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Submarine Simulator is an experience created by the group, Starlit Games.

While the game itself, on the outside, is disguised as an innocent typical Roblox simulator, it is truly instead a survival horror game.


The aim of this game is to take studies on the bottom of the Mariana Trench, while trying to avoid a mysterious monster/demon from killing you. The monster will attempt to jumpscare you by sneaking into your pod. (resolved by obscuring its sight using the tasks sheet and looking away) Alongside that, the player should also watch their power (resolved by restarting the computer) and oxygen tank. (resolved by going on the right and pressing the button to refill) If any of those three are not resolved, then Brian will suffocate resulting in a game over, and the player will have to restart that day over again. After the game is beat, the player is allowed to set custom days, which allows them to set a number of tasks, and how much Jerry is allowed to attack them.


Day Take Samples Record Audio Scan Area Jerry
1 1 2 0 None
2 2 2 1 Window Jerry (doesn't attack)
3 3 3 2 Jerry
4 3 3 3 Side Jerry
5 Window Jerry & Side Jerry
6 Jerry & Window Jerry
7 3 3 4 Window Jerry & Side Jerry


Here are all the attacks that Jerry can perform against Brian, during his research:

Front: Jerry will appear in front of Brian's center view, and will constantly say "LOOK AT ME" or "LOOK AWAY." To avoid this attack, Brian must simply hold his tasks sheet up and look on either the left or the right

Side: Jerry will appear on either the left side, near the computer, or right side, near the oxygen tanks. This attack is like his front attack, but the player simply must hold their sheets up and then move over to the other side. Occasionally, Jerry may appear on both sides.

Window: Jerry will appear in front of the window, then use his "tentacles" to weaken Brian. The players must mash F or rapidly tap on their screen to escape it. If the tentacles capture him, Jerry will be able to jumpscare him afterwards.

Face: Jerry's face will appear occasionally appear, and the players must use the sheets the obscure his attack before it gets to the center.


Spoilers present below. Read at your own risk.

In the year 1952, a submarine pod is built by marine engineers, to uncover the mysteries of the deep. However, the pod could only fit a single person inside, and it was decided to be dropped to the deepest depth of the ocean; the Mariana Trench. A man, known as Brian, volunteers to take studies in the trench.

After Day 1 is complete, the player can play Memory Match until the last match has a picture of a creepy girl on it. Nonetheless, the game is still won.

On Day 2 however, during Brian's studies in the trench, a mysterious voice calls him and if Brian looks outside his window, he can spot a monster looking at his pod. After he finishes his task for the day, the player can play a minigame where they must evade the bombs, until the creepy head of the girl is seen just like from the last day.

Day 3 starts to get a bit more intense, where the monster starts to stalk Brian, while he's trying to take studies in the trench. After Brian manages to avoid his clutches, he finishes day 3 and goes to the hospital to check on his daughter. The doctor says that her chances of survival is slim, and that Brian cannot see her.

After Day 4 is complete, Brian is seen relaxing inside his house, when the monster stalks him through his TV.

After Day 5, he goes to the hospital, in which the waiting room looks distorted. He then walks over to the doctors who are viewing on his daughter.

After Day 6, he goes to check on his daughter, who is in a hospital bed, and tells her how much he loves her.

After Day 7 is complete, the narrator reveals that the monster also came up with the pod, after it was lifted, and his full body is shown on the dock. Brian is then peacefully seen sitting with his daughter. (but judging by their transparent bodies, it is presumed that both of them died.)


  • Brian Joe: The main protagonist of game. He has to go to the deeps of the Mariana Trench and takes samples, record audio, and scan the area, while trying to avoid a mysterious monster. Related to Lloyd and Roy Joe from The Smiles Family.
  • Brian's Daughter: A supporting character of the game. She appear in Day 1 and Day 2's minigames as a creepy head, but on the rest of the days (besides day 4, where she is seen in a picture) is seen in the hospital.
  • Jerry: The main antagonist of the game. He first appears on Day 2 talking to Brian, and can be seen outside if Brian flashes his lights at him. On Day 3, he becomes aware about Brian's concerns with him, and tells him that he isn't a friend to him. This leads to this day along with the next four days where he attempts to jumpscare and kill Brian. His attacks are done by initially infiltrating his pod and using his "tentacles" to weaken him. He also stalks him through his TV after Day 4 is complete. His name is never revealed until the game is beaten, until the player sets a custom day, in which his name is revealed. He also appears at the end of Day 7, where it is revealed that he snuck onto the pod to get up to the surface.
  • Doctors: A few doctors who check on Brian's daughter on Day 3 and 5.
  • The Beatles: A 50s band that makes a cameo outside the window in the Yellow Submarine.



Day 3

  • How is she?
  • Can I see her?
  • Please.

Day 6

  • I am so sorry.
  • Your dad loves you.


Day 2

  • Psst.
  • Look outside.
  • Don't be frightened by my appearance.
  • I don't get visitors down here.
  • You can imagine how lonely it must be.
  • I'm glad I finally have someone to talk to.
  • Oh no! It looks like your power is going down.
  • You might want to restart it using that computer of yours.
  • That was a close call.
  • Hey, since we're friends now, why don't we share some things about each other?
  • I'll go first.
  • I get easily aggravated when people look at me.
  • So please do not look at me, okay?
  • You don't need to share anything about yourself.
  • Sorry for bothering you. I'll leave you to your job.
  • See you tomorrow.

Day 3

  • You're not a real friend.
  • I know what you think of me.
  • I can sense that your soul is unclean.
  • Demons like me would know.

Day 4

  • Do not fear the darkness.

Other Quotes

  • Don't you want to see your daughter?
  • Maybe some day you can take me back with you.


  • It's not looking very good.
  • We are doing our best to keep her alive.
  • We still cannot let you see her.
  • I am sorry, Mr. Joe.


  • The year is 1952. Marine engineers have invented a new pod submarine. The pod is designed to withstand the conditions at the bottom of the ocean. This new breakthrough will help to uncover all sorts of mysterious that lie beneath the ocean surface. The pod's operator can run all sorts of tests while at the ocean floor, giving scientists all the info they need. However, the occupancy of the pod is limited to one person. It was decided that the best place to put the pod to use would be at the deepest depth of the ocean; the Mariana Trench. This trench extends down an entire 11,034 meters, making it the deepest place on Earth. What we find could give us insight to the most unexplored place on the planet. Thank you for volunteering as the pod's operator. We are rooting for you. Remember to complete your tasks before returning to the surface. We wish you the best of luck, and stay safe.
  • Something came up with you.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • Occasionally, the Yellow Submarine will appear outside Brian's pod. This is a reference to The Beatles.
  • By Jerry's quote, "Don't you want to see your daughter?," likely presumes that Jerry was the one who attacked Brian's daughter, leading to her ending up in the hospital.

