Confesiones de Fray Calabaza by José Mauro de Vasconcelos | Goodreads
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Confesiones de Fray Calabaza

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Esta novela relata la hermosa historia de un personaje apresado por la vida, en la que se sumerge para realizar una experiencia humana muy rica. Por un lado nuestro protagonista se retira de la civilizacion para vivir con los indios, acompanarlos en sus miserias y ayudarlos, preocuparse por su destino sin futuro. Por otro lado vive una intensa historia de amor con una mujer, Paula, poco convencional, como lo es todo el libro, con quien atraviesa por los lugares bellos y tragicos del vinculo amoroso pero nunca lugares comunes.

378 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1966

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About the author

José Mauro de Vasconcelos

40 books1,031 followers
José Mauro was born in Rio de Janeiro on February 26 of 1920. His family was very poor, and when he was still very young, he migrated to Natal where relatives took care of him. Entering the Medical Faculty, José abandoned the course of studies in his second year and returned to Rio de Janeiro.[citation needed] There he worked as a boxing instructor and even as a painter's model.

José iniciated his literature with the novel Banana Brava. His greatest success was his novel Meu Pé de Laranja Lima, that tells about his own personal experiences and the shocks he suffered in his childhood with the abrupt changes of life.

José was part Indian and part Portuguese. He passed his childhood in Natal. When he was 9 years old, he learned to swim, and with pleasure he still remembers the days when he threw himself to the waters of the Potengi River to train for swimming competitions. José frequently went to the sea. He won many swimming competitions and, like every boy, liked to play soccer and to climb on trees. José's first job, from 16 yars old to 17 years old, was a sparring partner of featherweight boxers. Next, he worked in a farm in Mazomba, his job was to carry bananas. After that, he became a fisherman and lived on the coastline at Rio de Janeiro. Later he moved to Recife, where he became an elementary teacher and teacher at a fishermen's center.

Because of his prodigious capacity of telling stories, possessing a fabulous memory, brilliant imagination, and a large human experience, José felt he was obligated to become an author, and started to write novels when he was 22 years old.

The author had his original methods of writing. In the beginning, he would choose the scenarios where the characters would move. Then he would transfer to this place and do rigorous studies there. To write the novel Arara Vermelha, José traveled 450 leagues in the brute wilderness. Next, he builds all the novel, determining even the sentences of the dialogues. He had a memory that, for a long time, allowed him to remember every little detail of his studied scenario. "When the story is entirely made in imagination", reveals the author, "is when I begin to write. I only work I have the impression that the novel is exiting from all the pores of the body."

José relates that after finishing writing the first chapter, he passes to the conclusion of the novel, without even elaborating the plot. "That, he explains "because all the chapters are already produced mentally. It is not really important writing a sequence, like alterating the order. In the end everything goes well". José was a cinemactor and worked in films such as Carteira Modelo 19, Fronteiras do Inferno, Floradas na Serra, Canto do Mar (of which he wrote the screenplay), Na Garganta do Diabo, and A Ilha. He won many prizes, such as the Saci prize to best supporting actor, the Saci prize to the best actor of the year, and the Governo do Estado prize to best actor of the year. His novels Arara Vermelha and Vazante were filmed.

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Profile Image for Wardeia.
214 reviews98 followers
October 13, 2023
احس اني آسفة له اني حاطة التقييم نجمة وحدة بس .. لأني من عشاق زيزا وشجرتي شجرة البرتقال من أفضل أفضل مفضلاتي وساكنة بقلبي وحبيته منها لكن آخر روايتين كانت من أكثر الخيبات فيه وهالشي مؤلم لأني كنت متحمسة جدًا لهالجزء ومتشوقة له .. قرأتها وأنهيتها بصعوبة بالغة خالية من المتعة وكأن فيه خنجر على عنقي ، والترجمة سيئة جدًا للأمانة . بالنهاية وداعًا زيزا وسأظل أذكرك كما كنت ذاك الطفل بعمر 8 سنوات وذاك العصفور الذي بصدرك ❤
Profile Image for Gláucia Renata.
1,252 reviews38 followers
September 24, 2022
Apesar do título, o protagonista não é um frei, nem um religioso. Ab é um missionário que se embrenha em meio à reservas indígenas do Goiás a fim de ajudar "os anjinhos buchudinhos", como ele chama os indígenas.
Narrado de forma não linear vamos aos poucos tomando conhecimento dos detalhes de sua vida, focado principalmente no seu amor por Paula, moça rica com quem vive um romance.
Achei o livro sofrível, muito ruim mesmo, especialmente pelo tom melodramático exagerado.
O auge do "sofrimento", tanto pra mim quanto para o protagonista, foi quando ele vê que seu ideal de romance e de amor está aos poucos morrendo pois Paula está ficando, pasmem, velha!
Não deu pra mim...

Histórico de leitura

"O frio desembrulhara-se todo como uma cortina de gelo esfiapado a contorcer-se no vento da noite."
Profile Image for Dana.
175 reviews1 follower
February 4, 2024
الترجمة سيئة جداً… أنا مترجمة واقدر مجهودهم ولكن اشعر بانني اقرأ ترجمة حرفية ما هذا العذاب وهنالك العديد من الأخطاء الإملائية.. وبعد القليل من البحث ادركت أن "فراي كالابازا" تعني الراهب يقطين لذا حتى العنوان نوعاً ما مغلوط ..

أريد انهاء السلسة لذا اشتريت هذه النسخة من دار نشر اخرى كنت قد قرأت جميع الأجزاء السابقة من دار ماسكيليانى اتمنى لو انني صبرت قليلاً .. سأنتظر حتى اجد نسخة اخرى لا اريد ان اظلم القصة فطريقة السرد مزعجة ..
Profile Image for Aline.
16 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2021
Maravilhoso!!! Até chorei lendo! Competindo com "O Meu pé de laranja Lima", é um dos melhores!
Profile Image for Cristiana.
311 reviews56 followers
January 3, 2022
" A gente só faz alguma coisa por outrem por três motivos: ou porque gosta, ou porque pode ou porque está de bom humor"

"A vida tem pequenos momentos de ternura que cortam menos doloridamente a condenação de ser vivo"

"Quando a gente não ajuda a matar as ilusões a vida se compromete a destruí-las uma a uma, com o passar do tempo"

"Um homem só tem mesmo de real é a verdadeira noção da sua fraqueza"

"Pensando, porque quando você fica estatificado horas por dia pode pensar. É a sua única libertação"

"Viver é desabrochar uma alma na solidão de um corpo. Pensar que você gostaria de participar cem por cento dos outros. E quando pensa ter atingido no mínimo dez por cento dos cem, quando muito conseguiu um por cento dos dez"

"Vede o que foi um homem! Nasceu, doeu e morreu. E vós que esperais pelo céu escutai: o céu é apenas uma palavra de uma sílaba que também começa por "C" e termina por "U"."
Profile Image for Silvinita.
7 reviews5 followers
October 26, 2011
Lo leí hace tiempo, pero me marcó mucho...
Un libro muy muy lindo, que deja entrever mucho de su biografía. Creo que entre sus obras, este y Rosinha mi canoa me parecieron más para jovenes-adultos. Los demás son para "niños" de todas las edades!
Lo recomiendo
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