Jeanne de Salzmann

Jeanne de Salzmann

jeanne de salzmann
Jeanne de Salzmann

Jeanne de Salzmann was Gurdjieff’s closest associate for several decades and she became the spiritual head of the Work after his death in 1949. She carried out this responsibility with remarkable energy and creativity until she died in 1990 at the age of 101. It was her guidance that the film ‘Meetings with Remarkable Men’ was produced along with the director Peter Brook.


The Reality of Being

Based on notebooks kept by G.I. Gurdjieff’s closest follower, this book offers new insight on his spiritual teachings–a way of gnosis or knowledge of being passed on from remote antiquity. It is a complete and uniquely authoritative guide to the great teacher’s ideas and to his methods for liberating ourselves from the state of waking sleep in which most of us live our lives

Published by Shambhala Publications Inc, United States(2011)   ISBN 10: 1590309286  ISBN 13: 9781590309285