Enneagram test (2024) | Free personality test
3296 people have completed this test in the last 24 hours!

Enneagram Personality Test

The objective of knowing your enneagram type is to help you know yourself better and to enrich your personal development. There is no “better” or “worse” type. Each type and each person has their own assets.

The enneagram is a model that structures human personality based on 9 different types of functioning that relate to the direction of three centres of intelligence (mental, emotional and instinctive) that we all have. Each enneagram type is based on unconscious fears, desires to compensate them and expresses a unique way in which the three centres of intelligence interact between each other.

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The last reviews

Nexus, type 8w7
Este test me describe, soy un buen líder y todo lo demás, hasta menciona que los 8w7 somos más propensos a la adicción, lo que puedo confirmar desde la experiencia.
Roqueforest , type 5w4
Nickynackynoo, type 1w9
Vinu, type 2w3
Elbo, type 2w1