STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS - Tirana Triennale Hybrid Lecture "Synthesis of the Arts"

Tirana Triennale Hybrid Lecture “Synthesis of the Arts”

Steven Holl and Roberto Bannura present at Barleti University in the final program of the Tirana Triennale, Friday, April 26 at 12:00pm ET / 18.00 CET. The lecture “Synthesis of the Arts” surveys Steven Holl Architects’ collaborations with artists, including Walter de Maria at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Vito Acconci at Storefront for Art and Architecture, and Agnieszka Kurant in the design for a new convention center in Tirana.

The lecture is both in person and livestreamed, visit the link to register. The program is co-organized by Tirana Triennale, Barleti University, and the Architecture Fund of Albania with support by LINA and the European Union.

Image 2: Walter De Maria’s One Sun / 34 Moons, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, photo © Iwan Baan