About: 21st Century Scholars Program: Indiana University Bloomington


21st Century Scholars: Your Journey Begins Here

The IU 21st Century Scholars Program began in the early 1990s as a way to improve educational opportunities for income-eligible seventh and eighth-grade students and their families. Students who enroll in the Indiana 21st Century Scholars Program and fulfill the program’ Scholar Pledge are guaranteed up to four years of undergraduate tuition at any participating public college or university in Indiana.

Indiana University Bloomington has been a proud partner of the IU 21st Century Scholars Program since its inception, providing financial and academic resources to support, retain and graduate thousands of IU 21st Century Scholars.

Our Mission

The IU 21st Century Scholars Program, administered by the IU Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (OVPDEI), helps low and middle-income families meet the cost of college by providing awareness of the scholarship through outreach and by providing college students with a wide array of support activities and services on campus, including academic tutoring, peer mentoring, housing, and professional workshops such as, financial aid and overseas study scholarship. Our mission is to provide high-quality service in the form of advocacy and holistic programming designed to promote academic achievement, career development, retention, scholarship maintenance, timely graduation at IUB, and to help them understand their role in making a positive impact on the City of Bloomington and beyond.

The IU 21st Century Scholars Program focuses on five key areas:

  • Academic Performance and Persistence
  • Student Engagement and Enrichment
  • Financial Literacy and Debt Management
  • Career Exploration and Preparation
  • Holistic Student Development and Success

Our staff in the IU 21st Century Scholars Program utilize an 'identity-conscious design framework' when developing new programs and supporting diversity and inclusion at Indiana University Bloomington.

Our Vision

The IU 21st Century Scholars Program is committed to providing high-quality holistic student support services that will help prepare our Scholars for lifelong success. Our vision is to help make an Indiana University Bloomington education desirable, accessible, and affordable for all students.

Libby Gress

Every day I am reminded how lucky I am to be a 21st Century Scholar.  This is an amazing program that has changed my trajectory at IU and in life.

Libby Gress

The Covenant

The IU 21st Century Scholarship Covenant, administered by the IU Office of Scholarships, is a financial award to supplement the scholarship component of the IU Bloomington 21st Century Scholars Program. Specifically, the Covenant helps incoming Scholars admitted to the IU Bloomington campus with unmet financial needs to earn their college degree by providing grant aid to cover indirect expenses such as room, board, and books.

Learn more about 21st Century Scholarship Covenant