See HEART Perform In Charlotte During 'Royal Flush' Spring 2024 Tour - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

See HEART Perform In Charlotte During 'Royal Flush' Spring 2024 Tour

May 12, 2024

The Greg Perry YouTube channel has uploaded video of HEART's May 11 concert at Spectrum in Charlotte, North Carolina. Check out the clips below.

In addition to HEART's classic tracks, the setlist for the concert included some tracks from of Ann and Nancy Wilson's solo albums.

The current members of HEART feature Nancy Wilson (rhythm, lead and acoustic guitar, backing and lead vocals),Ann Wilson (lead vocals and flute),Ryan Wariner (lead and rhythm guitar),Ryan Waters (guitars),Paul Moak (guitars, keyboards and backing vocals),Tony Lucido (bass and backing vocals) and Sean Lane (drums and bike).

The setlist for the Charlotte concert was as follows, according to

01. Bebe Le Strange
02. Never
03. Love Alive
04. Little Queen
05. This Is Now (ANN WILSON & TRIPSITTER cover)
06. Straight On / Let's Dance
07. These Dreams
08. Crazy On You
09. Dog & Butterfly (acoustic)
10. Dreamboat Annie (acoustic)
11. Going To California (LED ZEPPELIN cover) (acoustic)
12. 4 Edward (Nancy Wilson song)
13. Mistral Wind
14. Alone / What About Love
15. Magic Man


16. The Ocean (LED ZEPPELIN cover)
17. Barracuda

Last December, HEART played its first three concerts in more than four years — in Highland, California, at Greater Palm Springs in Palm Desert, California, and in Seattle, Washington.

Prior to HEART's December 27, 2023 show in Highland, the band's last performance took place in October 2019 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

"Royal Flush" features CHEAP TRICK as support on most of the North American leg, while SQUEEZE will open a handful of HEART's summer European dates. HEART will also join DEF LEPPARD and JOURNEY for summer stadium shows in Cleveland, Toronto and Boston.

Since HEART's formation in the early 1970s, the band has sold 35 million albums, including seven that made the Top 10, and notched 20 Top 40 singles. The band was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2013.

In a recent interview with Billlboard, < Ann and Nancy Wilson said that they were hoping to work on new music in the near future.

"The thing that we really hope to achieve is to maybe write some more stuff together," Ann said. "We don't have plans for that right now. We don't really plan too far in the future; we're not calculating like that. We're just gonna do this tour and see what comes. But I think if a song comes out of a situation, it'll be a real good one, 'cause it'll be authentic. It's just a matter of me and Nancy getting our heads around that."

Nancy said that she has been going through some of the HEART demos and listening to unreleased material with an eye toward possibly reworking it for future release. "There's a couple unfinished things I'd like to finish off with Ann and [longtime collaborator] Sue [Ennis]," she said. "There's one really, really cool song called 'Sweet Deceiver', but the words were never right, so we never recorded it properly. I think I might want to finish that song; I've been trying to think of new chorus lyrics ever since I heard the demo. I would love to write some new stuff, too.

"If we have a song or two that comes out of HEART, that would be really great. These days, it's kind of like one song at a time, but you can still do a whole album, which is cool. I love albums," she added. "When I can put on an album in its entirety, in the sequence it was intended, that's the best to me."

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