Cristiano Ronaldo's wife top model Georgina Rodríguez talks about their relationship

International Players

Cristiano Ronaldo's wife top model Georgina Rodríguez talks about their relationship

The Spanish model born in Argentina has been in a relationship with the footballer since 2016 and together they had Alana Martina, the youngest of the goalscorer's children.

By Alexis Almosnino

The Spanish model born in Argentina has been in a relationship with the footballer since 2016 and together they had Alana Martina, the youngest of the goalscorer's children.
The Spanish model born in Argentina has been in a relationship with the footballer since 2016 and together they had Alana Martina, the youngest of the goalscorer's children.
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Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez make up one of the most famous couples in Europe, and although the flashes are usually on them, they have managed to escape scandals and the leakage of sensitive information. While the Manchester United player does not usually provide in-depth interviews about his personal life, the model does, who has accompanied him since 2016.

With photo sessions in between, the young Spanish woman born in Argentina is very happy about what her day to day life is with one of the best players of all time, although she clarified that in the mansion where they live he must avoid taking over household chores. "He does not cook. After training all morning, you deserve to find a nice hot plate of lovingly prepared food on the table. We have a chef, and sometimes I cook", confessed.

Georgina Rodríguez also explained that due to the care that her partner carries out, he cannot take care of some tasks: ”Changing a light bulb in our house is impossible, we have such high ceilings. If you were Cristiano Ronaldo, would you change a light bulb almost 20 feet from the ground? Better not. Take care of yourself and dedicate yourself to being the best at what you do. I'll take care of the rest. I make everything go well. I like to take care of my home and my family ”, assured the model.

Alana Martina's mother, who is also in charge of raising the other three children of the former Real Madrid striker, explained that she imitates the player in her physical care and that helps her maintain her figure: “We share the gym because we only have one in the house. I learned a lot from him. It helps me, teaches me and motivates me. In the end you are the reflection of what you see, and I see it. Although I was already a healthy and sporty woman, today, and thanks to him, I feel even better. At first I was ashamed to train with him, he is Cristiano Ronaldo, after all. But then everything changed. He is my inspiration", explained Georgina Rodriguez.

Georgina Rodriguez: Who is Cristiano Ronaldo's wife?

Georgina Rodríguez was born on January 27, 1994 in Argentina, but lived most of her life in the north of Spain, in Jaca, a city of Huesca of only 13,000 inhabitants that is near the border with France, about 460 kilometers from Madrid. The young Argentinean is a dancer and actress, but since she is with Ronaldo she also began her career as a model.

Georgina Rodriguez: Where does he met Cristiano Ronaldo?

Rumors say that Cristiano Ronaldo met Georgina Rodríguez in the VIP area of an event organized in Madrid by Dolce & Gabbana, although it is not too clear when they begin to see each other. "I was struck by the height, the body, the beauty. I was trembling in front of him, but a spark lit up. I am very shy and perhaps this has agitated me more in front of a person who, with a single glance, had me deeply touched. Then the way Cristiano treats me, takes care of me and loves me did the rest", she confessed.

Georgina Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo: What are they planning together?


Regarding the future, the 27-year-old woman surprised: “We would love to be parents again. But let it happen when it happens. Every day with Cris is a gift. We are very happy". In addition, she added: “I am incredibly happy with the family that I have formed. Each of the children has their own personality and they are all wonderful. We adore them all".

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