The Reality Revolution: The Mind-Blowing Movement to Hack Your Reality by Brian Scott | Goodreads
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The Reality Revolution: The Mind-Blowing Movement to Hack Your Reality

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Our world is undergoing a reality revolution. More and more people are discovering the power of their minds to shape the world around them faster than ever before. The question how do you create the reality of your design?

Brian Scott wants to help you find the answer. After walking away unscathed from a near-fatal shooting in his home, Brian began a fanatical search for answers. He deepened his research into parallel realities, quantum mechanics, and consciousness to uncover what happened in his close call with death. Along the way, he developed a series of techniques capable of creating profound transformations.

In The Reality The Mind-Blowing Movement to Hack Your Reality , Brian introduces you to the techniques that have helped his clients find lasting love, create wealth, and revitalize health. You’ll learn how to surf through parallel realities and unlock the power of your mind through a mix of researched and science-backed techniques like qi gong, meditation, quantum jumping, energy work, and reality transurfing. If you’re ready to create an incredible reality for yourself, this book shows you the way.

400 pages, Paperback

Published March 20, 2020

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Brian Scott

3 books23 followers

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
May 26, 2020
I have been listening to binaural beats, doing meditations, writing gratitude lists, Altering my diet, and I've been clean and sober for almost 12 years and nothing and no one has pushed me harder to "Stay the Course", then Brian Scott. His story has actually catapulted me into the fifth dimension. Once you read his book you will never get enough. You will continue to grow and stretch in ways you did not know existed. A must read.
Profile Image for Hitessh.
473 reviews21 followers
June 16, 2021
Although this book had some very good points, But my over-all reading experience was torturous.

The author has very little view of his own and keeps on cross referring citation from other author's book.

Yes, but i have found links to some other authors, who seems better one for the subject. Will pick up their books later to study more on Parallel Realities.
Profile Image for Susan Nicolai.
17 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2021
I was so excited to discover Brian Scott on YouTube about a year ago. He had this podcast going, The Reality Revolution Podcast, where he reads spiritual books, mostly classic material, and he also does these amazing meditations. This book opens with his story, how he got sucked into reality transurfing during an invasion of his home.

This was fascinating to me; I had never heard of reality transurfing or quantum jumping before Brian. Brian is a voracious reader, and you can feel his love of knowledge as he narrates the material he chooses to present. He is just the kind of narrator that I love, he sprinkles in some history about the book and its author and his thoughts about connection to other works, while holding room for the skeptical mind. Due to his being extremely well-read, he is a deep well of knowledge, but he holds this pure eagerness and enthusiasm that invites and welcomes newcomers and explorers. This book is just like that.

The first chapter of The Reality Revolution is Quantum Mechanics. To set the stage for ideas including reality transurfing and quantum jumping, this is a necessary step to be sure readers are on board. He knits together the brilliance of so many Masters and authors whose work he shares on the podcast, and in doing so offers many chords that might resonate with readers. In addition, he lays out “just enough” of the science—it delivers me right up to the line where my mind goes, “Okay this is as far as you can take me, Brian. That’s as science-y as this right-brain gets.”

Brian talks about reality hacks, including his own AURA technique of activating and actualizing alternate realities. He speaks about breaking through the mental constructs that we have created around our selves and our lives based on our memories of the past that we keep bringing forward each day.

He talks about creating space for new information. It’s like planting a seed, You wouldn’t plant two trees next to each other because they need space. Sometimes we need a little space for the unknown as well.

This is such a rich book full of concepts and techniques. I initially purchased it as an audiobook, but quickly realized that I would want the text. There was much I wanted to refer back to, including some energy rituals and movements that are illustrated in the book, The Tibetan Five, The Door of Life, The Zen Swing as well as exercises and techniques that are better accomplished with the a physical copy of the book in hand.

By the time you venture through Part 1, Reality Isn’t What You Think It Is to Part IV of his book “Hacking your Reality” the book does feel a bit like the kitchen sink. Brian Scott embraces everything from meditation to hypnosis to magic to dreams to astral travel to exercises to practical routines to technologies to intentions from the heart and mind and more, all accompanied by personal stories, evidence from both science and psychology, and information drawn from the many books he’s read. I think that is Brian’s style, he is an explorer who likes to dabble in different areas and see what comes of it. He seems to be a ‘Renaissance Man’ from the school of “anything is possible.”

