The master's degree includes two years of 60 credits (120 ECTS). After three years of general training in applied sciences, it is the time to specialise. The Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles offers no less than eight masters, all in English, five of which are organized jointly with the VUB as part of Bruface. Each of them ends with a diploma of Civil Engineering, labeled EUR-ACE, which attests to the excellence of our teaching. 

Civil engineers can opt for one of seven possible masters: Construction, Chemistry and Materials Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Electromechanics, Computer Science, Physics and Biomedical. The civil engineers architects continue their course within the Msc in Architectural Engineering.

On the practical side, the master's degree offers different projects: Team Leader, Shell Eco-Marathon, Triaxes, or Development Cooperation. A 12-week internship in a company is also planned to develop your professional skills.

Updated on June 2, 2024