Chinese Gang of Four | History, Significance & Facts |
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Chinese Gang of Four | History, Significance & Facts

Instructor Joseph Cataliotti

Joe Cataliotti holds a Master of Arts degree in World History from Northeastern University. He earned a B.A. in History and Political Science from the same university and wrote his senior thesis on the history of radical right-wing movements in the United States.

Explore the history of the Gang of Four in China. Find what the Chinese Gang of Four was and understand their impact. See facts about the Chinese Gang of Four. Updated: 12/23/2022

The Gang of Four was an alliance between four Chinese political leaders, who, after the death of the totalitarian leader Mao Zedong, wished to continue his arch-communist policies.

Jiang Qing was a key leader of this group

Photograph of a woman in utilitarian clothes

The Gang of Four consisted of:

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In the years following the Second World War, China was in poor condition. The nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek was soon defeated in a civil war against the Communist Party of China, led by Mao Zedong. Mao established himself as the totalitarian ruler of China, purging his enemies. In the late 1950s, Mao launched the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to transition the country from an agrarian one to an industrial one. This was disastrous, with millions dying in a famine. As a result, Mao took a step back from power. This allowed more pragmatic and moderate (though still staunchly communist) leaders such as Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping, Vice Chairman Lin Biao, Chairman Liu Shaoqi, and Premier Zhou Enlai to rise to power.

However, Mao returned to preeminence in 1966 with the Cultural Revolution, in which all those who did not completely support Mao were purged. While the Cultural Revolution was led by Mao and the Central Cultural Revolution Group, four figures were said to be the strongest leaders of the political movement. One was Jiang Qing, a film actress who married Mao and was thereafter given extensive authority. Next, was Zhang Chunqiao, a Maoist journalist who gained power in a similar way as propagandist Yao Wenyuan. Their youngest member was Wang Hongwen, who formed a Maoist commune in Shanghai during the chaotic months of the Cultural Revolution. They would ultimately rise to power in 1969.

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In April 1969, the Chinese Communist Party met for its 9th National Congress in Beijing. At the meeting, the radical Maoist reestablished their control. Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping were kicked from power and replaced by the Gang of Four. Liu was imprisoned and soon died of illness. Deng Xiaoping avoided arrest, but his son was tortured and paralyzed. Zhou Enlai clung to his official title as Premier and kept some power, but his daughter was tortured to death, while Mao hid his cancer diagnosis from him. Lin Biao was killed in a mysterious airplane clash in 1971. These acts of violence were the work of Mao, his allies, and, of course, the Gang of Four. Zhou's daughter was specifically targeted by Jiang Qing, for example.

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The Gang of Four had extensive political power, tearing China back to the absolute totalitarianism of Mao. Besides killing or neutralizing the leaders that opposed them, they also were responsible for, in part, the mass murders that took place across China during the Cultural Revolution. This was a nationwide wave of violence against anyone suspected of not being fully behind Mao. Hundreds of thousands, and perhaps even millions, were killed, with many more imprisoned for their beliefs. Those who were arrested faced torture or brainwashing.


The Gang of Four was never completely unchallenged. Zhou Enlai managed to cling to power, even bringing back Deng Xiaoping to serve as his Vice Premier in 1974.

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The alliance of Hu Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and Ye Jianying successfully overthrew the Gang of Four. Zhou Enlai was now to be given respect as an honorable leader of the Communist Party, while the Gang of Four was blamed for all the excessive deaths and violence of the Cultural Revolution.

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The Gang of Four was a key faction in Chinese history. The following facts illustrate their uniqueness and importance:

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The Gang of Four was an alliance of four leading Chinese politicians who promoted the Cultural Revolution and wished to keep the totalitarian policies of Mao Zedong following his death. As some of the foremost leaders of the Cultural Revolution, they were responsible for the deaths of millions of people who were targeted for their political beliefs. The Gang of Four consists of:

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the Gang of Four from?

The Gang of Four were from China. They rose to power through their staunch support of Mao in the Cultural Revolution.

Who were the Gang of Four?

The Gang of Four were a clique of hardline totalitarian Maoists who seized power in China in 1969. They were toppled in 1976 through a coup.

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