Scott’s voice as an author is just as appealing as his voice on his podcast. He is knowledgeable, a great teacher and storyteller and has put together an amazing first book. I look forward to more to come.
Profile Image for Paula Erardi.
27 reviews
December 30, 2023
I’ve been interested in the concept of reality transurfing, having read Zeland’s books over the last couple of years. Someone directed me to Brian Scott’s YouTube channel a little over one year ago. You can tell that he’s done his research, and his writing style really leaves you wanting to know more. I probably won’t reread the entire book, but focus on the topics that I feel like I can explore deeper. Even though the topics are in-depth and intense, it is not a tedious read.
Profile Image for Noe.
7 reviews
June 3, 2021
This book is absolutely mind-blowing. It covered every single topic I’ve been curious about and this is actually my first book about these subjects so the references to other books made it easier for me to find more material.

This really gave me a lot to think about, in the most wonderful way, even if thinking about some things can be scary because there’s no end to it, knowing how little our minds can actually comprehend.
Profile Image for Kat Starwolf.
233 reviews11 followers
March 22, 2021
Great Stuff!

Brian’s opening life vignette is quite interesting, and likely the primary reason he became interested in the various topics he has. Lots of Life Hacks in Brian’s book. Good ones, too. Even better if you have, at least, a basic knowledge of Quantum Physics. Brian does a good job of explaining how any of this is possible.

I first came across Brian’s reference to his book on his YouTube channel, Brian Scott, The Reality Revolution. If you haven’t listened to his podcasts, do yourself a favor and pick one. Any one. Personally, I was first drawn to his podcasts on the Law of One and Q’uo, since I’ve been studying the Law of One for about 23 years, and Q’uo is an offshoot of RA. But he offers a slew of diverse topics for just about anyone’s taste.

Brian has an excellent way of reading the text and then explaining it as best he can based on his understanding. He’s not a know-it-all. Just a guy who’s extremely interested in learning what the world is about. He is definitely one Extremely Inquisitive Seeker.

If you’ve got questions, Brian probably has an answer.
75 reviews3 followers
June 17, 2021
60% of book is him quoting what others (Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Frederick Dodson Lynne McTaggart, Joseph Murphy, Neville Goddard, Burt Goldman etc) wrote in their books.
Other 40% is him talking about subjects like affirmations, subliminals, lucid dreams, astral projection, meditation, brainwaves, yoga, qigong, etc. And on every subject it's as if he copy pasted article from Wikipedia.

There's absolutely nothing new here that you didn't read elsewhere and no"mind blowing" "hack your reality" stuff.
Jumping from subject to subject, from spinning around to increase your IQ to sensory deprivation tanks.

If you never read anything by those authors and never heard anything about those subjects then this book will be interesting to you and you might learn something new.

Also 90% 5 star reviews on Amazon is probably paid reviews.
Profile Image for Eric.
683 reviews10 followers
December 20, 2020
As a fellow believer of the Reality Revolution, with nonstop reading books, audiobooks I've found I have a lot in common with Brian. Mainly our same interest with Vadim, Dodson, and other authors who are now known in the reality distortion space. I did find it interesting the book mentions Apocryphal Transurfing by Vadim, while there is an English translated book out there, it's not readable. At least I had much difficulty understanding. But overall, this is a great book that all can benefit from. Outstanding research from the Author.
14 reviews
September 17, 2020
This is a great book Everyone should read. Brian will help you through the tough times and help you appreciate the good times. The reality revolution has answers to the many questions of life there for the taking. Keep an open mind and enjoy. Thank you Brian Scott

The Reality Revolution is a great book that everyone should read. Brian will help you through the tough times and help you appreciate the good times. Thank you Brian Scott
1 review
June 22, 2021
Jammed packed with actionable information

Brian has consumed vast amounts of content in all aspects of spirituality and the true reality of the nature of our being. This book is a brilliant compilation of the best information and actionable insights that he has gained through his studies and real-life experiments in the application of what he has learned. Highly recommended reading!!!
Profile Image for Kel Caffekey.
183 reviews2 followers
April 8, 2024
Amazing I took so much from this book. I followed Brian back in 2020 and then gave up YouTube yet somehow this book found its way to me at exactly the right time.
I've taken so many ideas from this book and I'll forever be grateful to this amazing mentor and teacher for his time and effort on YouTube. He helps so many people to remember and access infinite conciousness.
Amazing guy and I've definitely resubscribed 😊
Profile Image for Savannah.
31 reviews
January 26, 2023
Super informative, easy read. Full of resources, activities, and ways to integrate the information.

This book is like an information hub and has helped me add so many other books to my "to read" list 😍
11 reviews
July 28, 2023
Wizard in training

To continue our training on what we are capable of doing and creating. To remember that we are more than power of positive thinking and we really are creator until we learn to practice instead of being couch potato. Just keep learning and practice your skills.
48 reviews1 follower
August 28, 2020
Great book on how you can change your life by changing the way you think.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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