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During the spring of her second year of high school, Naho receives a letter. Its sender is herself from ten years in the future. Naho thinks it's a prank at first, but when the things written in the letter start to come true one by one, she realizes that the letter is telling her events that will happen in her future. It tells her that she'll fall in love with Kakeru, a new student who transfers to her school, and that he'll die in the winter of his 17th year. After learning the regrets and wishes of the 26-year-old Naho following Kakeru's death, what can the 16-year-old Naho do differently?

Japanese, English, Español (América Latina), Français, Português (Brasil)
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Español (España), Français, Italiano, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية
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(4 reviews)03 July 2016
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This anime will hit me right in the feels.

I've been hyping this anime since they announced it's release and I honestly can't wait for the following episodes. Overall I'm hoping the rest of this series is as enjoying as the first episode. I can tell just from the first episode it's gonna be sad and emotional. I'm definitely gonna get hit by a ton of bricks at the end of this anime.

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(3 reviews)16 August 2016
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BRING A BOX OF TISSUES BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA CRY. I've watched around 7 episodes so far, and let me tell you: This story is thick. The intriguing romantic plot is one thing; but character design is absolutely gold. You will find yourself in possibly each character. This is what a Slice of Life Anime is all about. Orange is a recommended anime that I definitely suggest watching. Also prepare yourself because you will get sucker punched right in the feels.

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(1 review)18 July 2016
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Impressions of first 3 episodes--Must watch Drama

This is my first ever review posted there on Crunchyroll. I usually don't post but I felt this anime needed more love and views. Orange is more a drama filled anime that doesn't quite feel like the typical anime due to it's nature of not advertising and using full anime character archetypes and cliches. I love it. I'm usually more the action and suspense type and such but I checked Orange only because of Erased and hope that it would bring some good 'ol time traveling thing back. I'm here to say that there is absolutely nothing in common with Orange and Erased. LOL. Whatever the case, this anime travels on a slow but focused moment-to-moment feels using you, the viewer, and your feelings to drive it forward at 100 mph. The anime tells off Naho, the series main protagonist, receiving a letter from her future self. In this letter, it describes the steps of doing things correctly so that she can avoid many unknown regret(s) that will befall upon her and her friends. All of these regrets revolve around the series second main character and love interest of Naho, Kakeru. More than just a love-only anime--it is still of course, as dramatic as it seems with feels of heartache, regret, missed opportunities, and sometimes personal satisfaction and feelsgoodman moments. For those who can and are interested in a drama of such magnitude, don't miss this anime--this is one you won't "regret".

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(4 reviews)02 February 2017
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(1 review)07 October 2016
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Emotional Roller Coaster

I had absolutely no expectations when I started watching Orange. I had never heard anything about the story, I only knew that it was supposed to be pretty good. So I was definitely not prepared for the amazing story that unfolded before my eyes. Orange is a story about friendship, trust, depression, learning to love yourself, and being able to believe in your future. It hits home really hard for anyone who has ever had to deal with grief, loss, and depression - the depictions of all of these things are spot on in the most amazing ways. Despite the overall serious tone of the plot, the story itself is told in a way that leaves you laughing, crying, and grinning from ear to ear, usually all within a single episode. It manages to balance the tense atmosphere with silly high school shenanigans and cute romantic subplots without ever diminishing the importance of the overarching message. That message is, of course, that everyone is important to someone and you have to fight and keep fighting to let yourself have a happy life, for your own sake and theirs. Overall, Orange was an amazing watch from start to finish. The characters are delightful, the relationship between the group of friends is amazing and realistic, and the importance of depression and learning coping skills makes it one hell of a ride!