"Your Security is Our Goal"

The following describes the security measures we take to protect your information on the Internet:

128-Bit Encryption
Citibank� uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure transmissions. SSL applies encryption between two communicating applications, such as your PC and our corporate Internet server. When your data is transmitted over the Internet, it is encrypted or "scrambled" at the sending end and then decrypted or "unscrambled" at the receiving end. We use 128-bit encryption, the highest level generally available today.

Cookie Definition
A cookie is a small piece of information, which is created by a web server during a user's visit to a web site. If you configure your web browser to alert you regarding the presence of cookies, you may receive a notice that a web server wishes to set a cookie. There are two kinds of cookies � "persistent" and "transient."

Sometimes we use persistent cookies, which remain on the hard drive of your personal computer. We use persistent cookies for a number of purposes including to store your preferences for certain kinds of information, to provide you with access to certain web sites for which you have previously registered, to retrieve information you have provided us previously, etc. You can set your browser to disable cookies or prevent them, or you can delete cookies, which have already been set by instructing your browser accordingly. The persistent cookies used on Citi's credit card web sites are available only to Citibank or to certain agents of Citibank who are performing services or hosting specific web sites on our behalf.

We may also use transient cookies, which are not stored on your hard drive and are not available to anyone other than Citibank. Transient cookies contain information that identifies you and allows you to navigate on our site from one page to another without requiring you to log in again on each page. When you leave our site, or when your session expires, the transient cookies expire.

How to Protect Yourself Online
Here are simple steps you can take to protect yourself from fraud while shopping and banking online.

  • Verify the URL (address) of the sites you visit. If you're on a secure site, it should start with https (the "s" indicates it is secure.) A padlock image also should appear at the bottom of your browser window.
  • Install anti-virus software and update it regularly with the most current version.
  • Use separate passwords and PINs for your Internet accounts and make them difficult for others to guess. Change passwords and PINs frequently.
  • Use the logoff button to end a secure session instead of closing your browser.
  • Only open email messages sent by people you know.
  • Never send personal or financial information by email. (Remember, we will never ask you to provide personal information via email.)
  • Review your order confirmations, credit card and bank statements and report any unusual activity immediately.
  • Review the security measures recommended by the Better Business Bureau, the U.S. Government and others at the following sites:

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