a secret? Then Very Bad Company by Emma Rosenblum is for you.
This book follows an executive team of a Tech startup on a retreat full of team building activities. One of them dies. Secrets come to light about the origins of the company. The sale of the company for millions is in jeopardy when a member of the team dies. But let’s keep up appearances because we want our money.

January Lavoy does a great job with the audio. There are a lot of characters, male and female, and she gives voice to them all.

As a reader/listener, it was difficult to keep up with all of the different characters. And it was unnecessary to have so many back stories for every character. It did not add to the story. Not a fan of the Southern stereotype character. We do have graduate schools here. The CEO was the only comic relief with his constant Churchill quotes and funny outfits.
This felt like an 80’s “Greed is Good” story. There are no characters to pull for or care about.
Profile Image for Anna.
353 reviews9 followers
March 21, 2024
Emma Rosenblum has a knack for creating characters you love to hate and hate to love. Like “Bad Summer People”, “Very Bad Company” is chock full of selfish, screwed up, secret keeping narcissists. In this case they are all executives in Aurora, a successful tech company.

The executives gather for a corporate retreat in Florida just as Aurora is about to announce its acquisition by another tech company. Everyone is about to become very rich. There’s a lot of money at stake and they all have an interest in making sure their secrets stay hidden. It all gets very complicated when one of them turns up dead.

There are many players and back stories to keep straight which is aided by January LaVoy’s excellent narration. She brings the story to life and added to my enjoyment of the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for my unbiased review.
Profile Image for Dallas Strawn.
764 reviews96 followers
May 13, 2024
I didn’t read Emma Rosenblum’s popular debut but I heard so much buzz, I tried the sophomore book, and I found it to be a good bit of fun. It’s not going to win a Nobel Prize; it’s very campy; but it’s a rather light women’s fiction read with an underlying hint of suspense. It’s about a tech company on a work vacation/business meeting where the CEO has a big announcement to make, and quickly one of the employees is missing…. I had alot of fun with it. January LaVoy gave a great audio performance; thanks to macmillan for the audio arc!
Profile Image for Cindy.
1,149 reviews9 followers
April 19, 2024
Tech company executives gather in Miami for a corporate retreat on the verge of a big announcement. The egomaniacal, narcissistic founder channels Churchill while spending extravagantly on this over-the-top outing. Despite their multi-million dollar salaries and stock options, people are still people and there is quite a bit of pettiness and jealousy, cliques, and back-stabbing. And someone dies!

This is a dark comedy that is never quite laugh-out-loud funny but has plenty of amusing moments and well-observed bad behavior. The novel is told from the alternating vantage points of several employees, and we get a dose of their unique backstories too. None is particularly likable, but there's enough Schadenfreude to keep things interesting.

Excellent narration of the audiobook. My thanks to the author, the publisher, and #NetGalley for the advance copy for this review.
Profile Image for Marisha (MarishaReadsALot).
655 reviews36 followers
May 16, 2024
Thank you Macmillan Audio for the gifted ALC!

If you, like myself, love drama and secrets and backstabbing galore, this book is for you. Pretty much every single character is unlikeable and usually I'm not a huge fan of that but for this book it just works.

January LaVoy does a fantastic job narrating this one, I was really impressed with her voice acting.

Very Bad Company is available now! (Pub date May 14)
16 reviews
May 27, 2024
3.75/5 it was ok - it took me a while to get into this book and even though it was only 250 pages it felt really drawn out and took me a while to finish. it kept my attention the whole time but the end was underwhelming and john creeped me tf out (it’s always the J names). anyways not terrible but not my fav! also soooo many characters i literally had to start a note in my phone and keep referring back to it because i was so confused in the beginning
Displaying 1 - 30 of 380 reviews

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